Author Topic: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!  (Read 93014 times)

Offline RedSkull

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User name: RedSkull
Character name:( Sunny(APV)
Screenshot: http://oi56BannedImageSite/ve1zdk.jpg
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Description: A very sleek cheetah, with black spots and golden fur. Her eyes are a bit dark. Around her eyes are deep black. Her underfur is a lightish orange-a bit darker than her pelt. Her ears are a bit large, but perfect for hearing. For a cheetah, she's a bit stronger than most.
Personallity: Quiet and shy. She mostly tends to talk to herself. Usually, she's happy, and always optimistic. But sometimes, she can be very serious and protective.
History: When she was little, her mother left her at an early age-along with her sister. The two decided to try and do things them-self, but it ended up getting her sister killed. She learned everything on her own. One day, though, she was caught by humans and transported into an area- to repopulate.
Mate/Offspring: NA
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner, but could possibly join a pride/pack later?
Your character is best at?: She's best at healing and hunting. She learned healing on her own, and hunting from her mother.
RP sample:
I slowly padded to a tree, my tongue dry from lack of thirst lately. IT's been getting harder and harder to hunt, but I knw I couldn't give up. "I'll make sure to catch it later." I laid down beside the tree, accepting the shade it gave me. I wanted to go home, and not be in this area. But I knew I couldn't go back. Not now. 'Sirah hates trucks'

« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 08:41:55 pm by Redmoon »

Offline Wildcat26

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:PUser name: lionheart2011
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Chris APV
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 5 months
Description: Chris is a yellow/orange cheetah cub we wishes to find a pride to take him in and raise him as their own
Personality: Chris is a playful but shy cub he loves to run around.But he can be a trouble maker.Chris is also a brave cheetah cub
History: Chris was born under human care but as he grew and got bigger the lil boy who owned him had to give him away cuz Chris got to big for the apartment they lived in.Chris never knew his parents all he knows is what he was taught by the boy and now that he lives in the wild he doesn't know how to care for himself.One night when Chris was sleeping a bear came from behind the bushes and nearly killed him,he has a scar under on his stomach but it is hid by his fur.Traveling for days Chris got very ill and tired,he is still sick but tries not to show it
Mate/Offspring: none
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: He is a loner now but hopes to find a pride soon
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.): He doesn't know yet but he wants to be a good hunter/fighter some day
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Chris woke up on the hot desert sand,ill and hungry,he stood up slowly.His paw was killing him as he tried to walk and find shade."What am i doing?" he asked himself as he was walking."Maybe i should just lay her and let the vultures eat me." he thought to himself as he fell on the sand not moving. 'Sirah hates trucks'/orange

Accepted! :3

User name:DeathHowl
Character name:Jamaica APV
Species:Black-Backed Jackal
Age:1 year
Description:She's tannish brown with amber eyes.She also has facial markings to her snout and around her eyes.She's also a full sized Jackal
Personallity:Bubbly, Protective, and Gentle, but her whole attitude switches when either someone is hurt, or when breeding season arrives(...o.o)
History:Jamaica was born in a zoo in well....Jamaica. Her parents and herself were constantly beaten most of the time if they had done something wrong.Jamaica's parents then died from neglect and being horribly beaten to death. Jamaica was captured in the middle of a warm summer night, and released back into the wild. Jamaica has always been cheerful but deep inside, she feels remorse and regret. She hopes one day to kill the people who had tortured her family throughout her life.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):Hunting  and Fighting
RP sample: Jamaica slithered throuhg the undergrowth like a snake as she stalked her unsuspecting prey. Her tail shifted back and forth, trying to sense if the wind started to switch. Luckily it didn't and Jamaica crawled closer to the oblivious Kangaroo joey. She raised her hackles and sprinted out, chasing the baby kangaroo. She snarled and leaped into the air, onto the back of the joey. She started tearing at its neck ferociously, killing it in a matter of seconds. She wagged her tail and enjoyed her meal.

Code :3
Code: [Select]
[i][img width=750 height=402]http://i56BannedImageSite/35191u9.png[/img]
User name:DeathHowl
Character name:Jamaica APV
Species:Black-Backed Jackal
Age:1 year
Description:She's tannish brown with amber eyes.She also has facial markings to her snout and around her eyes.She's also a full sized Jackal
Personallity:Bubbly, Protective, and Gentle, but her whole attitude switches when either someone is hurt, or when breeding season arrives(...o.o)
History:Jamaica was born in a zoo in well....Jamaica. Her parents and herself were constantly beaten most of the time if they had done something wrong.Jamaica's parents then died from neglect and being horribly beaten to death. Jamaica was captured in the middle of a warm summer night, and released back into the wild. Jamaica has always been cheerful but deep inside, she feels remorse and regret. She hopes one day to kill the people who had tortured her family throughout her life.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):Hunting  and Fighting
RP sample: Jamaica slithered throuhg the undergrowth like a snake as she stalked her unsuspecting prey. Her tail shifted back and forth, trying to sense if the wind started to switch. Luckily it didn't and Jamaica crawled closer to the oblivious Kangaroo joey. She raised her hackles and sprinted out, chasing the baby kangaroo. She snarled and leaped into the air, onto the back of the joey. She started tearing at its neck ferociously, killing it in a matter of seconds. She wagged her tail and enjoyed her meal.[/i]
Looks good, but you forgot one thing, the passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Fix that and you're accepted. :3

