Author Topic: issues with new FH  (Read 861 times)

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issues with new FH
« on: November 06, 2018, 11:48:53 pm »
I really appreciate the time put into updating FH and I'm happy to see it's still being updated after so many years.  I haven't had an issue with the game at all before.
Just some information before I begin, I run FH through an application for macs called PlayOnMac which helps run windows exes on macs.  So far this has not effected anything but maybe it's worth mentioning.  I do not run any harsh mods, retextures, ENBs, etc on it because they aren't mac friendly.

I excitedly downloaded the new FH and ripped apart my old FH to install my RP's map, my RP's presets, and my maps and objects. I was careful in doing this to not replace any of the new FH's files, assuming they needed to be in tact of course.  I deleted anything default from my old FH as I was copying stuff in so that they wouldn't paste and replace into the new FH, and made sure I wasn't replacing anything upon pasting.

Yesterday and today it worked fine post installing of my old stuff but progressively throughout my day today it's just.  I don't know.  Maybe corrupting?  Slowly becoming more and more unrunnable.  I haven't even gone into the new maps, just my same old map and the grounds.
I think the issues began after recruiting today, so in a public map.  I've been randomly freezing, crashing, more so than usual (i only crash when changing into maps, typically) and then when I try to reload, a lot of the time it'll start and freeze on just a white blank screen and not get to the menu.  I can get to the menu a few tries later or after a few minutes which is a nuisance when I'm trying to recruit or in the middle of a session.  Again I say I appreciate the update and I know this is likely a me problem, so please don't take my slight annoyance as annoyance with the staff or map creators.
A few times when I did surpass white screen stuff, I wouldn't be able to switch characters from the first one in the line.  It would freeze upon clicking an arrow.

Fortunately PlayOnMac has a debug thing which debugs applications for you.  I used debug once or twice which still required one or two restarts to get past the white screen but I could get on quicker.  Things were looking up!

And then, just now, I used debug like I use on any problematic application annnnd I came back to FH to find that plants... don't render anymore?  And only plants is the weirdest part... I can see rocks and the building in our RP's map.
I will note that the old FH would allow me to debug without any issues, so that's why I'm very confused here.  I mean I've been running FH like this for years, and never have I had so many issues.  I'm worried because Raz said this is the first of many updates which is exciting and great, FH is my childhood man, but if I'm having this many issues with the first one then now I'm a little down.

So now that I've explained my issue, I do have two questions.
1) the obvious one of does anyone know what's going on or what corrective action I can take and
2) is there somewhere I can download the old FH and if I can, does it allow me to connect to the same server that new FH does??  Like I said above, I ripped apart my old FH to install things to the new one ):

FH worked perfectly fine with me installing my old stuff onto it at first and I didn't install anything else at all since then.  I don't have additional mods or preset sync or poor connection, I don't know what to do.  Suggestions appreciated!

find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !


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Re: issues with new FH
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2018, 12:40:23 am »
Hello Leda!

It took me a bit to read through this, but I think I have a better understanding now.
I'm truly sorry this is happening, but hopefully I can help you a bit. If I can't, I am hoping someone else here can.

Since you have PlayOnMac, I do know it's a bit iffy with certain exe's and anything having to do with FH, as it struggles with running certain things from windows or installing things correctly.

One of the many issues that could be occuring with the white-screen and lag, and overall crashing could be:

1. Your subsystem that renders the game could be a huge issue.
2. The influx of members now coming into the game could be causing sudden lag.
3. Your game settings, which includes water reflection and viewing distance could affect the game performance.
I know someone wrote a guide here and question 4 deals with crashing and whatnot.

If you need to go back to the old FH, here is a link to do so! This is the previous update, and you'll be able to play I believe, you just won't have the new or updated maps on it. However, I do think you should try the regular Mac setup, which someone created here: Link Here and see if it works! It may work better for you then, I just recommend trying it out if you haven't already.

If none of that works, you can always try using Bloo's download for the newest patch, which is a direct download rather than having the installer do it. Here is the direct download, if you choose to do so. Link Here

And FINALLY, if that doesn't work for you or you choose not to do so, you can simply use the link to the 1.15 download I gave and stick with it. Just remember to save all your files and then copy them in where they should be. <3 Hope this helps.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 12:43:41 am by Calvary »

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Re: issues with new FH
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2018, 01:49:11 am »
Hello Leda!

It took me a bit to read through this, but I think I have a better understanding now.
I'm truly sorry this is happening, but hopefully I can help you a bit. If I can't, I am hoping someone else here can.

Since you have PlayOnMac, I do know it's a bit iffy with certain exe's and anything having to do with FH, as it struggles with running certain things from windows or installing things correctly.

One of the many issues that could be occuring with the white-screen and lag, and overall crashing could be:

1. Your subsystem that renders the game could be a huge issue.
2. The influx of members now coming into the game could be causing sudden lag.
3. Your game settings, which includes water reflection and viewing distance could affect the game performance.
I know someone wrote a guide here and question 4 deals with crashing and whatnot.

If you need to go back to the old FH, here is a link to do so! This is the previous update, and you'll be able to play I believe, you just won't have the new or updated maps on it. However, I do think you should try the regular Mac setup, which someone created here: Link Here and see if it works! It may work better for you then, I just recommend trying it out if you haven't already.

If none of that works, you can always try using Bloo's download for the newest patch, which is a direct download rather than having the installer do it. Here is the direct download, if you choose to do so. Link Here

And FINALLY, if that doesn't work for you or you choose not to do so, you can simply use the link to the 1.15 download I gave and stick with it. Just remember to save all your files and then copy them in where they should be. <3 Hope this helps.

Since the update before this one, PlayOnMac no longer allows OpenGL to work.  I'm always in Direct3D9 and it will crash on OpenGL, sometimes not even open at all.
I would assume it'd be the influx of members, since I always have my settings down.  Hm.
PlayOnMac is definitely iffy yeah, but thats why I was here asking for help, because despite it's iffiness I've never had an issue with feralheart itself ):
And I appreciate the help but I believe the mac set up you linked is the same thing I'm using, right?  The PlayOnMac setup I was talking about.  That's exactly how I've always ran it, but thank you anyways.  ^^;

I appreciate it, I think I'll see if it's chilled out when there's not as many people online, and then try the older version you linked (thank god for that.)
I'm fine with the older version, it just would have been nice to see the maps.  I hope I'll be able to soon, especially if there's going to be more added.

Thanks again.

find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

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Re: issues with new FH
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2018, 02:00:06 am »
Hey, hun! Shay had some problems with the new update on Mac as well and ended up finding a solution! Try checking out her short tutorial here:

You are amazing <3