Author Topic: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive  (Read 1641 times)

Offline Botto21

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i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« on: August 07, 2018, 02:37:36 pm »
feral heart is one of those games that i find myself deleting, then reinstalling a few months later, again and again.
the biggest thing i dislike in this game may be the amount of mods.
you read about the game, you register (after weeks of staying up until midnight so you wont miss those 2 daily hours of open registering,) you download it, and you should be fine - right?
ohh you naive little -Content Removed by Moderator-
first you have to learn how to install markings, items, maps, textures, objects, enbs, presets, podiums, animations, sky mods, interfaces.... do i have to continue?..
and even then, you may have installed an unpopular pack of items/markings and now you will either see other items instead of the ones the people have around you or you will get surrounded by marshmallows. - same with presets
"oh look theres this awesome thing called preset sync lemme just download that and now i'll see everyone's awesome creations!"
yeah, if you have a gaming computer, which you probably don't, and even if you would, you wouldn't waste your precious storage on feralheart presets. on the other hand, if you do make it work, get ready for a handful of corrupted presets, cause those things loooooove to -Content Removed by Moderator-your ability to enjoy the game.
feral heart is made out of about 80 percent mods, 19 percent game. whats that 1%, you ask?
booy where should i start.
lets start with rping groups
scene 1) you go to the grounds, you see this movie about an rp group, you make a character for it. great, you think, but you go back to the grounds to join the group, but oh no, whats this, you cant find the advertiser. and i mean never again.
its like they can sense that someone spends 3 hours on creating a character so they quickly go offline and never look back again
but i mean who am i to judge, going offline is way better than putting effort into this game at all
scene 2) you finally get into that damned group. yes. ;-;
and then it goes inactive a week later.
this happens to every second group on fh.. at least since the update.. there was this one pack, i think its name was Benevolent Wolf Pack? as far as i knew they split up because of the maps updated, and they were the biggest group on here. (gotta love how there are not even leaderboards)
scene 3) you whisper the admin of the group, they're asking for an rpsr
alright you think, starting to write a literal novel as a reply.
you finish writing your soul down, you hit enter.
XXxEpicvolfgémerHUNxxX is offline.
woopsie daisy, there goes your 2 hours of effort c:
sure, you could copy it to somewhere else and save it
if you COULD
come the -Content Removed by Moderator-on, is it that hard to include selecting text in a game. im asking you developers. everyone is so tired of typing miles long URLs into that god damned chatbox. please.
"oo theres tinyurl for that go use that"
bug off. if the makers cant give a single -Content Removed by Moderator-, i wont either

hh this turned out more like a rant.
and dont get me wrong i could meet awesome people here, some trolls too
i just dont have the mood, i think..
in conclusion: it's not you, dont get this post on yourself. this wasnt directly written against anyone.
farewell. i may give this account away, since others want to play really bad but they always miss the dates of registrations.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 04:18:54 pm by Kynvuu »

Offline Edolicious

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Re: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2018, 04:06:50 pm »
I'm sorry to hear you're having this many frustrations with the game, Botto. I really am.
There's really no need for any strong language though. Censored or not.
I'm not sure if you already know, but I don't believe there's a way to include copy-paste permissions within the game when the source code isn't available. The creator took that with him when he left.

Thus, people create user-made content to spice things up a little, since there's not much that can be done without the source code. That's where the MODs come from. As far as the 'necessities' go for MODs, I'd say only the items and mass marking downloads are needed to keep with the times and be able to see other people's character's correctly. Which is a bummer, I know, but again, not much can be done there. Most other MODs are solely based on personal preference. Want the moon to look different? Download a MOD. Want your canine texture's to look fluffier? Download another MOD, etc etc. But none of those are requirements.

As far as the group activity and such goes, that's been common for a long while. It can be tricky to find a good, active group, but when you do it's almost always worth it. And given the next patch for the game could be coming, that might help to boost activity as well.

But as a final note, I wouldn't recommend giving your account away.

I wish I had more to say on the rest of this, but I don't have any other input. I truly hope you're able to find a game out there that suits your interests. Stay safe out there.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 04:09:11 pm by Edolicious »
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Re: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2018, 04:25:08 pm »
Please refrain from swearing in your posts, as swearing is prohibited both on the forums and in-game.

Sorry to hear that you are having some issues with enjoying the game. As mentioned above though, Mods aren't always a necessity to have fun inside the game, but I can understand your frustrations when some computers cant handle the amount of downloads etc.
I hope that things improve for you soon, but take care~

On a temporary leave. Please contact other members of staff if you need assistance.

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Re: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2018, 10:25:54 pm »
I do get your point. Its sad you want to go but your reasons are valid.
What bugs me most is the markings-marshmellows and the item stuff. I remember downloading markings packs just to get rid of the lots of marshmellows.

May you find something more suitable out there :)

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Re: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2018, 11:44:42 pm »
FH has it's downsides and stuff yeah but look at it in a positive sense. At least there's some people willing to make free content for us.

Sure it's a hassle but we can't change it. It's just how it is and how it's going to be. -shrug- You're free to find another game that you find more enjoyable, we won't bug you about it.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 11:46:18 pm by WolfQueen »

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Re: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2018, 01:07:22 am »
D'aw... Sorry you feel this way, Botto. I understand fully where you're coming from, though.

FeralHeart can be frustrating, by all means. From getting the game, to installing add-ons so you don't see marshmallows. I like to see this game as a patient one. One where you get more satisfaction in the long run of it- rather than instant glee, that then dies off and leaves you searching for that little boost of happiness again, all to start the cycle over again. What I mean by this, is that you take something small, and make it into something great; something you can be proud of.

When I first joined this game, I could see marshmallows everywhere I looked, but I was fine with that because I was just happy I had the game. Later on down the road, I became interested in the markings and items. I learned how to install them, and off I went from there to creating stuff. It's probably just me, but I personally am FASCINATED with how games work and how you make them, put content in, ext., and that's why I had no problem with installing everything, because I was learning how a portion of it worked.

Anywho- sorry to hear you're leaving, but it's your choice. I hope you can find something that fits you! Take care, Botto!

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Re: i'm leaving/why this account is now inactive
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2018, 06:40:07 am »
FH has it's downsides and stuff yeah but look at it in a positive sense. At least there's some people willing to make free content for us.
Thank you, WolfQueen! This was really great to hear. I appreciate it!

I'm sorry you feel the way you do. FeralHeart has really grown on me over my years and it has grown on many other people. I wish your experience could have been more of a positive one. I agree with a lot of what has been brought up already in the others' posts. There really isn't a need to download modifications to the game if you don't want to download them. It just happens to be the popular choice to have more markings to choose from which is why people choose to download Legendary Markings.

At first glance, there is a lot to FeralHeart that can seem overwhelming. When I first started playing, I felt overwhelmed by the amount of content there was. There is a lot of manual installation involved in creating content or adding the content you want to FeralHeart, but taking the short time to figure out what to do is really worth it in the long run. And there are loads of people around willing to help if you need help getting started or instructed on how to install something into the game.

I feel like I need to make another point. We as a staff team are working tirelessly on this next update for FeralHeart. We hope that everything we plan to pack in to this next update and change will help ease some of yours and others' frustrations. No, we don't have the source code so no we cannot implement a copy-paste function into the game. We would like to but can't. We are doing the best with what we have. I do hope you change your mind and decide to stick around for that and see the change. In the meantime, take care out there!
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