Author Topic: What RP Do You Want?  (Read 1875 times)

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What RP Do You Want?
« on: April 09, 2019, 08:12:12 am »
So I've been mindmapping potential RP ideas, because I'd like to gather as many people as I can together in a family-orientated group that consist of what the members themselves want, not what the leader makes.

So I thought instead of trying to guesstimate, I'd make this thread. For those who are interested, can talk about what animals/theme/features they'll want to see in this group. Name ideas?
Preset friendly? Mapped or mapless?
Custom markings?
Custom items?
Closed/open/already existing species?
Do we want a discord server? A website?
Roleplay samples? Are they needed?
Certain colours - should neon be allowed?
Rivals & allies - do we want them? How will we open them up to other groups?
How regular should activity checks be?
Should there be a deviantArt group?

What I'd love to personally do is have the group living in the old FH maps. A lot of users have said they miss them dearly - and while they may make a return in the future rather than the next patch, it would be nice to be able to use all the maps, both current and old and custom, as a nomadic group.

I want to bring something special to invite more people into the roleplaying world.
Or bring back old roleplaying lovers who are yet to find an RP they can actually stay in and enjoy whenever they're online.

So what do you guys actually want for this RP group? I've listed some ideas for you to reference above, but if there's anything you can add, you're all more than welcome to post it.

An important note:
I've decided to make this group looking at feedback from
FeralHeart Community Suggestion Poll and want to improve the transparency and relationship between Staff and Community. This isn't unofficial for now, as I'd like to see what sort of feedback I receive.

FH used to be an iconic game known to basically be roleplay central - I want to bring that nostalgia back.

Spread the word if you can! Let's get this bread.

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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 09:43:43 am »
I'm just gonna be plain about this as the first commenter, but I like this thought.
Name ideas? Floofs? Feral Heartians? Floofs of FH?
Preset friendly? Sure
Mapped or mapless? Mapped
Custom markings? No, the group should be as open as possible
Custom items? ^
Closed/open/already existing species? Already existing species
Do we want a discord server? A website? A website would be pretty cool in my opinion. Also I'm bombed with discord servers that I use.... AND I feel a website would give you better observations of the groups content.
Roleplay samples? Are they needed? No. Some people are not good at english, but they still wish to be able to join.
Certain colours - should neon be allowed? Anything is alright. Even strong, bright, screaming colors.
Rivals & allies - do we want them? How will we open them up to other groups? If our group gets huge, then I think there should be no allies nor enemies. I  just don't.
How regular should activity checks be? Not very regular? :o
Should there be a deviantArt group?] Sure.

My idea is that the group should be as open as possible, and everyone who enjoys the community and game should be able to join, and have fun. Therefore, there should be almost no requirements/filters.[/color
doing what i feel like

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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 12:57:44 pm »
Would love to give some feedback on this so I'm going to do just that.

Name ideas?
I'm not the best with name ideas, but, imo, it should be something that sticks out with the rest. It should also have a meaning to it that relates to the group.

Preset friendly?
Yes. People like to express their creativity and use details/markings that FH doesn't normally provide us with. A handful of players use presets too so it should be allowed in the group.

Mapped or mapless?
Mapped. I like how you thought about having the group located in the old FH maps. Think that'd be very neat.

Custom markings?
I like the idea of it, but I dunno. Need some more info on it.

Custom items?
Refer to above.

Closed/open/already existing species?
An already existing species. If you want to make things more interesting, throw in an open or closed species. However, I'm sure you'd end up having to think of an original design and a lore for them as to how they got there and why they're there. In addition, there also needs to be a list of set rules for them. BUT, it can be something a person can look forward to create. I'm all for an already existing species, though. It's much more simpler.

