Author Topic: Lupa's cosy Den  (Read 1860 times)

Offline Lupaparva

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Lupa's cosy Den
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:08:46 pm »
In here you will find the Characters I am goin to roleplay with. Or these I am thinking about roleplaying with them somewhen.  ::)
At the moment, I will just sketch them though, since I am in school just now. But sooner or later I will update this thread irregularly.

Char-Art: coming soon somewhen!
Character: Enodia is a calm, diffident wolf. Neither pup nor adult, she tends to be a little alternating in character. Sometimes she jumps around, trying to catch dragonflies, giggling all the time and than she becomes serious and melancholic. To say it more clearly: She is in the age of puberty with all it's problems.
The fact that she never really met some people except for her family and lived in a secluded forest, doesn't help.
Due to her age, she is still somewhat mouldable and interested in almost everything, especially things she didn't see in her home forest.
Mate: "A boy? Yeah, boys are nice, too. Want to play?"
Story: Enodia didn't experienced roleplay adventures yet. I'll give her a story as soon as I found a roleplay for her.

Char-Art: coming soon somewhen!
Character: Lympha is an half aquatic animal, who was raised in the waters of a tropic beach. She lived there in a pod of her kin and learned everything she needed to know from her family just like dolphins do. Although she is quick on the uptake, she sometimes just doesn't understand these "Dry Land Dwellers".
She is a lively and inquisitive marine creature and likes the feeling of green gras under her feet almost as much as she loves fresh water around her body. Only in dry regions she feels very uncomfortable.
Mate: "A relationship! Goooo, you have something like that, too? I thought you would use meiosis..."
Story: Lympha didn't experienced roleplay adventures yet. I'll give her a story as soon as I found a roleplay for her.
Theme song: Just put in here a Bob Marley song. "Three little birds" fits really good. But a mix between this and this, too.

Char-Art: coming soon somewhen!
Character: Just like the mountains she calls her home, Glacie is kind of unpredictable and rather unapproachable. She stays in the background, watching and most of the time she doesn't want to meddle in someone else's affairs. That's why she sometimes seems to be cold or even egoistic, although it is very shallow to describe her like this.
Since she has a thick pelt, she feels most at home while she is at snowy places.
Mate: "Mind your own business."
Story: Glacie didn't experienced roleplay adventures yet. I'll give her a story as soon as I found a roleplay for her.

Char-Art: coming soon somewhen!
Character: Viri is... yeah. Maybe this dog just took one sniff to much from the chemicals in this strange laboratory.
Though she is not "evil" in the common use of this word, she is still a bit insane. She isn't about to do something evil just to be evil. She doesn't wants to show her strength. She wants to have fun and she WILL have fun.
Others may do their thing, Viri does her's, and whenever someone tries to change this, she won't accept it.
Sometimes she sees straaange things. Interesting things. Others apparently don't see this things, but Viri doesn't mind. It's HER thing.
Mate: "Oh, you wanna be ma mate? Sure, you look SO DELICIOUS! I'd LOVE to eat you after this!"
Story: Viri didn't experienced roleplay adventures yet. I'll give her a story as soon as I found a roleplay for her.

It's still a WIP, but I think it's okay, so you have some lax ideas about who my characters are. Feel free to comment or whisper me ingame. (Although I am afk sometimes. Like at the moment... ::))

EDIT: Hm... I have to fix the pictures' sizes in near future.
EDIT EDIT: Now, everything's fine. :)  Maybe I will draw some of the Characters today or tomorrow and upload them soon.
Oh, if you want them to join your roleplay, just write a post or pm. You can whisper me ingame anytime, but as I said I am probably afk or offline very often. Have much to do in reallife this week/month. ^^"

EDIT3: Grr, is there a way to stop this auto-binding of youtube videos?

« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 03:16:02 pm by Lupaparva »

Offline Rayn

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Re: Lupa's cosy Den
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2011, 05:09:40 pm »
Great charas, I like Glacie a lot. :D