Author Topic: Dogs of Hunger City (please do not post here!)  (Read 23792 times)

Offline Viinca

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Hello, I'd like to join :D I don't mind what pack I go to, whatever you like really, I don't mind. Although this charrie is more of the sociable-type.

Name: Callie

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Breed: Wolf-Dog mix

Personality: Sister of Tasha from Kizumu City (other City RP I am in), she is a little bit nervous, but not really shy. More worried of the unknown than scared of a fight. Even though Callie may not be the srtongest she's definetely very agile. Very quick-witted and fast overall. Tender and sweet to those she loves, she is, of course, bitter to her enemies.

Strengh: Having grown up close to an abandoned city, she's used to the creepy, out-of-the-ordinary frightening stuff.

Weaknesses: Very trusting.

Other: Nope :D

RP example: (a very old lion RP I was in, that I still remember) Kali paused for a moment, unsure of what she'd heard. The Queen wasn't dead, that wasn't right, surely? "Say that again?" she asked cautiously, wondering if her friend was playing a trick. The male lion looked down and shook his head, and her heart skipped a beat. The Prideland Queen had been murdered. Drawing her fangs back, she raced into the bushes on the hill that seperated the lands, and stared at the Outlands, a bitter taste in her mouth. She wasn't after just an Outlander. She was after a friend that betrayed her. Resisting the urge to tear the skies with a roar of hatred and hurt, she sat, and waited. He'd come out of that den any moment now.

That's it! Also, I have a friend that will be applying too, Katrink, so if we can be placed together in a pack, that'd be great :3 Thanks.

Offline Viinca

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Oh shoot, I forgot my picture!

Here it is:

Offline Katrink

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Pack: The circle of Helusion

Name: Traver

Age: 30 in human years (yeah, if you calculate it.. if he was a human, he would be around 30 )

Gender: male

Breed: Husky (even though he has german shepard markings , he is supposed to be a husky, because I don't think husky markings look like a real husky xP)

Personality: Traver seems , at the first sight, very arrogant and only proud of himself, it isn't easy for him to start friendships and other close relationships.  He doesn't like to have people that close, but still he'd appreciate being accepted in a pack and a beloved member. His unability of telling the truth and being honest about himself and to others, drives himself mad, including his assumption that no one likes him. He pretends he is arrogant but he truely isn't. He just behaves like that to survive in this cruel world without any injuries. Physically as well as mentally. If you get known to him and are successful with starting a friendship , he turns out to be a lovely guy who protects his friends until death (well, he'd  already be dead if he had had any friends xP) He can be very stubborn, but like I've said, he can be a lovely guy. (too lazy to write more, there would be alot. Well, if I get accepted you would get known to him in the rp xP)
Strengths: Like husky's usually are, strong. Just strong hindlegs to kick some monsters butts easily. mentally strong with being stubborn and always aiming his destination. never drifting apart

Weaknesses: he leaves himself out , preempting himself like I've explained above, explodes easily if someone questions his statements.And just the social life in general, hard for him to live in a pack even though he'd love to

Anything else: nothing much. just that he'll maybe change throughout the rp, have to think about him better. I just wanted to apply for a place here, so I could catch one .


RP Example from one of my favourite chars off all time :)  :  

Kusy strolled through the city, wandering around like an useless ghost would travel in such a town. Obviously, nobody was here to bother, no one Kusy could bother and scare off with his odd behaviour that he loved to act out. All those pathetic  beings couldn't take him, not stand his burst outs nor his general uninterest in talking to anyone.

Since he had nothing to do,not even his beloved friend nearby to have a conversation with, he adrifted deep into his thoughts, even he couldn't explain what he was thinking of. While being unconscious, his pupils were directed towards the ground, gazing through it into nothingness. After plenty of minutes doing nothing, he heaved his old machine body up in the air, squeaking horrible , ear piercing noises following like usually. His slow movements looked hard to be conducted, his body wasn't the youngest anymore, well, rather his steel parts didn't want to work properly anymore. A tiny growl escaped his chest, fed up of his own presence, of his own pathetic life and this always existing horrible smelling smog that laid in the air every day from new. He had to live here, he knew he couldn't live somewhere else. He blamed the others, all those other cruel creatures for banning him here.

