Author Topic: Brand new Husky role-play series, accepting members with 30+ active recruits  (Read 657 times)

Offline Moonchez

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Hey guys! Akita here (Aka Moonchez) I'm finally here to announce a new pack that's accepting members! This pack has 30+ members and is looking forward to increasing its numbers.  This is a discord held group, if I'm not online on Feral Heart, contact me on discord: Akita The Husky#2858, the spaces are included.  I'll just tell a brief story of the pack and how things go! Kibou Huskies: A group of Huskies was on their mission to travel from Alaska to Canada, during the trip the snowflakes awoken from the skies and covered half of the earth with glittering snow. Akita, the female head of the sled and her team witnessed a death during the travel, the death of their human you could say.  Left out in the open, no food or water they had to survive on their own in the harsh cold.. This role-play series will consist of you adding your character-bio and rank on discord, role-play sessions are normally active as for right now we're downloading a custom map only for this role-play! Downloads are needed in order for no marsh-mellow people to be seen, we give you a warm welcome and a happy new years! ~Akita The Husky
« Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 01:39:41 pm by Moonchez »