Author Topic: Object Groups. Quick&Easy.  (Read 5381 times)

Offline Koyoss

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Object Groups. Quick&Easy.
« on: July 01, 2011, 08:31:08 pm »
I actually found out how to do this by accident >.>'

But its pretty helpful.

1)Open up two Notepads.
2)Open up the .object file that has stuff you want in it.
3)Click ''Save As'' and give it the name you want that object group to be called-- DON'T DELETE THE .OBJECT ON THE END!  Make sure to save it under All Files, and not text document, or it wont work!

4)If there were more objects you wanted, but weren't in the previous, use the other notepad file to open up the other object group you want stuff from, then Copy the objects you want from there into the object group you made.
5)Once you've gotten all objects you wanted in your object file, save it and close it.
6)Open up FH>Tools>Object Maker
7)Scroll down your object groups, and if you did it correctly, you should see an object group with the name of your .object file you made.

I hope this helped~ :3  Ask here or PM me if this confuses you or its not working!

Pet's name: Dappledpelt