Frequently he shook his head, attempting to get rid of these feelings. Muttering silently, he abused himself deliberately as well as the others around him. No one was worth to live he had ever met, no one had deserved this fate here and no one should have expierenced what he had been through. he glimpsed up to the sky, the low snowfall sliding past his body, covering him in a white coat with a little help of the wind. "will I end here?" he asked himself, his facial expression turned frantic. he closed his eyes tight, trying to think about something else than this place.

Suddenly, a weak voice was hearable in the distance and reached his ear, immediately he rose his head again, his eyes shot open and he looked around. Trying to spot the creature who caused this echo. he hauled tardy into the city, always looking out for it. The voice came closer and he could already determine its location.  It appeared in his sight, a little black creature lying behind the entrance of a house. Kusy crept closer,peering from a safe place, gasping and looking out for danger cautiously. Sounded like a meowing, a weak meow from a tiny cat, but since Kusy had expierenced how such affairs could turn out, how this things could grow up immediately unexpected just by touching them, due to the oddness and insanity of this city(where nothing was surprising anymore), he kept nervously switching his head around. From one side to another, avoiding eye contact or speaking in general, he took some steps further, lowering his head to sniff it. When he caught its scent, he hopped back again, already startling because of this smell. This innocent little smell, he tried to remember it. After several minutes of hesitating in any doings, he found out and recalled what it had been. A kitty. A small little cub or just a cat in general. didn't seem to be able to talk or move at the moment. It just lay curled up tight near the door. Kusy gulped frequently, still nervously glancing around for danger. He picked up his paw like he would break into a new direction, fleeing from it when it would fidget. But it didn't. It just meowed innocent for help, shivering from the cold that arrived and blew through the gaps of the house. Kusy huffed. What should he do? Risk to get eaten and try to help this little thing or just flee from it and be safe? He struggled with himself, unsure what to do next. Finally, he decided to play the brave one this time, so he approached it again, tardy as always. he rose his head curious as he was close enough, observing it up and down. He sighed in relief. "just a little kitty " he muttered to himself. The black wolf smirked weakly, seeing this little thing calling out for help. He took one step closer, to flop down with a thud , right next to it and curling up, cuddling this helpless being. Spending warmth through the whole night, Kusy fell asleep and this little thing was rescued (CHEESYY, sorry xD)

ok, this is so totally random, I don't know. have a total rp block when I write in the forum, I'm so sorry :/ and also the lack of vocabulary appears and is clearly visible when I write longer texts. I know, they repeat themself after several phrases, so I'm sorry.

aaaand, one last thing to mention. I just noticed you all seem to be in America, so I assume I can't join this rp anyway, due to my location. I got Vienna time zone, and would only be able to play on the weekends. I'd  honestly love to join, but the time zone is a total constraint for it. :/
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 05:22:27 pm by Kathy »

Offline Viinca

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Oh geez I've realised my RP example is the shortest ever >.< I can do another one if necessary... I'm very literate, just tired.

Offline Katrink

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Cami, mine is just extra long because I didn't know what to write. xD So don't be ashamed or afraid that yours could be too short .

My ingame name is Katrink  in case you need it.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 05:33:44 pm by Kathy »

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Kathy- Awesomeness, next time you're on I'll add you.

Cami- Sample and everything is great, but I'd need more realistic colours and I can't let in any more wolf dogs, sorry. If you change that though, I'd be happy to have you.

Offline Aurora79

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Pack: The 1st one hopefully
Name: Jynx
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Breed: Husky
Personality: Jynx is usually secluded and doesn't speak much to anybody. She's fierce when her loved ones are endangered and loving when they're sick or disabled. She has a heavy foreign accent, as when she had an owner they spoke with that accent too, so her "wolf english" is mostly broken.
Strengths: identifying herbs, healing, sneaking
Weaknesses: blind
Anything else: She may be blind, but she has a well adapted sense of hearing and scent and can get herself around without help
Pic: I'm not sure how to add a picture :P
RP sample: She sniffs around, sensing other wolves around her. Again, wishing she still had her sight. As she continue looking for a particular wolf, she stumbled and got her leg caught into a small hole. Grunting, she pulled up and broke free, her paw wet from the water that had collected in the hole
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 03:10:48 am by Giulia »

This is my new egg! Click it so it will hatch :)

