Author Topic: Strange Fur Texture Replacement Issue (FIXED)  (Read 2071 times)

Offline PandaPawzZz

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Strange Fur Texture Replacement Issue (FIXED)
« on: June 03, 2016, 04:47:11 pm »
EDIT: I finally fixed the issue with the texture problem! Hopefully I won't have that same problem again. xD I just decided to reinstall Feralheart and it seemed to have solved the issue. Luckily I saved most of my presets, maps, and GUI, so I can just reinsert them in. cx

Not really sure how I was supposed to title my predicament with this issue I am having, but maybe someone will catch on with what I am about to discuss my rather annoying issue I am having with replacing my fur textures?

Anyways, I know how to replace fur textures in the textures folder.. it's just that the matter of going in the game and the fur shade is the exact same from the previous fur shade I was just using (Tearless's Fur Texture Mod For Canines) even though I had just changed the fur texture to something else. Now, I put the files in the right spots, because I have been pretty familiar with modding texture files for a while. It's just rather confusing why ONLY the masks have changed but the fur texture stays where it is even though it is not present in the texture folder?

If you are still confused at what I am getting at, here is a picture that shows my problem:

Now, as you can see, I was trying to go back to the default fur textures and only the masks have made a difference. For some odd reason Tearless's fur shade has remained in place. Why it still remains that way is beyond me. That is what I am trying to figure out: Why is the fur texture the ONLY thing that remains in the game when I SPECIFICALLY changed the fur shade back to the default fur shade instead? I am so confused, I have been having this issue ever since I decided to change out fur textures, but had no such luck because they always seem to stay on the Tearless fur canine mod. BUT get this... I have no problem changing the feline fur texture masks and shades, but the canine is my biggest issue when it comes to changing the fur texture. I mean, I even have a picture of the default fur shades placed in the textures folder and they are .JPG, which is what it is supposed to be according to the 'cmain' file in the materials folder. Here is the second picture I was mentioning about the default fur shade files being in the textures folder:

See? The default fur shades are in the right place, but as you see in the first picture I showed you, it only changed the masks. I honestly am pretty stumped about this problem. I had to deal with just using the Tearless canine fur textures for a long time, and I wasn't sure if I was going report this issue until today.

Has anyone had this issue and maybe have the solution to how to change the fur shades? I mean, I could be missing something that was so easy to fix that I was too frustrated to notice it. But right now I cannot wrap my head around why only the masks have changed at all, but the when trying to replace the fur shade, it just remains the same as before I even tried to replace them.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 09:09:59 pm by PandaPawzZz »

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Re: Strange Fur Texture Replacement Issue
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2016, 04:55:38 pm »
Hmm, I b'lieve I 'ave come across this issue once b'fore. I'd suggest d'leting the old textures from the folder and r'place them with the default textures like ye wanted. It could just be a problem with the computer recognizing the change of these files and d'cided to not r'place them like ye asked.

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Re: Strange Fur Texture Replacement Issue
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2016, 04:57:58 pm »
Ah, I have indeed encountered this little problem when I wanted to change out of Tearless except I had almost opposite results.
I had to delete an extra mask or two from the Tearless texture in order for everything else to work properly.
A quick trick you can do is switch EVERYTHING back to default, getting rid of any extra masks, textures and then trying again.
Make sure when it asks for you to replace, you click yes as a little reminder. Hopefully something works out c:

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Offline PandaPawzZz

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Re: Strange Fur Texture Replacement Issue
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2016, 05:21:17 pm »
Hmm, I b'lieve I 'ave come across this issue once b'fore. I'd suggest d'leting the old textures from the folder and r'place them with the default textures like ye wanted. It could just be a problem with the computer recognizing the change of these files and d'cided to not r'place them like ye asked.

I was actually thinking about changing everything back to default in the textures folder, though I wasn't sure if that would help, but that actually sounds like the best option to do, to just start the textures fresh completely. I shall try that method and see if it works. ^^ Thank you for the advice, Enoki!

Ah, I have indeed encountered this little problem when I wanted to change out of Tearless except I had almost opposite results.
I had to delete an extra mask or two from the Tearless texture in order for everything else to work properly.
A quick trick you can do is switch EVERYTHING back to default, getting rid of any extra masks, textures and then trying again.
Make sure when it asks for you to replace, you click yes as a little reminder. Hopefully something works out c:

Ah, kind of what Enoki mentioned as well. I may try to make everything default again and see if that'll fix everything. That may be the issue I could have easily fixed all along. xD Just wasn't 100% sure if it would work, but I can try! Thank you for the help as well, Hakumi.^^

I'll try these methods and if it actually fixes the problem, I will come back and announce that it is fixed.

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Re: Strange Fur Texture Replacement Issue (FIXED)
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2016, 12:40:05 am »
Locking this since the issue appears to be solved c:
Farewell everyone<3