Author Topic: Grace's woleves and other charries  (Read 1496 times)

Claw of Night

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Grace's woleves and other charries
« on: June 05, 2011, 09:15:21 pm »
My charries in game


Looks: A black wolf with a white hairdo and one white paw
Wolf or Lion?:Wolf
Mom and Dad?: dead
Personality: Stuborn but playful wolf. His playfulyness has been damper because of his mom and dad's death. He will fight for his sister and his loved ones and is a great firend. He takes things the wrong way sometimes when said towards him or someone else.
History: He had a good life with his sister till a wolf named nightmare attacked his family and killed his mom and dad. After finding out his dad died he ran away from his sister and into the forest. Their he met a firendly fox named Song and she took care of him. Song died when Yang was old enough to take care of himself. Yang set out for a new home and found a place were all kinds of wolves and lions were liveing. He started to live on Bonfire Island. He found his sister their and they now live togeter.
other: Nothing much


Wolf or lion?: Wolf
looks: A white wolf with a black hairo and one black paw
Sibling: Yang
Mom or dad: Dead
Personaltiy: She is a kind and sweet hearted wolf and always trys to find the bright side. She can get stressed easily though over little things. She will fight for her brother and loved ones.
History: She was a normal wolf like Yang intill Nightmare killed her mom and dad and Yang ran off. Yin had to live by herself since her brother ran away. She had soon found a place after three months liveing on her own the same place Yang found. She lived on Bonfire island for a couple of years eating left over meat other wolves and lions left behind and running away from them hen she stole it.  She also began to fight with some of the boy wolves who started to pick on her. She saw Yang one day and rushed over to him in joy. She has been liveing with her brother ever since.
other: She is good at defending herself and stealing food from others