Author Topic: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?  (Read 3483 times)

Mutant Headcrab

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Re: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2012, 11:19:06 am »
And im annoyed that you cant seem to use the search function. But whatevs

Also, it may have been 'hyperbolic' but it was also using his own words. What is moral about child labor?

"In 1981, six months after the divorce from Jackie Gingrich was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther.[151][152][153][154] In 1993, while still married to Marianne, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who was 23 years his junior.[155]"

Strait from wikipedia. You can see the sources marked in the numbers. Feel free to check them out here:

Not quite sure how much integrity you need to cheat on your wife!

INIT: counterpoint.mhc

<-Again, it is a matter of hyperbole and taking his own words out of context.->
<-This unit, a furred quadruped and not an autonomous observation platform, finds it laughable to bring up issues relating to organic sexuality and attempting to apply a moral definition to the biological imperative to mate with healthy specimens is laughable.->
<-This unit feels that it is not your right, nor anyones, to cast moral judgement on what someone does in their bedchambers.->
<-This unit finds it laughable your primary source of information comes from a website which not only is effectively written and re-written on a daily base, but one which has historically had a liberal slant.->
<-As an addendum, this unit believes that the Republican candidate designated "Ron Paul" is suffering from severe mental derangement and should be locked away in a safe place with a copy of "Das Kapital."->


Offline GhostingHowl

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Re: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2012, 09:08:53 pm »
If you honestly think that cheating on your wife doesn't have anything to do with morals then there is no need to continue this conversation.

Also, to add on like you did, honestly idgaf about Ron Paul, but THIS UNIT believes that Newt Gingrich is a fat, rich, lying pig who should never set one foot in the White House. It would be a disgrace to the house that Franklin D. Roosevelt lived in for four terms.

Edit// Wikipedia is a good resource when it has its sources marked. As you can see, it did. Let me link those to you as well, since you seem to be adverse to searching for things:

Moreover, Id like you to provide facts as to how Wikipedia has a "liberal bent". One of Wiki's highest held values is its neutrality.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 09:13:10 pm by Ghosting »

Mutant Headcrab

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Re: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2012, 01:06:14 am »
INIT: dissent.mhc

<-This unit is highly disturbed by your desire to discriminate based on bedroom behaviors.->
<-This unit wishes to inquire if you should be denied positions for your own biologically driven indirections?->
<- Citing Franklin D. Roosevelt as a positive example is highly irregular, since the individual in question may as well have been an outright socialist.->
<-As for the neutrality of Wikipedia, please explain how a website can be neutral when they engage in blackouts as part of protests against legitimate legislation going through Congress.->
<-It is the opinion of this unit that such actions defies any notion of neutrality.->

Offline GhostingHowl

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Re: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2012, 04:10:35 am »
Denied being president if I cheated on my husband? Yeah that would make sense to me. But I have yet to loose my morals or integrity by doing that, so I guess I'm okay for now.

Also, are you seriously saying Roosevelt was anything but a godsend to our country? He pulled us out of the depression and single handedly created the middleclass as we know it today. I'd also like you to explain what is wrong with socialism.

As for wikipedia, SOPA has been protested against by BOTH sides of the political spectrum. If you payed any attention you'd even notice that your friend Newt bashed it. So I don't see how protesting SOPA makes Wikipedia seem 'liberal'.

Mutant Headcrab

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Re: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2012, 09:16:42 pm »
INIT: hstrevis.mhc

<-Your lack of historical and economic understanding would induce a good deal of mirth if this unit were capable of expressing it.->
<-The economic upswing created by a sudden shift to a war-economy resulted in a greater economic stimulus than any attempts prior to escalation of European/Asian hostilities.->
<-The sudden increase in factory operations combined with a sudden surge of military employment combined with war reparations and spoils is what pulled the American nation out of its economic recession.->
<-While the public works created via the work programs did contribute, it was not to the extent you attribute to a particular individual.->
<-This unit also believes you highly foolish for attributing any major political or economic changes to individual politicians.->


Offline GhostingHowl

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Re: Republican Primaries: Your Choice?
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2012, 02:00:56 am »
I admit that saying he "single handedly" brought us out of the depression was a tad hasty, but he most certainly can be attributed for A LOT of the growth at that time because of his social policies. Not to mention his signing of the Social security act, and National labor relations act along with MANY MANY more which helped save our country in a time of hardship.

Why do you think he got four terms?? It certainly wasn't a fluke! It was because he is one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. And I stand by what I said earlier that Newt would be a disgrace to his memory.

Now I think its time for you to answer some of the MANY questions Ive asked you that you've YET to dignify with a response or evidence.

Please tell me what is moral about 'cheating on your wife' or 'child labor'.

Please provide evidence that wikipedia has a 'liberal slant'.

Please explain what is wrong with socialism.