Author Topic: Bitter Sweet Pride (Discord, semi-real)  (Read 795 times)

Offline lolzcupcake

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Bitter Sweet Pride (Discord, semi-real)
« on: June 04, 2019, 09:07:54 pm »
Bitter Sweet Pride is mostly a discord RP group for you guessed it, lions. It is a semi-real setting.

This pride has gender set roles or ranks. The leader of the group is not passed down by bloodline, but battled for. Only the strongest of the lions may rule them. This can be male or female. This means our group will change for good to bad based on the ruler at the time. We hope that this will in turn cause roleplay drama and stories to remember.

Why gender set roles? I've made it as such to give the member something go off of for the RP, the pride is based around being bitter and sweet. Its a protective family, but at what cost? Anyone can rule how they see fit, but for how long till they are challenged and might lose their life over it.  Will the new leader, be evil, or kind. Will the females feel anger over their jobs? Or will the males? Its all to help make the roleplay spicy and open to roleplay drama. Views within the RP do not reflect views one might personally have. Please do not believe that because someones OC say hates tacos, that they really hate tacos IRL. Its all a fun made up story.

Pride Leader - This role is battled for. Meaning your cubs don't get to just move up because of birth right, if they wish to follow in their parents foot steps, or clean up their mistakes they must battle it out in RP. Pride leader can be sweet as pie or a cold hearted killer. The leader can be male or female.

Pride Advisers - Are picked by the Current leader, they help the leader with making decisions in the pride. Be it new rules the pride follows (RP only), or even new roles for members of the pride to fill out.

Hunters - Females only,  gets food for the pride

Knights - Males only, Protects the pride

Healers - Females Only, Helps patch members up, birthing mothers, and sickness

Scouts - Any Gender. Looks around the lands making sure no one is trying to come in and that the herds aren't moving too far. If they see a threat they call for the Knights and the leaders.

Trainees - Teens learning how to fill out what role they are going into

Den Mothers - Females Only - All they do is have babies and care for babies, they can be given cubs from other females who are too busy to care for them their self, and have even been known to take cubs from other prides to raise as their own.

Cubs - Little beans learning about life.

I hope you find this RP interesting and will take the time to join in and get to have some fun.

If you don't have a lion OC let staff know in the discord, we will be happy to help make you one.