Author Topic: Preset Tufts  (Read 930 times)

Offline DragonGamez

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Preset Tufts
« on: July 10, 2019, 09:06:12 pm »
I understand that there's a fix being put in place so that if there's no tuftMat on presets right now it'll automatically use the maneMat instead. But what about presets that don't have a maneMat and are just using tufts that don't have the main texture? Such as under the tufts section the tufts that are labeled "Elbow Tuft", "Cheek Tuft" etc which use the body's texture instead of "Cheek Mane" and "Elbow Mane", etc. which use the mane texture.

Currently the presets that I have make use of the non-mane textured tufts but it no longer is just an extension of the existing body texture. Will this be fixed so that tufts can still be the color of the body and not have to be done manually like manes for presets?