Do we want a discord server? A website?
I think both a discord server and a website would both come in handy. If the group only had a website, you can't be certain that people will log into said site everyday and interact with others that way. Some people will forget it's a thing and it might get lonely at some point. Furthermore, you there's no notification that pops up if an important event happens/is happening or someone messages you. Discord servers are better because a large majority of individuals log into it approximately everyday to check up on the group and chat with others with ease. Not only that, but you can receive server notifications and quickly respond to certain things. All in all, Discord is better at all sorts of communication and sites are better at providing others with fancy templates, skins, and etcetera.

Roleplay samples? Are they needed?
Nah, RP samples shouldn't be allowed. Individuals should be able to join the group as long as they have a basic knowledge of the English language just to make things more easier. They do not need to have perfect grammar and spelling, but they should at least try their best if English is not their mother tongue. Plus, they can just learn from other users.

Certain colours - should neon be allowed?
Ehh, I do not think extreme neons should be allowed. I've seen users complain about seeing a single neon character in TG and how they're "losing their vision" because if it. Now imagine what it would be like having a ton of neon people running around in a map. Members should be allowed to have whatever color they want as long as they're not ones that are too bright, "eye melting", or flat out unnecessary.

Rivals & allies - do we want them? How will we open them up to other groups?
What I think you're saying is rivals/allies IC but not OOC. It would be too much of a hassle to have rivals and such OOC. The group should be as friendly as possibly, however, they should not have rivals/allies overall. The group should be one by itself and events should surround natural issues and the players' actions.

How regular should activity checks be?
Maybe once or twice a week? There are people who are busy attending other matters outside of the game so I personally think the activity shouldn't be too excessive.

Should there be a deviantArt group?
Sure! I don't see why this would be a problem. It will further help with getting the word out there about the group.

I like your reason as to why you're doing this, Scally. I hope this group comes to life one day. I'd be down to join it depending on what it turns out to be. :)
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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2019, 02:55:37 pm »
Name ideas?
> The Feral Nomads
> ???

Preset friendly?

Mapped or mapless?
Based in a certain map, which they'd call home, with the ability to travel to other maps to have an adventure. (Discord/Site/dA could be used to post a summary of their localized rp if they want it to be 'canon'?) I feel like this would be a very open approach and allow for some great rp oppurtunities and when your character goes back home the others can ask how their trip went.

Custom markings?
Do you mean restricting marking choices to a certain set? If so, I don't think it should be. Being realistic is nice, especially in rp, but being too realistic, by micro-managing design choices, could dissuade others from joining.
If you meant allowing users to use custom markings then yes. They're kind of like a preset but pre-made and easy to obtain.
If you're asking which markings pack to use... Idk lol. I think most floofs still use the Legendary markings?

Custom items?
Yes, but only if it makes sense to have them. Maybe certain items could be obtained through rp?

Closed/open/already existing species?
Existing species or a Custom species made for the group. Also, only 1 species per main/rival/ally.

Do we want a discord server? A website?
Discord and dA maybe, I'd personally not often use them but they are nice to have to keep track of rp's and maybe a random conversation.

Roleplay samples?
No, definitely not. This is extremely dissuasive.

Certain colours - should neon be allowed?
Any color is fine as long as the use of neon colors is not the majority of or all of the character. ('glittercats - everything is neon'... No. xD)

Rivals & allies?
Only within the same in-game group, otherwise it might feel like the group is being split.

How regular should activity checks be?
Lenient, maybe just a quick check to see who's active and then record it on discord/dA/site somewhere without kicking anyone that's inactive.

Should there be a deviantArt group?
It couldn't hurt to have it. =)

-- I like that you've taken some time to see what others would be looking for and hope this goes well!
For the sake of my own health and interests, I've left FH and I won't be looking back.

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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2019, 10:59:24 pm »
A new challenger approaches!

Haha, seems like we have around the same idea Scal pfft. Granted I've been sitting on what I've had in mind for, what, maybe almost a year? But recently I've picked it back up and started working on it again. Ironic this comes up around that time lmao

Anyhow, here's this;

Name ideas?
Seeing the theme you're going for here, I would suggest something that sounds open and inviting. If you want, you can even just use FeralHerat's name, "Feral Hearts". To me, that name gives the impression that you're wild, open and free. Generally, just think of different names that give off a open feeling.

