Author Topic: Duma's Life  (Read 2292 times)

Offline Celeyan

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Duma's Life
« on: July 31, 2011, 04:51:27 am »
   Deep in plains of Africa, A pride of lion roamed free. There was the male, Koja. And other lionesses. Under a shady tree, A lioness kicked and squirmed in agony.  After a while, a small cub was born. The female,  Sasha rose up exhausted. Gazing down at her newborn cub, She smiled softly nuzzling it before lying on her side.

A few weeks later

    The cubs in the pride bounded around in the territory happily, Duma, Sasha's Cub was exploring the place. But it was soon interuppted by a roar. All heads snapped to the left and saw a large male attacking. The younger male roared and charged also, It was a bloody battle. Koja, being the most injured roared in defeat and scampered off. The new male, Night smirked going to where all the cubs were kept.  All of the cubs lowered their heads in fear in hope of hiding. The brutal male ran forward, grabing a cub in his jaws and thrashing it around. The mother lioness stepped back but roared in agony at looking at the sight.

    Sasha, The one hiding her cub was slowly making a low growling noise. After killing the other cubs, He turned towards her and walked forward. Duma made a small mewling sound, curling up under her now standing mother. "Give me the brat." The male grinned and circled the now roaring mother. "Get away from my cub, She means no harm." Night roared before charging at her, Sasha was slightly larger and charged back, Claws scratching at his sides. The angry male sunk his teeth into her shoulder and used his tough paws to push her down. Duma cried out in fear and cowered from him. "Sister, Take Duma..and run!" Moki, Sasha's sister was about to disagree but saw Night running forward. Quickly grabbing the cub's scruff she ran as quickly as she could into the savannah.

    "You stupid lioness!" Night roared at her and lunged forward. Sasha made a weird sound, like a scream between a roar as he began thrashing her around. Falling to the ground lifeless, he smirked and looked at everyone else. "Anyone want to try and defend their cubs again?" Some of the scared ones nudged their cubs forward earning a betrayal look from them. After murdering all of the cubs he cackled and went into the shade, leaving all of the lioness talking in fear and panic.

(Yeah its a bad story xD Should I continue? And yes, in real life male lions will kill the cubs after taking over the pride from a other male.)


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Re: Duma's Life
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 01:19:42 am »
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Offline aelitastar

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Re: Duma's Life
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 07:53:42 am »
( i find it a brutal way for male lions to take over, but, its nature XD) i love the story, you should continue it
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Duma's Life
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 04:41:23 pm »
Thanks C:))

     The cream colored lioness stopped running as the sun lowered over the horizon. She let loose a growl lowly as she knew hyenas would be on the prowl. Moki's amber colored eyes tore away from the vegetation and gazed down at the now curled up and sleeping cub. The lioness smiled before hearing a laughing hyena off in the distance. It was a good way away from them but she wasn't taking any chances, she roared loudly hoping to scare the lone one off. After the noise had stopped, She curled protectively around the small cub. Falling asleep rather quickly.

The Next Day

     A small yawn came from the cub's muzzle as she rose up from her slumber. She stretched her limbs before crawling out from under the lioness and looking at her surroundings. The cub sniffed the air, smelling a lone zebra nearby. Feeling hungry, the cub pounced onto Moki and bounded on top of her. "Go back to sleep..." Moki groaned and turned around, trying to get as much as much rest as she could. "But I smell a zebra!!" The cub whined loudly and pounced over her again earning a "fine" from Moki in a annoyed way. The lioness smelled the air like Duma did and indeed smelled a zebra.

     "Ill be back, If you smell anything roll in the grass and then hide in it so they won't smell you." The cub nodded and sat in the grass, not wanting to get caught. Moki crouched in the tall grass, inching forward towards it. The zebra's ears twitched as he heard something moving and galloped away. The lioness sprung from hiding and ran after it at full speed. She lunged towards it, her paws reached out and they connected around the poor zebra's neck. Moki started to fall but hang onto its neck as she fell onto the floor. The zebra bucked and tried to get free but to no luck as it tripped over her body. It fell down and it kicked and rolled in agony as she sunk her powerful teeth into its neck, giving it the finishing bite.

(     Got the attack from that xD)