Author Topic: -|| Alumit-Summit ||- Active || Mapped || Tribes || Semi-Real || Long-Term ||  (Read 977 times)

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We are a Long-term, Semi-Real, Semi-Lit roleplay of tribal wolves from the cretaceous period. Two tribes living amongst themselves in Alumit-Summit. We are a mapped tribe and active daily and ready to strive to became large and active but we are new and lacking bodies to fill our ranks. We are sited and use discord as our main communication

In times of gold and old, where giants still hunted the plains and land nor water were safe, we were the predators,
the strength and skill laid by those who came before us was unmatched and unrivaled, even by those superior races of dinosaurs and lizards who feared us
But one day, the sky fell
No warning, no resistance, no mercy, it wiped all that stood in the surface with unstoppable force that even our skilled kind couldnt withstand.
Some hid in the deepest of caverns, some ran and fled to the darkest of forests, and after the surface colded itself back into giving life, we were reborn as well
We now seek to find our lost kind, recover our strenght and find our path back into being a mighty species of the surface!

But these packs tribes are viewed as a lesser species in the current era and have become aggressive due to the patronising, causing the two tribes to start dispute and fight over the fishing grounds. the anger and hatred only seems to grow within these two tribes, will war be their destruction or will the tribes unite and finally be able to reclaim their dominant rank within the food chain.

The Tribes

Votravna canines live in a more rocky land area with a strong build and powerful legs its easy for us to get  around those land forms. We also have thick pelts that keep us warm from the wind and large padded paws to protect our self's from sharp rocks

Carnavverri tibe prefer to live in the low mountains away from wind and tend to stick to over-grown areas to hide and rather stealth than brute strength. that's not to say we are week but we strategize situations rather than fight one on one.


We accept any pattern but colour must be realistic. Due to our tribe traditions the leaders of each tribe have the ability to make paint from their ancestors findings and apply them to our current traditions

Each tribe have their own colour, Carnavverri is red and Votravna is blue. These colours are a common paint to see on the members of each tribe use these paints as branding to those who pledge their loyalty, a symbol of tribe-hood.

An example of the types of paint patterns you are expected to see are circles , lines or the packs symbols, nothing over the top as the paints are rare to create.


This territory map displays the location of the camps and neutral territories including the meeting-place

If you interested in joining please fill out an application. if successful we will contact you directly.

Character Name:

what is your character Gender:

Picture of character:

In-game Username:

Character age:

Discord user: (for contact)

how active can you be: (0-10)

What tribe do you wish to join?

Rp sample:

« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 09:56:25 am by brittnie.w »