Author Topic: ?Apocalypse Shadows?ALL CANINE RP NOW ACCEPTING!MAP IN THE MAKING~  (Read 2779 times)

Offline DeathHowl

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« on: September 15, 2011, 04:17:47 pm »

(Ik the word "Apocalypse" is spelled wrong :P)                                      

Welcome!Apocalypse Shadows is a Realistic and Non Realistic Wolf RP focusing on the anatomy of a pack with horror and struggle.It also focuses on a female leader named Likari, Half Hyena, Half Wolf.She has this unfaithful secret that enables her to transform into a demon.Her pack was destroyed by another pack of unfaithful wolves.All but Likari died.Now,Likari is reviving the pack and wants to come back with a vengence.You will find out the spaces of good and evil from this pack.Will you survive?

The wind rustles through your fur, sending a chill down your back.Your tail flickers with worry as you travel into unknown territory.Tired, you sit down and clean your paws.Suddenly you hear rustling in the woods.You cock your ears up and stand tall, trying to not look scared.Then, a female Hywolf*, appears out of the woods."Who are you?" the female asked.
You introduce your name."Nice to meet you, im Likari.Why did you come here?" she said.You say "I have come to join..." .
Likari grunts "Very well, follow" Likari then leaped away into the bush as you follow.You then appear into a haven of wolves and dogs."Welcome fellow one, to Apocalypse Shadows."

*Hywolf is a fantasy mix breed of a hyena and a wolf.*

                                                        ~Our Customs~

Winters Fall:
This is celebrated when the harsh weather of winter has ended.The alphas would hold a gathering under Lupis Rock.
Every pack member must attend, even the lowest ranks.The pack would then howl along with the alphas for a requiem of winter and the arrival of spring.Any wolf with a mate would then bless eachother with a nose rub.After the gathering, the pack holds a feast.And also is the time for males to choose their mates.Single females would stand in a line while being infront of the single males.Each male must bring back the best kill ranging from an eagle to a fox.If a female does not approve of a certain male, that male is left mateless and must leave the ceremony until next years ceremony.The new found mates then howl a permanent blessing that bonds them together.Then a wedding is held on then next night for the new mates at Great Temple.

Spring Fever:
This is celebrated after the wedding of the new mates.The new mates must go to Romance Beach where they can stay as long as they wish.Though they must mate at a random time(Graphic mating is allowed.Though I strongly suggest doing it in Whisper.)But the mates can choose not to have pups if they feel its too early.After then, each mated pair returns to the pack to get a blessing from the alphas for the pups to be born healthy and well.

Red Sun:
This is privatley held between the alphas and the parents.The alphas would go into the nursery to bless the pups with a special lick that permanently accepts them into the pack.Then, one of the alphas must lick the top of the parents heads, in a congradulations to the new parents

Bed Of Roses:
This is held when a pack member has died.The alphas holds a funeral at DeathBed.The pack would then mourn the death by howling a requiem.After the ceremony, the alphas escort the non-family members out to let the family members to stay with the dead one as along as they want.When they return, the pack bows to the mounring family as if saying "Im sorry for your loss"

                                                  ~The Map~



1.Sparkle dogs are allowed.
2.Realistic canines are allowed
3.Please respect high ranks.
4.Dont start fights whenever you want.
5.Graphic mating is allowed but you MUST do it in whisper.
6.Mix bred canines are allowed.
7.Any species of dog or wolf is allowed.Even hyenas, jackals, ect ect.Even mix breeds of hyenas and wolves(Hywolf)
or what ever comes to mind.
8.Most of all, have fun.[/i][/size]


Rank Desired:
Rp Sample:                                        
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 07:02:35 pm by kierra »

Offline DeathHowl

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Re: ☆Apocalypse Shadows☽ W.I.P NO POST
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 04:46:00 pm »

Alpha:The head male in the pack.Can be wolf or dog or mix bred.Takes control,makes orders, announcements, banishments,ect.(OPEN)
1{          }

Alphess:The head female in the pack.Can be wolf or dog or mix bred.Has same job as Alpha.(CLOSED)

Beta:Second in command.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Can be male or female.Takes control when leaders are away,Makes orders and announcments only.(2 SPOTS OPEN)
1{       }2{       }

Delta:Third in command.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Takes control when both higher ranks are away.Reports to the alphas if anything is wrong.(4 AT MAX.OPEN)
1{      }2{     }3{     }4{      }

Subordinate:The neutral rank.Can be male or female.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

Head Scout:The lead scout.Male only.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Leads patrols.(CLOSED.)

Scout:The patrol.Male or female.Any species of canine or mix breed.Goes on patrols.(10 AT MAX.OPEN)
1{       }2{         }3{       }4{       }5{        }6{        }7{       }8{       }9{       }10{        }

Assassin:Lead hunter.Female.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Leads hunts.(1 ONLY.OPEN)
1{      }

Hunter:The hunters/huntress'.Can be male or female.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Goes on hunts with the Assassin.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

Armor:The head warrior.Male.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Leads wars, fights, ect.(1 ONLY.OPEN.)
1{         }

Warrior:The warriors/warrioress'.Can be male or female.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Attends wars, fights, ect with the Armor.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

Fae:The head Guard.Female.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Guards.Kills prisoners when given the say.(1 ONLY.OPEN)
1{         }

Guards:The guards/guardess'.Can be male or female.Can be any species of canine or mix breed.Guards prisoners.(12 AT MAX.OPEN)

1{   }2{   }3{   }4{   }5{   }6{   }7{   }8{   }9{   }10{   }11{   }12{   }

Teacher:The one who teaches the pups.Female.(2 ONLY.OPEN)
1{   }2{   }

Elders:The eldest of the pack.Teaches pups the ways of the pack and history.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

Pups:The youngest of the pack.The most playful and miscevious.(DO NOT APPLY.WILL ONLY BE OPEN WHEN NEEDED.)

