Author Topic: People randomly claiming custom maps  (Read 5975 times)

Offline GaaraRocks!

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People randomly claiming custom maps
« on: September 25, 2011, 04:39:41 am »
I was doing a routine check up on one of my maps Kalahari and went into one of the caves to see what could be fixed or improved. Well some people came in and started asking how long i was going to stay in the cave for. I said i can stay here as long as i want. They started saying it was there territory. Something around them lines. I told them they cant claim the map because its not claimable. It wasnt until they actually found out i made the map that they kept quiet and let me do my job.

Then Today on FH i went to MasaiMara. Its been under some thought on what i could add. So me and my sister roamed around checking the place out. Then i went to my Leopard den that i created on blender, sat there discussing things to make the map seem more on the realistic side. Then 2 people came on a male lion and a lioness. The male lion shouted at me for being on the rock I created and said it was his. At first i thought he was rping. But then the lioness said "Leave, this is our map". I said no its not. I told them it was my map, i even told them to go check out the thread if they didnt believe me. I dont like the fact that i've put alot of effort into my maps and people claim them all for themselves and anyone who wants to actually come on for a rp gets kicked out. Its not nice getting told to get out of your own map you spent ages working on.

I was wondering for the future will there be a ingame system that the creator of the map can kick people out of there map and either into cape or bonfire.I'll explain.

your in Map Maker. Lets say the UsernameAdminforMap Box: you type you name here. Then when you save and export. You can kick people out of the map, however this should only be used if either people do what i've experienced or cause problems for others in the map.

Theres no way a mod will be able to stop people from claiming maps, specially custom made ones. I just dont like my stuff being stolen. There must be away to put maps up for the public but at the same time keeping your map safe.
What do you think of the whole mini mod for your very own custom map? and tell me if other map makers have had this problem?

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 07:01:04 pm »
I never really made maps because I never figured out height maps and ran into bug after but after bug, LOL. Hearing this, I'm greatly disturbed.

It's not fair to the map creator that people strut around a map as if they made it. I like the kicking idea, but I think a notification on who made the map appearing somewhere in the game, as well as a notification of the map maker entering the map when on the game is better than kicking.

The maker isn't going to be online all the time, so kicking is sorta pointless if people claiming the map as their own are always on when you aren't on. Having your name appear with the map in game would help people go "Oh! You don't have a right to tell us to leave. you didn't make this map" And so on.

Offline GaaraRocks!

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 07:28:05 pm »
good idea shusuke never thought of it that way. I just dont like the fact that i've spent hours on end and even stayed up all night making meshes for the maps to make the maps seem more on the realistic side and people coming in and claiming that the map belongs to them even though they didnt lift a finger. All they did is click the download button. But this is also unfair to people who actually want to go to custom maps as the people hogging the full map are chasing them out.

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 07:39:46 pm »
I usually make it a point to announce that I'm the maker of my own maps when I'm in them, most of the time. I also put "You may base your RP here, but you may not CLAIM TERRITORY here." in the maps where I know it'll be a common problem.

Can't say I've had people try to kick me out of my own maps, though. Still, I like your idea of putting the whole Admin thing. XD
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Offline GaaraRocks!

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2011, 08:15:04 pm »
the thing is with MasaiMara is that there are claimable places for prides. Including dens around the map for people to rp with their offspring ect. However i think these people that tried to kick me out have tried to claim the mountain area. however because of this im recently Petrolling my maps now to make sure everything is in order.

What i've noticed is people are giving direct map links to maps that dont belong to them instead of sending people to the map thread. So people who download the maps through the friend that give them the link dont know who made the map. Thats what happened with kalahari.

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2011, 11:41:04 pm »
I would understand the frustration if there were newbies walking around pretending they were the ones making it and claim your map as theirs(even though I haven't had a problem with it myself yet).

In a way this can "almost" be seen as some sort of stealing, but we do put links out for the public, and there's many users that simply don't have any manners or a sense for rules which is kinda sad.

I see a few problems with these suggestions though but I do like the idea of users being able to tag there maps, but I really wonder what sort of effect it would have and how it would be made.

There's no map bio function in the game/map info button, where would information be shown about the map without making a whole new function? We both know that the map maker are an offline function so connecting it together with the mp part somehow wouldn't be too effective(Say this for those having ideas going that way).

About that kick function, I don't think it will ever happen and personally I'm not even sure if I want to see one, but let me explain why.

If there were a kick function to be added so users could kick other ones out of the map/game it would also mean a completely new game function would have to be made, one that keep tracks on WHO made the map by it's username, and when they enter the map, and as mentioned earlier, the map maker isn't really a part of the Multiplayer and the accounts there. The exports folder is more made to communicate with the cape map inside the game, which would "probably" make it easier to give powers via the map maker anyway.

I just don't see an easy implementation of this in any way. Making a function that lets certain people(mods) kick out users from the game is probably one thing, but making another one that lets certain users kick out other certain users from just the map to another map, or just the game is probably a lot harder to make.

