Author Topic: Fursona request-- ONLY experienced ARTISTS PLEASE  (Read 2202 times)

Offline Palewolf

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Fursona request-- ONLY experienced ARTISTS PLEASE
« on: September 28, 2011, 02:38:07 pm »
Hello there. I have a request. I have finally figured out my true fursona and would like her drawn in anthromorphic AND realistic forms.  

Her name is Dana.
She is a solid black WOLF.
She is very lean and seductive, with a bushy bushy tail. She also has a bit of bangs that hang to the side of her face.
Her muscles are very defined giving her a strong appearance.
Her eyes are very very light ice blue- almost appearing white.
She has no accesories.

In Antromorphic pose---  She will be "nude" but NOT above PG13 Nude. When drawing her, she will have "certain" human features, but please keep it PG13.
In this pose Id like her to be on Hands and knees somwhat crawling towards the veiwer.
Id like her to have a seductive " come here" look on her face, but still a hint of shyness.

In Natural Pose-
Id like her to also be drawn as a natural black wolf, but having the features  stated above.
Very lean with a bushy tail. Id like her sideways posing with one paw lifted slighty up to her chest while her face is very slightly glancing towards the veiwer. Id like her eyes to have innocence and shyness, with maybe a very light puppyish smile/smirk on her face. Again she has no assecories.

The backgrounds can be one solid color- Maybe the same color as her eyes, or you can make an elaborate background for her. For the Anthromorphic pose, if you choose to do a detailed background.. this is what I want.
Detailed Background- Id like it to be a setting withing a bedroom, with all of the background blurred out of focus with her remaining the center of attention. There should be a bed with messed up blankets, a dresser with a TV on, and an ACU print pair of pants hanging on the bed post. (ACU- Army combat Uniform) Please google what ACU's look like before attempting to draw them. Also make sure that the picture you are veiwing of the ACU's are digital print colors. And again remember within this picture id like the background blurred out of focus.

ANOTHER CHOICE OF DETAILED BACKGROUND: If the above background seems to detailed for you and too hard ( which I know this is alot to ask for, and I thank ALL who possibly even attempt, since I cannot draw,,,whatsoever :D) Another choice could be this:

A deserted city alley. She should be on the ground with an alley wall behind her. No grafitti on the walls, just a dirty run down dark ally. The setting should be midnight and the moonlight should have cast a glow upon her back and face against the back wall of the ally. (cracks in the walls, such as crackling paints and rubble are happily welcomed!)

Detailed BACKGROUNDs for Natural pose!: For this pose I would like Dana to be in the outdoors for one option. It should be a backyard of a modern home. It should have a chainlink fence going around the yard, an old wooden doghouse, and in this option , Dana should have a Leather collar around her neck with a lightweight chain that leads to the side of the doghouse. There should be tall pine trees along with pine needles on the ground. Along with a larger style white shed on the right side of the frame. Again this background should be blurred out of focus leaving Dana as the centerfold.

The other option for a detailed background if the one above is to hard- It should be a simple wall behind her, zoomed in like, showing the texture. Think about the inside of an old wood shed--- Reference (babe the pig) Inside the Killing shed)))
On the wall Id like the following items hanging---  A horse riding crop,black,leather. A harness, again black leather. A pair of Silver metal handcuffs, a spiked leather collar, and any other Items that you can bring into the frame, with such properties as these. Again id like this backgroound to be slightly blurred out of focus, but still unblurred enough to make out what is on the wall. For this background, Id like Dana to have a more sinister expression upon her face, Almost as if you get to close, shed bite you, but still have a slight smile on her face and narrowed eyes.

Other things to help you interpret Dana better-
She has very long black eyelashes.
Her tail is very wolfliike and bushy.
She is very sentimental.
She is very seductive and still somewhat shy.
She has very finelined bone structures.
She has Extremely sharp teeth and they are very very white.
Her fur is indeed jet black, but as with any pictures, other shades of black can and should be used to deefine detail within the group of hairs on her bodice.


 c: thanks for all who read!  

Another thing-- I myself am crap at drawing-- THOUGH I have graduated art classes and such. I do know very good artwork from medioker artwork. I have a distint midset that allows me to find minute details within a photo and pull from that to determine the unique results of a painting/drawing/photo..etc. Artwork is a passion of mine, as far a veiwing and Id love to see who all and how many FH artists are up for the challenge!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 02:44:02 pm by Raz »
- No Worries! -

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Re: Fursona request-- ONLY experienced ARTISTS PLEASE
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 02:34:17 am »
I'll start to work on it tomorrow; BUT WHY


Did this have to be posted way back in September?