Asili:The lead Omega.Can be male or female.The most dominant omega.(1 ONLY.OPEN)
1{   }

Omegas:The lowest rank of all.The most playful and pranksters of the pack.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

Loners:Canines with no desire for a pack.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 06:18:27 pm by kierra »

Offline DeathHowl

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Re: ☆Apocalypse Shadows☽ W.I.P NO POST
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 04:51:34 pm »

(Top Ranks)



Age:2 years
Species:Hywolf(Hyena/wolf mix)
Personality:Kind,Self Consious,Protective,Ebrasive.



(Medium Ranks)

Head Scout:

{Pic comming soon.}
Name: Kivuli
Age: 2 years
Species: mix of wolves
Gender: male
Personality: he tends to take to himself and observe others.  However can be very out going and not swayed quiet.  When with pups then he can become a little childish but snaps back to his normal, serious self almost right after the pup leaves.  When given a hop or position he takes it very seriously and dosent joke around much.
Rank: Head Scout








(Neutral Ranks)



(Low Ranks)





« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 06:19:57 pm by kierra »

Offline .blackdrake.

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« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 05:33:23 am »
{Pic comming soon.}
Name: Kivuli
Age: 2 years
PSpecies: mix of wolves
Gender: male
Personality: he tends to take to himself and observe others.  However can be very out going and not swayed quiet.  When with pups then me can become a little childish but snaps back to his normal, serious self almost right after the pup leaves.  When given a hop or position he takes it very seriously and dosent joke around much.
Rank Desired: head scout.  But I will settle with teacher or armor.
Rp Sample: the snow falling left a fresh layer of snow on the already hardened snow pack that was on the ground. But it also covered the trees and bushes.  It was within this slight layer where Kivuli was hidden thinking to himself about the job he was on. ' Why should I worry about these two wolves that are patroling our border its not like we don't do the same thing' he thought.  He was just about to break the cover he had waited so long to achieve, just about to stand up and strech his sore, and cramped legs that had been tucked under his body and along the trunk of a tree, untill he heard the crunch of a wolf running in the packed snow towards his position. The wolf was reconized by Kivuli as one of the two he was following.  So when the wolf stoped in the clearing and sat down as if waiting, Kivuli didn't move, he waited. Another wolf came and three word were spoken. We are ready.  Then the two left and Kivuli stood up after around one minute of waiting. He ignored his sore legs and ran to fall his leader what occured. 

( this is an example of a long rp sample if you want a short just ask. ;) also this was done on my Android phone so I will check spelling and add a picture as soon as I get my laptop back :D. Also if I did something wrong just tell me and I will try to fix it.

Offline xxsnowstripexx

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« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 09:38:14 am »
Age:2 years
Species:Gray wolf
Personality:Mostly quiet and calm but short temperd.She is very loyal to her pack and kind.Very good at fighting and loves pups.She respects the alphas.
Rank Desired:Beta
Rp Sample:She padded through the thick undergrowth,yawning tiredly.Stopping she sniffed around,scenting a rabbit near by.Crouching low to the ground,she crept up getting closer.She saw a little white rabbit,nibbling on some grass.Positioning herself she leaped out of the bush's landing neatly on top of the rabbit,giving it a quick clean blow to the neck killing.Grabbing the limp rabbit in her jaws she ran off towards her home to eat.

Offline DeathHowl

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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 05:55:45 pm »
@blackdrake Accepted.Ill await your picture
@snowstripe before i accept, i need a screenie of ur wolf.I forgot to add it in the applicant

Offline DeathHowl

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« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 10:41:43 am »
bump~ come on i need members >-<

Offline .blackdrake.

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« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2011, 02:57:04 am »
Dont worry i havent forgoten about this.  I have just been swamped unexpectedly by homework.  i will get the pic in soon :)

Offline Whitefangkiba

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« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2011, 04:48:10 am »
Name: Marik

Age: 3 years

Species: Wolf mix

Gender: Male

Personality: Marik is a mysterious type loner, he has no wish to join a pack due to the fact of a previous expiriance he has over come. Marik can come across harsh to some and rather fierce but his true emotions may not always show. Marik was once a kind hearted loyal pack members, but a tragic past haunts his every days as he walks the earth in solitude.

Rank Desired: Loner

Rp Sample: The shadows grew long as he traveled through the endless nights grasp." Turn around, you will never live this way" the voices haunted his mind as tho an anoyance, no perhaps it was a warning, maybe I cant do this... but still I cant go back. The never ending battle seized his every thought and for a sheer moment Marik found himself utterly alone, the cool nights breeze had faded away, the scurring roddents lay dorment beanethe the earths crust, leaving Marik with no more then an empty hollow feeling. Guilt, pain, hate, betrayal and relief serged through mariks viesn, chilling him to the absalute core." I will do this... on my own" vowing this out loud he lifted his dome to the sky. The starry night filled his orbs and suddenly replaced these emotions with a stoney feeling of ice. " This is my destiney".

Hope this is good^^ Will post a screenie in a second)