User name: RedSkull
Character name:( Sunny(APV)
Screenshot: http://oi53BannedImageSite/wlbr0z.jpg
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Description: A very sleek cheetah, with black spots and golden fur. Her eyes are a bit dark. Around her eyes are deep black. Her underfur is a lightish orange-a bit darker than her pelt. Her ears are a bit large, but perfect for hearing. For a cheetah, she's a bit stronger than most.
Personallity: Quiet and shy. She mostly tends to talk to herself. Usually, she's happy, and always optimistic. But sometimes, she can be very serious and protective.
History: When she was little, her mother left her at an early age-along with her sister. The two decided to try and do things them-self, but it ended up getting her sister killed. She learned everything on her own. One day, though, she was caught by humans and transported into an area- to repopulate.
Mate/Offspring: NA
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional): Loner, but could possibly join a pride/pack later?
Your character is best at?: She's best at healing and hunting. She learned healing on her own, and hunting from her mother.
RP sample:
I slowly padded to a tree, my tongue dry from lack of thirst lately. IT's been getting harder and harder to hunt, but I knw I couldn't give up. "I'll make sure to catch it later." I laid down beside the tree, accepting the shade it gave me. I wanted to go home, and not be in this area. But I knew I couldn't go back. Not now.

Looks good, but could you make her a little less bright yellow, please?  And you are also missing the passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Fix that and you're accepted. :3
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Offline Wildcat26

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Accepted Redmoon.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 09:03:21 pm by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
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Offline Bri-Lanie

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User name: Bri-Lanie
Character name: Jiwe
Species: Fennec Fox
Gender: Female
Age: Newborn
Description: Jiwe is a newborn fennec fox with deep brown eyes and a brown sandy pelt. Her underfur is slightly lighter in color than the fur on her back and her markings consist of subtle swirls of her underfur, in the same color. Her ears are large and pointed, like most Fennecs are.
Personallity: Jiwe is a newborn, and doesnt have much of a developed personality as of yet. Though, for the time being, she is completely carefree and has a bubbly, joyful demeanor, as though nothing could make her angry or sad. Even when she does feel sad, she can either milk it for all its worth or forget what happened and be her normal happy self in less than a few seconds.
History: Jiwe doesnt have any history, her mother is Lala and she never knew her father, he died before she was born.
Mate/Offspring: None, she is only a newborn.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Pup, loner along with her mother.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Being cute? She is only a newbron and hasnt had any sort of chance to develope skills and such.
RP sample: Jiwe lay curled in the thick, damp moss, her tail wined tightly around her tiny body. Yawning loudly, the fennec pup slowly blinked open her dark brown eyes, letting the black pupils dart around the den, looking for any other signs of life. Seeing nothing, Jiwe uncurled herself and rolled onto her belly before wobbly scrambling to her paws. She yipped, pinning her ears back. Where had her mother and siblings gone? She cocked her head curiously and slipped her slender muzzle out of the den entrance, the rest of her small, fragile body following after. The pup sat down and let her chocolate gaze slip over the horizon. (Normally, my exampled are better >.e but since shes a pup and I dont know what Lala's den looks like, I didnt have much to work with. :))

Offline Wildcat26

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User name: Bri-Lanie
Character name: Jiwe
Species: Fennec Fox
Gender: Female
Age: Newborn
Description: Jiwe is a newborn fennec fox with deep brown eyes and a brown sandy pelt. Her underfur is slightly lighter in color than the fur on her back and her markings consist of subtle swirls of her underfur, in the same color. Her ears are large and pointed, like most Fennecs are.
Personallity: Jiwe is a newborn, and doesnt have much of a developed personality as of yet. Though, for the time being, she is completely carefree and has a bubbly, joyful demeanor, as though nothing could make her angry or sad. Even when she does feel sad, she can either milk it for all its worth or forget what happened and be her normal happy self in less than a few seconds.
History: Jiwe doesnt have any history, her mother is Lala and she never knew her father, he died before she was born.
Mate/Offspring: None, she is only a newborn.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Pup, loner along with her mother.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Being cute? She is only a newbron and hasnt had any sort of chance to develope skills and such.
RP sample: Jiwe lay curled in the thick, damp moss, her tail wined tightly around her tiny body. Yawning loudly, the fennec pup slowly blinked open her dark brown eyes, letting the black pupils dart around the den, looking for any other signs of life. Seeing nothing, Jiwe uncurled herself and rolled onto her belly before wobbly scrambling to her paws. She yipped, pinning her ears back. Where had her mother and siblings gone? She cocked her head curiously and slipped her slender muzzle out of the den entrance, the rest of her small, fragile body following after. The pup sat down and let her chocolate gaze slip over the horizon. (Normally, my exampled are better >.e but since shes a pup and I dont know what Lala's den looks like, I didnt have much to work with. :))

very good, but you are missing the passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Fix that and you're accepted. :3

Don't worry your RP sample is fine. :3
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Offline DeathHowl

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o3o ok. is it the one called 'Sirah hates trucks'. o3o i dont think i saw it though .-. but ill put it in anyway :3

Offline Wildcat26

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Kool we have another jackel now. :3

Accepted kierra.
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Offline DeathHowl

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Offline DeathHowl

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So do i go get the map now? :3

Offline Bri-Lanie

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"Sirah hates trucks." Which, to me, is totaly insane, everyone loves trucks ;D I want a Ford F250 in burnt orange for my 16th birthday. -Is a truck lover-
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 09:48:33 pm by BriLanie »