Author Topic: hunting updates  (Read 30556 times)


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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2011, 09:44:07 pm »
Random thought in fighting. If we could pull off a move like Beau in Dragon booster, that one pawed tail kick thing, that would just be funny x3 I'm nit suggesting you do it. Infact, I'm hlaf against it cause it is a dragon booster move and to model that would take ALOT of time, because the move is so complex,

But fighting hunting is a brilliant idea.
Was thinking for fighting, you could choose your opponents. If your opponent agrees' something like a barrier, like is Okami, would come up and surround you and your opponent and you would fight the'ir protected in that, so theres not fould play.
If your opponent then said no, your characters would be automatically taken into a dominant/submissive stance. The attacking character could lash out once and said opponent could cower, if you get me

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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #61 on: February 20, 2011, 10:51:25 pm »
I like the hunting option.  My character is a character who doesn't usually hang around groups (it's not in his species nature...)  Anyways, I also don't have many friends and I'm not always on when they are, so having a survival mode would be fun! 

My ideas would be:
I like the attack moves.  I mean, I really can't think of any other way that could be used to attack prey.  Maybe leap+bite, paw swipe, bit, nip.  Some of these moves can be used for different things than just hunting (like a paw swipe from a dominate to a submissive, a friendly nip...).  You could use the cursor to aim, I think.  So when you chasing pray you could autorun, aim with the cursor, press a hotkey to leap+bite and hopefully get the prey's neck which would get it's health down 60-100% depending on it's size.  Different areas of the body affect the prey differently.

Also, I wouldn't want them to drop items.  Maybe, if the carrying it whole wouldn't work, then maybe it could be programmed you have to bite and paw swipe at it until it breaks to carry-able pieces or something.  Dropping items seems too... uhm... not Feral-Hearts?  Even though that's presumptuous of me, but from what I've heard, it cause IT a lot of problems. ('ve never played IT, sorry)

I like the idea of modes.  Maybe in options you can have modes like Freeplay, pvp and survival.  Of course, in pvp it wouldn't effect anyone else that hasn't checked pvp themselves unless the map you're in is defaulted as a pvp map.  Also, I think that survival and pvp go hand in hand on the survival side.  So, if you click survival your immediately visible to those only in pvp mode. 

I like bars like food + water, but no skills bar or levels.  When the food + water bar run out (in survival mode) you're forced to lye down for a while (maybe five minutes) or until some kind person drags some food over to you.  Which isn't likely, but hey, it could happen.  Also, you could have a stamina bar that depletes (very slowly) when you walk or run since animals' endurance is high anyways.  It depletes faster when your food/water bars are down (which also deplete slowly) so you're forced to find food faster. The stamina bar depletes when you attack prey and when the prey hits you.  When the stamina bar is depleted you're rendered motionless for five minutes as well.  This is so a loner can take down rabbits, birds and fish and other small prey, maybe a deer if they're lucky.  And a pack is needed to take down larger prey.

 As an added bonus, if it's not too difficult, maybe program the prey's AI to act similar to their RL counterparts.  As in, a rabbit, when catches sight/sound/whatever it runs to hide (be it really tiny den you can get in, or a hole in the ground you can't get in.  And then, you have to paw swipe or dig until it pops out, or leave it.  Then, bison/elaphants/whatever can circle the weak/young in their herd and have the strong ones face out.  Deer/herd animals would run in a tight herd, birds would scatter and start flying. (Though it'd be pretty cool if you could leap+bite/jump and pawswipe and catch a bird.  Same thing for fish.)   

Uhm... those are just my ideas, though, and I'm not sure if they're good or not.  Sorry for my long post... >.>
...In my pants.


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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #62 on: February 22, 2011, 06:07:40 pm »
I like Kamaete's idea, but I liked the items in IT they were cute.
But since were going for realism, have the items made from things would would find in nature.

You want a bracelet? go attack that animal it eats grass take the grass tie it around your leg.
want flowers for your hair/ears? go eat a bunny.
If we get peacocks perhaps taking a tail feather, for fish little fish eye charms.

