Author Topic: This really needs to be stopped.  (Read 13572 times)

Offline xShadex

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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2012, 09:43:12 pm »
Neither does just expecting the mods to so it! The point of the reporting is to stop it, not just complain about it! The reporting system we have, if people would just stop being lazy and do it, is effective! The point of the game os to have fun, not stalk every troller out there.

     Mods I'm pretty sure aren't PAID for their services, and they aren't supposed to babysit us. We are obligated to behave as at least young adults, and advise others to do the same. When we see someone behaving horribly and breaking rules, it is our duty to not just turn our heads and hope "a mod will deal with it." Just like in real life, Police aren't around every corner stalking us. It is up to call, aka screenie the issues and file a report to our "authorities."

Thank you for understanding! No one want's to be a leader here! Well I am!
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Offline Sunpaw

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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #41 on: January 16, 2012, 07:11:30 am »
Alright, I'm replying to all of the crap I started here. Look everyone, I understand, moderators on this game have lives and have much better, more important things to do than watch over every little thing that goes on in-game. What I'm getting at here is that it seems no matter how many times someone reports a user, starts a thread like I have (My apologies, I'm normally a whiny person), that there's pretty much no decrease in the number of problems going on in FeralHeart. As for the "Quit complaining and report users, it's more effective" types of comments, why do you think so many people create threads like this to bring more and more attention to the issues that have gotten out of hand if the reporting is going so well? I'm not saying the mods aren't doing their jobs, I'm not saying that I expect them to sit behind a computer screen all day chasing little idiots in this game, and I'm not saying I dislike the mods. I respect them and I'm glad this game does have people that spend their time moderating. If you have a problem with what I've just stated, feel free to comment but please, for the sake of my sanity, don't go "ZOMFG Y U NO JSUT INJOY TEH GAYME AND LEEV DA MODURATURS ALOWNE!!!!1CAPS-RAGE11 YU DONT NO NUTHIN BOUT MODS SO GO 'WAY MEANIE FACE SUNPWA U SUX bEcUZ moDuRRATERZ R TEH SHIZZ nD U NO SMARTT U TINK U NO BOUT DIS GAM BUT YOU DONT TROLOLOLOL YOU FAILL KAWAII DESU NEKO BAKA-CHAN IMMA GET MY KITZOONES ON YU!!!!! kthXbaI" -Sincerely, that irritating person that caused this, Sunpaw.
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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2012, 07:20:24 am »
I know what you are talking about Sunpaw, people have been swearing at me when I ask them to stop doing inappropriate things, and I agree things really are getting out of hand.

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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2012, 08:19:20 am »
Alright, I'm replying to all of the crap I started here. Look everyone, I understand, moderators on this game have lives and have much better, more important things to do than watch over every little thing that goes on in-game. What I'm getting at here is that it seems no matter how many times someone reports a user, starts a thread like I have (My apologies, I'm normally a whiny person), that there's pretty much no decrease in the number of problems going on in FeralHeart.
As for the "Quit complaining and report users, it's more effective" types of comments, why do you think so many people create threads like this to bring more and more attention to the issues that have gotten out of hand if the reporting is going so well?
   They could add as many mods as they wanted, they could run as tight of a ship as they wanted, but like it or not, this of course would still happen. This is an issue on every game. Those that do the inappropriate things don't tend to get on the site, because they don't honestly care, they harass for the fun of it. So when posts like this are's just preaching to the choir. For every person reported and kicked, there's bound to be a few more that find their way to this game. No matter what, they will exist. No amount of effort will get rid of them completely.

   Making more threads about this of course doesn't help at all, because everyone is already aware of this. Anyone who has ever played an online game, or gone on the internet, is aware of this. Anyone who was not aware of it is either new to the internet, or has been living under a rock.
   The only issue with the reporting system so far is that people tend to make more threads than actually report with screenshots. Unless there's a screenshot, it's just a "he said she said" argument, where the Moderator can't do squat. No evidence, no ban. And even if they are on the game, they can't read every local chat at the same time. Unless they somehow are at the same spot the issue is arising, there's no way they can do anything without some evidence. Having mods all over the place and stalking groups would be highly impractical...and somewhat "Big Brother" creepy.
   There needs to be a proper ratio of players and enforcement on the game. I will admit there should be a bit more mods in case something bad is happening, but people also need to be responsible for their actions. Reporting isn't tattling, and needs to be done. Just like how people write reports and have interviews after a crime. Having a cop around every corner isn't going to solve anything. It'd probably cause players to feel horribly uncomfortable and ruin the atmosphere of the game. Feral Heart isn't on military lockdown, it shouldn't have to be, and shouldn't feel that way.


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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #44 on: January 16, 2012, 08:36:55 am »
well put Windance.


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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #45 on: January 16, 2012, 11:42:56 am »
Movie spam: turn off the movie options.
People do shizzam you don't like: block them.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 12:28:31 pm by `Pitbull »

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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2012, 11:47:08 am »
Movie spam: turn off the movie options.
People don't shizzam you don't like: block them.


As Foxfang said, 'tis ze simplez way oot.
KovuLKD 'blessed' us with the options to turn things off and on, they are there for a reason. c:
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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2012, 12:27:33 pm »
Yep, no point baaawing about it if the solution is already front of you...staring at you...waving it's arms...and shouting at you.
Use yer heads =P

Offline wolffox

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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #48 on: January 16, 2012, 02:45:11 pm »
Difficult issues sometimes have simple answers, no? But what happens when everyone has everyone else blocked except their friends, and when people movie spam while others are trying to use movies for their intended purpose? Then the functions for adding friends and playing/making movies would be irrelevant. Ignoring the problem doesn't solve it, and though I do agree there should be a few more mods INGAME (we've got a pretty good amount here on the forum because people here tend to behave themselves), having a mod around every corner, keeping an eye on every single player, would be creepy. That is, if it were even possible. There aren't enough trustworthy people here to have that many mods... and if there were, the problem wouldn't be here. And I'm not saying this is "the mods' fault." Every member of the staff does their job, and does it well. The staff isn't the problem at all. The problem is people who don't know how to govern themselves, therefore they need someone to step in and say, "no, what you're doing is bad, you can never come back here," and then take a banhammer to the face.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 02:51:25 pm by wolffox »


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Re: This really needs to be stopped.
« Reply #49 on: January 16, 2012, 07:13:01 pm »
A lot of it is just using your head, you can un block at a later date, you can take notice of people around you, asking you not to spam, etc etc.
People just need to get off their backside, look around and then look at themselves. It's not that hard.