With that said, ingame mods are probably missing tools and functions for being able to monitor the game smoothly, and these haven't been made yet even though there's a big need of it. When would the idea of users kicking others out of maps become a real deal if it were seen as a good idea? I see the game falling short in quite a few things, but users being able to kick in private maps is probably not one of them.

I kinda see it coming that it could get quite a fuzz if not even more than it is now about users in custom maps kicking eachothers out, members feeling mistreated etc.

I could probably have written this post in a slightly clearer way, but I do feel I was still too tired xD

However, people got different opinions, but I personally don't see a good way to add these function, or why they'd be "that" good for us in the community, though. This makes me wonder if there needs to be added a line somewhere in the rules about stealing custom maps. Sure it would be impossible to keep a track on everything going on, but if a member of this community clearly claims a map that isn't there so badly, so they jump on the map creator, the map creator should be able to report this and possibly get them warned.

But aye.. That rule wouldn't truthfully be 100% solid either.

Maybe others like the kick/name idea, but I'm not sure I do. If there were a standard in the future though that lets people add map bios that you could access from within the game, it should totally have the map makers name though. Meanwhile you should always put your name in the readme somewhere or maybe even the zipped/rared folder name. Though some can probably jump past that as well.

Thinking of this whole idea, I'm starting to wonder what's on my mind the most, the subject here about being able to kick and show who made the map from within the game. Or about that users actually are THAT stupid to claim maps that aren't even theirs in the first place. lol.

Very derpish thing to do.

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Offline GaaraRocks!

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2011, 12:18:18 am »
i actually see where your coming from, adding a kick function or something along those lines would be an awkward thing to implement into the game with like you said the map maker being a offline tool. My sister also mentioned that this could be used in the wrong type of way by a map maker who created a map and a person who comes into the map that the map maker doesnt get along with, they will be abusing there power by kicking that person from the map.

however i do like the idea where you said when people enter the map it says the map name along with the creators username.But your right though this needs looked into. I bet many map makers dont want to work hard and have it stolen.

btw red for someone so tired you sure write alot XD. i didnt expect such a huge post. But at least its made alot of things more clear.

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2011, 04:27:18 pm »
Lol , i'mma write this anyway xD If the kick function would be added it could work like this : You go to map maker and open a file , then save your username and password there .. only the computer you made the map in could contain that file and it would be impossible to copy it ... so if you enter your map sorta a login option pops out ,(still , only in the computer where the map was made xP) you enter your username and password .

Alright so i personally think that should contain the kick function and maybe the red text whatever thingy xD because many people get sorta ''scared'' of the red text and start behaving .. i've seen it myself , i was a leader of a pack once and the red text appeared and told the member not to curse .. everyone calmed down and continued the RP . Usually most people wont disobey a mod/red text XD . Although there are some exceptions , that would be where the kick function would come in .

(lol sorry i forgot a lot of what i read so i might have repeated it xD)
(Or if it didn't make any sense xD I'm not very good with explaining thingies xD)

Woof ! By Ramine ^^
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 04:30:11 pm by Ramine »

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2011, 11:48:01 pm »
If I ever made  a public map I would put my name in the map name, so that everyone would know who made it when they entered the map and no one could claim they made it. XD

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Re: People randomly claiming custom maps
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2011, 12:06:59 am »
Thankz gaara, I like to postiesss

Lol , i'mma write this anyway xD If the kick function would be added it could work like this : You go to map maker and open a file , then save your username and password there .. only the computer you made the map in could contain that file and it would be impossible to copy it ... so if you enter your map sorta a login option pops out ,(still , only in the computer where the map was made xP) you enter your username and password .

Alright so i personally think that should contain the kick function and maybe the red text whatever thingy xD because many people get sorta ''scared'' of the red text and start behaving .. i've seen it myself , i was a leader of a pack once and the red text appeared and told the member not to curse .. everyone calmed down and continued the RP . Usually most people wont disobey a mod/red text XD . Although there are some exceptions , that would be where the kick function would come in .

(lol sorry i forgot a lot of what i read so i might have repeated it xD)
(Or if it didn't make any sense xD I'm not very good with explaining thingies xD)

Woof ! By Ramine ^^

The problem still remains. Not all users can stay of that kick button. Half of the rps would probably get people kicked out just because the creator of the map doesn't like where it's heading. You'd still have to find a way to implement the function in to the game even if you had a text on client side saying "these users can kick". Not to mention a loginbox lol. That would probably make it even more complicated to make.

Another good thing to keep in mind is that mods are the only ones that should be able to use that text for a reason,  they're after all.. the mods. If everyone with a custom map are able to use it, I'd actually see a peak of people mass abusing it for fun, and also how it would die down after some time. Not to mention that the so called "scary" parts of it, would probably not be as scary anymore xD

The map creator being able to kick other users out I'd accept, I'm more against how it would work putting it inside the game. They shouldn't have any resemblance to the mods if that would happen as well.

But really, I still think pretty much the same as before.

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