Author Topic: Please...?  (Read 1571 times)

Offline Meiari

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« on: October 28, 2011, 07:11:24 am »
It's what we all know, what most of us love, but some of us have slowly grown to detest. It's the overpopulation of pointless, borderline spam in the General chat, most often seen in Flourite. Now most of the time I'm pretty easygoing about it. But during those moments where it begins to irk me, I politely suggest the others to gather and speak in Local or Group, and that often ends in a riveting half-hour debate against 90% of whoever happens to be there. I've heard a couple of mods tell me that General was intended for RP advertisements, help with the game (such as finding something on the map), and things that relate directly to the game. However, much of that ends up buried in the mass of pointless posts like "I LIKE CUPCAKES" or "KITTENS" or something that no one really needs to know. Again, usually it's not that big of a deal, but I'm quite the RP addict myself, and I know it's a bit disheartening when you put some time into a quality advertisement that's seen for less than a second. Plus, I've seen all too often where the conversations on General have gotten really inappropriate really fast. I'm a teenager, I'm amused by a bit of joking, but I don't want to witness that awful 'cybering' trend, and I'd like to think I'm not alone on that one.  
As for a solution, I'm not too sure, other than a few suggestions that could pretty much only be accomplished by KovuLKD himself. From what I've seen, very few mods (only one that I've actually seen) have ever tried to enforce the integrity of General. I understand that mods don't get paid in any way, nor can they be in one area all the time. I'm just requesting some sort of solution.
Thank you for your time.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Please...?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 07:20:15 am »
>.> If you feel something is going on that shouldn't be, REPORT IT PLEASE.

  The ingame report button doesn't work (Part of teh reason you don't often see them coming to the rescue, because they don't receive ingame reports ) So you have to screen shot, get usernames, and then send you r screenshots and usernames to teh admins on teh forum.

  It's a lot to have to go through just to send a report, I know. But if you truly feel that things are getting out of control, and people need to be banned or warned, send in your reports.

  Other than that, no one listens to the mods about general chat from what I have seen, simply because it is called general chat. It does need to have a few more guidlines in my opinion, so this stops, but in teh end it will probably continue anyway *sigh*

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Re: Please...?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 07:21:11 am »
I really understand thought about this post here and I really wish I could help or have a solution for this, but to make it short.

Generals function in the game would be best suited for people that wishes to get RPs or those in aid of suggestions/help or just opinions..

But the way the chat works right now it's very hard to keep people from talking in it since there's nothing that really stops them, and the chats get flooded easily during crowded evenings. It's the one place that you know you will get others attention.

I myself has posted suggestions here in this very forum about how the chat could be changed to pleased everyone, or how maps should be changed to avoid the massive use of general chat. Without any changes this will keep on going, and even if mods/admins tell people to calm down, some can't see, or just don't care about why this were asked in the first place. Thing is that the majority or at least half of the users in the game like to mess around in the chats and will not stop in the first place.

If the chats are inappropriate however with whatever subject that can come up, it's another deal since the chats are meant to stay clean, if it's really bad a report will be looked closely at.
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Offline Meiari

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Re: Please...?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2011, 07:24:39 am »
Most of the problem isn't really worth reporting, I suppose, except for the occasional inappropriate content. But if mods were to actually enforce those guidelines, it seems that would at least deter some of the nonsense. Like I said, I've only known one mod at one given time to actually kick a few users. And from what I remember, it seemed to work for a bit.

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Re: Please...?
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2011, 05:11:30 pm »
So General Chat isn't actually for the conversations that go on in there? I knew it! :c
People have such dumb conversations in there all the time. They spam in caps, spam with spaces ( I saw this happen yesterday, no mod came to help. ), there's inappropriate convos that go on in there all the time!

I always knew General was or help and advertising RP's. :c Maybe someone should let them know if the ads keep getting pushed off within the few seconds of posting.

Or maybe a second General Chat called something else. fsdfaf Sorry, probably just presenting already said ideas.

Offline Meiari

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Re: Please...?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 07:01:16 am »
Maybe someone should let them know if the ads keep getting pushed off within the few seconds of posting.

I do whenever I or someone I know is on that end of it, it gets nowhere. People don't care.