If we get a dig option perhaps finding some man made items. Like humans were once there but for one reason or another left and left some junk laying around.
I don't mean the crown jewles or anything but some simple earrings, leather scraps, animal parts (bones, horns, tanned hide?)

I just hope we dont get sharks in the game. If we do I will never go near that water again. XD


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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #63 on: February 22, 2011, 11:35:32 pm »
I adore HyenaChows' idea :D

Offline Shadowess

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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #64 on: February 22, 2011, 11:45:17 pm »
I like that idea, too!
*shudders* That huge Manta Ray scared the crud outta me when I saw it in IT xD

But I do like the idea of Kamatie's. It would make the game realistic, and the simple man-made items also seems pretty awesome!

But what about if you're kicked, or injured by an animal and no one is around? Maybe a re-spawn into a place that could act as a 'Medicine Den' for FH players? Maybe some AI's can be thrown in there, but it may cause some delays. I'd think that programming AIs is hard.
And how about for deep-sea fisihing (Like diving underwater) an Air Bar of sorts? It'd make it a little more realistic.

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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #65 on: February 23, 2011, 12:13:16 am »
I really would like crouching to stalk prey. It seems a bit more reaalistic. In IT i could just walk up to a rabbit,it stayed a few seconds,then hopped over to another area. The were easy to kill. It would be much more realistic if we had to stalk the prey :D

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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #66 on: February 23, 2011, 07:50:01 am »
I'm not really opposed to items, but I don't think I really much like the idea of everyone hunting just to get some items. And that was a big problem with hackers, so I hear.  I just wouldn't find much use to them.

If there is under water hunting-- I would love sharks.  I mean, we can't be the only predators around.  And how fun would it be to take one down?!   Also, I guess a breath meter could work, too.  I do like that Idea.  And Shadowess' other ideas of a respawn place could work, too.  When I was talking about being forced down, though, I was thinking of just resting for five minutes tops, but if you were fed you could move around faster.  The same idea could be taken and twisted a bit so that you'd have a cycle, where you lay and rest for thirty seconds or more (the longer you lay the more energy you have) and then you can walk while regaining your energy/stamina until you have enough to run and hunt again.  I think regaining energy should be faster than loosing it, I hate it when I'm running in games, get tired and have to stop and wait for a full bar just to run for thirty seconds and do it again.  With this, you could wait or walk for a minute and run around for ten.  Or something.
...In my pants.


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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #67 on: February 23, 2011, 08:43:45 pm »
The idea is to work to get items maybe make them rare. Because you're attackign animals for their lunches you would find more "damaged/chewed" food.

People wouldent be there just to hunt. Over in the Plains there are two tall "moutains" that people try to climb, I know personally through FH and IT is the only way I can talk to some of my friends. I love how pretty the maps are. Theres always gunna be RP's all over, if hunting comes back we have an option.

In RP's hunting happens, why type it when you can go and do it?

Just no Jaws sized sharks. *shudder* ugh.

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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #68 on: March 05, 2011, 08:55:49 pm »
Oh, if its a bigger animal lets say a giraffe or elephant.. And when you come near it you need a pack/pride to kill it or you will die or something, a dieing affect could be you fall to the ground, defeated and you click some window called, "Resserect" (I forgot how to spell it XD) and when you click, "Okay" it makes you come back to life and other people who die can see your ghost.. But your character will not breath and it has their eyes opened or closed for that special dieing and has no pupils (like a faded kind of thing)..

For fighting; you can click a character and it has the little button, "Attack" so now you have a chance to hit that character, but if you miss they will start to attack you and you lose health so it makes you give up and you roll over with lowered ears meaning you are defeated or gave up..
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 08:57:54 pm by DeathscarandCandycanes »
New name from Deathscar23 to Aragami!

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Re: hunting updates
« Reply #69 on: March 12, 2011, 05:05:19 am »
Leveling would make the game to competitive and people would make fun of lower levels. Simplified. Health bar, prey, attack.