Offline WaffleLuv

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Pack: 3
Name: Mutt ( his name his mother gave him when he was born was Deadpool)
Age: 3 years
Gender: Male
Breed: A mutt of some sort, his breed was never determined when he was born
Personality: Aggressive, much like the other members of The Cult of Aeron. His "mutation" are his eyes, for they are like chips of sharp ice that are said to 'glow' when there is a full moon, but it could just be radiation.
Strengths: Speed and Agility, he's also quiet a good climber, and prefers to fight at night.
Weaknesses: Bright daylight ( no, he isn't a vampire, but radiation caused him to dull some of his sensors to bright colors, which is why he likes fighting at night ), speed ( fighting fire with fire xD ), and quick-minded dogs, who guess his plans before he puts them in action
Anything else: Nope :D
Pic: ( above xD )
Preset download (if you have one, and are so inclined, I'd love to be able to see them!): No:c
Roleplay Example:
Mutt padded around outside, his eyes keenly aware of any moving objects in the distance. His claws unsheathed, unearthing some of the barren ground below him. Suddenly he stopped, hearing a far off rustling. He swung his head to the noise and sauntered over to the source. " Hello there. " he growled. " Whatever are you doing out so...late? The Cult of Aeron thrive on this time of the day. We wouldn't want you to go missing, mm? " he said. His eyes searched the creature. A scrawny beagle. Easy kill, and a nice meal too. " I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. " The beagle stood up Mutt, challenging him. " Clearly you are from the first pack. And clearly, I am not. I'm going to have to ask YOU to leave, kind sir. Effective immediately. " Mutt swung his paw into the smaller dog's chest and flung him across the ground. He stalked over to the dog, who's breath had been knocked out of him. " Goodbye. " He smiled, a certain malice twinkled in his eye as he bent and and snapped the dog's jugular vein in his teeth. The beagle lay limp and bloodied, and Mutt smiled, nosing the dead dog off behind a rock, where he could enjoy his dinner peacefully.

That it:) hope I'm accepted. I can also roleplay... well.. not as long as my example xD

Thank you Rimfrost for my amazing siggy!

Offline Viinca

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Alright, the new version (a little lazy to upload picture since not much changed) doesn't have the blue markings, and the pelt is darker and more realistic (and I'd like to be in the first pack, if possible.). Not sure what breed this could be so I'm sticking to mutt.


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Pack: First (may change to third depending on how the rp goes :P he's walking on a fragile line)
Name: Wen
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd
Personality: Wen is a very quiet individual, not talking much and keeping to himself alot. He likes to wander and explore the city, getting to know it like the back of his paw. He is strong and brave, willing to fight for what he thinks is right and for those he loves. He likes to shut people out of his life and doesn't share with others, but if someone he cares about is around, he will trust them with his life and open up.
Strengths: Fighting, being quiet, exploring
Weaknesses: Goes into danger a lot, being quiet, lets anger overcome him easily
Anything else: His old master made him compete in dogfights.
RP Sample: The city was quiet as the lone canine carefully treaded his way through the streets, his tail low and his eyes downcast. The only thing to be heard was the soft clicking of his claws on the ground and the rubble he disturbed as he went. The rancid scent of decay and death filled his nostrils, but he did not care. He was used to the scent now. It had become his comfort, bringing him back into reality so many times before when he got lost in his own thoughts. His mission in life in this desolate city was restoring his home to its former glory, where the streets were clean, the air was breathable, trees and flowers grew, and where every dog - and human - lived peaceably. Sometimes he lost sight of his ambition, but he drove to accomplish it when he could.

His mind wandered and he started thinking about his old master. He had been a kind man, despite his constant drunkeness and violence. He was caring when he was sober, but when he had one too many beers, he took Wen to the local dogfights held in an old warehouse to hide it from the law. He had been a good competetor, winning many of his battles. There had only been a handfull of instances where he recieved a broken leg or a gash in his side, but he had recovered and kept fighting.

"That life is behind me now..." he thought to himself, trudging through some ruined houses. He saw a couple humans huddled in one crude shelter, their bodies dirty and their eyes hungry and sad. They watched him as he passed, but he payed no attention to them. Humans were in his past too, he had decided a long time ago. He trotted down an ally, piles of trash lining the walls.

Wen stopped short when he heard a low growl, slowly turning. Out of the sooty, foggy air, he saw dark figures coming for him. He was ready. Sometimes the past could help determine your future...