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Seasons Avatars
« on: February 14, 2019, 12:03:10 am »
Seasons Avatars
Children of the Heroes

Four divine heroes brought life to a barren wasteland by bringing the elements to its shores and showering the lands creatures with fertile soil and bountiful prey. Soon the land became a paradise for all walks of life and the heroes became revered and worshiped; clans were formed to honor them and their deeds. They shared their powers with their followers and allowed them to control the elements of their chosen season:
Klax, the Avatar of Winter- The strongest of the heroes, Klax is stern and disciplined, bending the ice and snow to his whim to create terrible storms to cleanse the lands. His element is water.

Kinna, the Avatar of Spring- The kindest of the heroes, Kinna is full of passion and determination and, while soft, is no pushover. She blooms the flowers, raises the trees and renews the lands to prepare for new life. Her element is earth.

Trix, the Avatar of Autumn- The trickiest of the heroes, Trix likes to bask in a job well done and admire his horde, his boundless energy never keeps him in one place for long. His excess energy leaves him plenty of time for practical jokes. His element is wind.

Syn, the Avatar of Summer- The heartiest of the heroes, Syn likes to relax and take things easy, she's full of spirit and loves to spar and lay in the sun. Warm weather is the time for fun, according to Syn. Her element is fire.

The peace that the heroes brought was short lived, the clans began to quarrel, tearing the land asunder; devastating fires, harsh winters, powerful winds, and piercing rains lay waste to their once beautiful home. In order to restore balance, the heroes greatly hindered their followers powers so they may no longer cause such devastation. They retreated into the earth for a long rest to slowly restore the land to its former glory but they promised that, one day, they'd return.

The Clans:
Clan of Klax
Champions of Winter

The Klax clan are diligent fighters that favor the harshness of winter with the belief that it makes them more resilient.

Lord/Lady- Primary leader, oversees group affairs and keeps all the ranks in line.
Duke/Duchess- Heirs to the clan.
Thane- Adviser, keeps a secondary eye on the clan and military affairs. Reports to the Lord and Lady.
Volur- Sorcerers that are able to tap into the heroes magic more efficiently for more powerful spells.
Hersir- Personally chosen by the Lord and Lady. Leader of the warriors.
Berserker/Valkyrie- Elite warriors, the backbone of the attack.
Marauder- Raiders, specialize in stealth and are the main hunters for the clan.
Drang- Warrior in training

Generally snowy and cold colors. Often adorned with horns regardless of species.

Able to manipulate water and water variants like ice and mist (not limited to just bending).

Can be very aggressive in perusing 'order', thick headed, and stubborn, looks down upon those deemed weak.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Clan of Kinna
Lovers of Spring

The Kinna clan are kind, kindred spirits that worship the new bloom and new life.

King/Queen- Monarch of the clan. Keeps watch over their clans well being and moral.
Prince/Princess- Next in line for the throne.
Emissary- Adviser to the royal family.
Hunter/Huntress- Primary food supplier for the clan.
Gatherer- Food supplier for the clans vegetarian folk. Also supplies herbs for the sages.
Fortune Teller- Predicts future events through visions and signs from nature.
Waywatchers- Guardians of the clan and the primary fighters, escorts the hunters and gatherers.
Sage- Healers of the clan, channels more magic from the earth.

Generally light, and springly colors of the new bloom. Often adorned with feathers or flowers.

Able to manipulate earth and earth variants.

They may be healers but sometimes their vision can become skewed in their quest to 'purify' the land that can lead to bloodshed in the name of righteousness.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Clan of Trix
Seekers of Autumn

Busy workers and energetic tricksters, the clan of Trix often busy themselves teasing and taunting the clans and hoarding food or whatever grabs their attention.

Emperor/Empress- Leaders of the clan, oversee clan activity and hoard stock.
Caesar- Heir to the throne.
Magister- Advisors to the throne, keeps good track of what is brought into camp and by whom. Relays the words of the leaders to the clan.
Pontifex- Priest channeling high magic.
Imperator- Supreme legion commander.
Centurion- Primary fighters.
Scutarius- 'Tankier' members of the legion meant to be on the front lines absorbing hits.
Vigilum- Spies sent out into the night to gather intelligence.
Vanator- Hunters of the clan.

Autumn colors from dull to vibrant. Often adorned with gems and jewels from their hoard.

Able to manipulate wind and wind variants.

The Trix clan are very prideful and like to show off their treasures. Some secretly feel they're inferior and wish to impress the other clans. This behavior, on top of their tricks, sometimes puts a strain on their relations with other clans.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Clan of Syn
Guardians of Summer

The Syn clan love nothing more than a relaxing summers day to train or just take in the warmth.

Chieftain- Leader of the clan. Unlike the other clans, their leader is chosen more democratically.
Owler- Relays important information to the Chieftain.
Warhorn- Charges and coordinates attacks.
Brawler- Top fighters. Heavy hitters that take the brunt of the assault.
Flanker- Faster than the Brawlers, they try to surprise and pick off weakened opponents.
Sensu- Elder that teaches young fighters.
Skinner- Hunter/gatherer.
Shaman- Higher magic prowess.

Earthen tones with fiery accents. Often adorned with pieces of slain prey to commemorate a good hunt.

Able to manipulate fire and fire variants.

Despite their high spirited and easy going nature, a Syn scorned is not to be taken lightly. Their thirst for vengeance grows as the silent embers stoke the flames of rage.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Clan Names
Traditionally the clans named their offspring after the heroes by incorporating their name either into their primary name or as 'last name'. Klax and Trix clans generally put the name at the end (EX: Elklax, Svenklax, Raetrix, Veltrix). Kinna and Syn clans put the name first (EX: Kinnaga, Kinnavinha, Synteriff, Synciel). This is merely a suggestion for lore sake.

Don’t feel like you fit into a clan? Can’t decide? Loners are more than welcome! These lands are teeming with magic, who knows who or what they might attract and for what reason.

About the RP

-This is fantasy based
-Semi-lit to lit
-Map by genesis199
-Multi species
Quick note about alignments: I hesitate to call any clan “good” or “evil” because they all believe themselves righteous according to their own moral compass, the alignments are there to give an idea of what general ideals govern each clan.

-Don’t be a turd
-You’re not invincible
-No immediate kills

Magic rules:
-Everyone gets 2 primary spells (specialized magic users get 3) and 1 cantrip, spells are draining and can only be used once per battle except for cantrips.
-Unless you are a specialized magic user, your spells cannot be too powerful Ex: fire breath is fine, fire storm is not.
-Cantrips are simple spells like a strong gust of wind or a smoke screen. After use they have a two turn cool down.

I'm more than willing to take suggestions along the way to make this a better experience for those who choose to come aboard. Message me here or in game if interested.