Preset friendly? Mapped or mapless?
Preset friendly definitely. Allowing presets gives members more freedom of customization. If they weren't allowed, that would turn off a lot of players who already have presets for their characters, and or use preset sync. What's the point in having it if you can't use it?

As for a map, having it solely based inside of one, I give it a no. That would take away from being able to see groups around the public maps RPing and doing what FeralHeart does best. Now, if you want a map that's optional for players if they want a more private area, then you can add that. But keep in mind that can still take away from having the group together.

Basically speaking, having the group's main home be a public map, but giving the members freedom to go to other maps is good. It allows for more exploration and more areas to spice up their RPs.

Custom markings?
It depends on what you mean by custom markings. If it means being able to use any marking they want from their marking pack, then yes.

If you talking about being able to use any marking pack they want right off the bat, then no. Different marking packs cause confusion and frustration that someone's character isn't being seen correctly by others, especially if they don't have a preset for it.

Personally, I always want players to be able to have creative freedom, so I would mix the two. Urge players to get the most recent pack, then if someone joins who has a different pack and doesn't want to change it out, then that's fine. Same goes for members who can't/don't know how to download them.

Custom items?
Essentially the same answer from above.

Closed/open/already existing species?
Personally, I would allow most species as long as it runs with the general theme. Mainly a wolf RP? Then allow wolf-type species. Mainly a lion RP? Allow lion-type species, and so forth. Allowing other species into the group would be an outlet that players can use to experience their character and enjoy them.

Do we want a discord server? A website?
Having a discord server works wonders. It allows for players to keep in touch with the group if they cannot be online at that very moment but still wish to talk, or if for some reason they are restricted from getting online for a long period of time they can notify everyone of the issue and still be able to talk while the problem is resolved.

As for a website, I say why not. It was always a neat little feature groups had that I adored. It allowed for the group's own space to do what they want in regards of expressing the theme of the group, being able to have their own area for presets, biographies, and so forth. That doesn't mean all things related to the group are restricted to that site. Everything that is put on the group's site that can go here on the FeralHeart site can be put here as well.

Roleplay samples? Are they needed?
If you're really buckling down on the family oriented bit of this group and having it open, then no. Just as long as they have a basic understanding of the English language, they'll be fine. If their RP skills are an issue for others, then just talk it out with them. I don't think anyone with unpracticed skills should be left out just because of that, or that they are a bit younger. They still want to be apart of the group, and they shouldn't be denied that.

Certain colours - should neon be allowed?
Personally I say it's fine as long as it's not overkill. Like, maybe it's just a small marking like a couple tiger stripes on their character's leg or tail that's neon. I don't think that's too much. Like I said, just as long as it's not overboard, some should be allowed. That allows for some creative freedom.

Rivals & allies - do we want them? How will we open them up to other groups?
Personally when it comes to rivals and allies, it depends on what kind of group this is and what kind of rivals and allies. Is this group structured on a Fighter, Guard, Hunter, Medic base where they train in those branches or similar? Or is this simply just a group players get together to chat and RP? If this is just a group where they get together to chat and RP, then having rivals wouldn't really work, unless it's a planned rivalry, such as tension or simple IC disliking of one another. As for allies, I can see having other friendly groups to RP with would be nice.

How regular should activity checks be?
If you really want activity checks, I say make it once a month at the start of each month.

Should there be a deviantArt group?
I don't see why not. I would hold off on making one right off the bat though. Just see how things run if/when you launch it, ask member's opinions and make a decision then.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 11:09:36 pm by Ame88 »

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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2019, 01:44:36 am »
arte's take -
Name ideas?
eh, got me there.

Preset friendly?
of course! presets are just too doggone fun to exclude, though i feel like if you do make a preset or use one, you have to customize your character in game as well, for those who maybe can't use sync.

Mapped or mapless?
i've talked about this a few times before aswell, i'd like a mix! nomadic group that goes through fh maps, both official AND user-made. i don't have the leadership capabilities to pull off something like that, but if someone really did that? i'd be DOWN.

Custom markings?
bad phrasing, does it imply to join you need legendary markings, or we wouldn't mind if you had them or not?
bc that's pretty much a given.
or that we have someone custom-make markings for the group and you need at least one of them somewhere on your character..?
because that's a little more foggy..

Custom items?
see above.

Closed/open/already existing species?
mix of existing and open. closed species can get a little hairy if an owner goes sour for one reason or another imo.

Do we want a discord server?
that's a great way to share ideas and art, communicate absences and do vcs! it shouldn't nes be mandatory but highly encouraged, at least.

A website?
seems a little redundant if we had a discord server with faster communication, but i suppose if the plot, characters/history wev get too contrived for a simple chart that we have a way to log it.

Roleplay samples? Are they needed?
at least a shortie to get that there's a basic grasp of english.

Certain colours - should neon be allowed?
eehhhhhh maybe not full-blown neon, but i've seen people work neon with muted tones before.

Rivals & allies - do we want them?
yES. we love a well done war story.

How will we open them up to other groups?
probably discord server or smthin.

How regular should activity checks be?
once a week.

Should there be a deviantArt group?
i don't use dA but i know plenty of feral-hearters who still do. it wouldn't affect me personally but i can see it being useful.

keep in mind i ain't been in any big rp groups since 2016. this is all a grain of salt, rly. just saw a few elements in the questions that i couldn't pass up on responding to.
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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2019, 03:49:43 am »
I wish you the best of luck with your roleplay dude! They can be real fun. <3 I do not plan to join but I will give in my two cents, even though it be late as heck here. Let's do this!

Name ideas?

I am absolutely awful with names but I do suggest something that fits the theme of your roleplay.

Preset friendly? Mapped or mapless?

I think presets are nice to have and many players do have unique characters that they use. Mapless in my mind mainly because not everyone can download maps and it would be overall, an easier time managing things and easier for everyone. Though if you would like a private map for your roleplay, do it! This is just my opinion.

Custom markings?

This sounds like a cool feature but I personally have never had a roleplay with custom markings. I feel this would make the roleplay even more unique and draw others in. No one likes groups that are all the same.

Custom items?

Same answer as above. This would be cool!

Closed/open/already existing species?

It really depends on what you want your roleplay to be like. A closed species roleplay would be fun but restricting on members which might turn people away. Just a thought! If you do plan to do a custom species though, make it just one to prevent confusion.

Do we want a discord server? A website?

I think a server and a website are both very useful things to have for outside contact and a place to put the ranks, rules, etc! Not having either can become hard to manage without them.

Roleplay samples? Are they needed?

Another personal opinion here but I personally like getting a small one to see what their level of literacy is to be sure they can fit the group. If not though, they can always learn!

Certain colours - should neon be allowed?

Personal opinion here. Up to you! I know plenty of groups who do not have neon colors but some who do. It all depends.

Rivals & allies - do we want them? How will we open them up to other groups?

Yes! Rivals and allies are very beneficial to groups for many reasons. Mainly plot. It will keep members interested and the roleplay fresh. I do recommend this but going about that is up to you. <3

How regular should activity checks be?

Probably once a week.

Should there be a deviantArt group?

Yes! If you create a group and it starts to grow; go for it. Members will love having a place like that to share their work of any style.
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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2019, 05:41:08 am »
Thank you so much for the feedback recently, it means a lot! All of your suggestions have been logged in a document for me to try and spot any patterns with what you all want.

Bumping this.

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Re: What RP Do You Want?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2019, 08:08:15 pm »

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