Author Topic: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Semi-Literate Owl RP, Map, Needing Members)?  (Read 3941 times)


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?Taeliyion Ridge (Semi-Literate Owl RP, Map, Needing Members)?
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:19:49 am »

The wind seared at your feathers. Your wings were stiff with frost. How much longer? The blizzard had been raging for hours after hours. "How could anyone live like this?" You grumble. This wasn't paradise, as you were told. You were told that there was a warm and lush woodland on the Taeliyion Mountain's summit. But the raging blizzard gave no signs of a "warm woodland". Stupid feather-brained great greys.
   An hour later of tiring flight, a shape moved in the corner of your eyes. Was the shape getting closer? Yes it was. Soon, the shape had hooted an order to land. Sighing, you obey and give a clumsy landing, thanks to the blizzard. Finally, you give a short survey of the shape. It was a great horned owl, Bubo virginianus, maybe a female but she was rather small. "I am Zodiac," The great horned owl spoke. "What brings you here?" You were lost for words, but the owl spoke for you. "Ahh, lost in the blizzard? No worries, follow me."

Taeliyion Ridge is a literate, semi-realistic, owl RP. There are three clans of owls all living in the snowy mountains of Taeliyion Ridge. The first clan is a clan called "Bubo Strigiformes". Bubo Strigiformes contain members of the bubo owl family, also known as "horned owls". This clan is typically thick-feathered and ready for any kind of blizzard. They live in the few trees of Taeliyion Ridge.
   The second clan of owls is the Tyto Tytoninae. The Tyto Tytoninae clan contain members of the tyto owl family, also known as the heart-shaped face owls. They have a thin coat of feathers and live in the caves of Taeliyion Ridge. The Tyto Tytoninae clan takes the most use of fire in the mountains.
  The final clan of owls is the Micrathene Athene. The Micrathene Athene clan contians most of the small owls of Taeliyion Ridge. They are medium-feathered and reside near small trees next to lakes. Their main prey are fish and occasionally mice. Micrathene Athene is known for their incredible speed.


1. Fruit Loops.
2. No abusing the buttswing action. Owls don't do it that way.
3. No made up species of owl.
4. Put "T" and the first letter of your clan's name at the end of your name after you've been accepted.
5. Send a request to "Taeliyion Ridge" once accepted.
6. Retype rule 1 and put it at the bottom of your form if you've read the rules.
7. No mary/gary-sues, powers, powerplaying, or godmodding.
8. Semi literate only please. Two sentences per post, but an exception when it comes to talking. Good example: The young snowy owl's semi-spotted white feathers ruffled in the freezing ridge. As a member of Bubo Strigiformes, the cold didn't bother her as much as the light-feathered tytos. Bad Example: -sees leader- hi
9. Presets MUST be downloaded.
10. Official RP days are Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. The official RP time is 5:00 PM EST. RP can go on as long as wanted.
11. The RP date has not been announced.


Map =
Presets =
Zodiac's Preset (Credit to Embrastic):


A group of rouge birds have moved into Taeliyion Ridge. They have been stealing prey from other clans, leaving the clans to blame each other. The owls can sense a war coming, because of these rouges. (These rouges are playable)


Leader = The leader of a clan. The leader organizes the clan and decides what rank would suit a trainee. The leader also can declare war against another clan.
Deputy = When the leader dies or is sick, the deputy takes over leader duties. Deputies organizes which hunters find food and which scouts patrol the clan's territory. There is a new deputy when the deputy becomes leader or dies.
Council =  The council is basically a group of judges. If an owl has committed a crime, the council decides if the owl is guilty or innocent.

Shaman = The shaman is the head healer of a clan. A shaman takes care of major diseases or injuries, such as broken bones or infected wounds. There is only one shaman for each clan.
Healers = Basically the shaman's apprentices. The healers take care of minor wounds such as fresh wounds or colds.
Head Hunter = The head hunter decides where the hunters will hunt. He/she is most commonly a female.
Head Scout = The head scout decides where the scouts will patrol. He/she is mainly a male.
Assassin = The assassin is sent to spy on another clan or kill a member of another clan. The assassin is mainly a small and swift snowy owl because of their white plumage.

Hunters = The hunters of the clan. The hunters are small and swift and are trained to hunt for the clan.
Scouts = The scouts of the clan. The scouts patrol the territories and make sure a clan stays on it's territory.
Messengers: Messengers deliver important messages to other clans. The messengers cannot be attacked when on another clan's territory.

Mothers = Owls with eggs. Mothers stay in this rank ofter her chick has fledged.
Trainees = A young owl training for a specific rank. After being announced trainee, the leader decides what it'll be trained for after a number of tests.
Chicks = Owls that have not fledged. They are watched over by their mothers and may not leave the camp.
Loners = Owls without a clan. They come and go, but may join a clan if deemed worthy.


[500x500 picture here]
.::Description (Personality/Appearance)::.
.::Desired Rank::.
.::RP Sample::.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 01:24:39 am by Zodiac »


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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (WIP)?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2011, 10:22:53 pm »

Bubo Strigiformes










None, accepting

.::Head Hunter::.


.::Head Scout::.

.::Name::. Lunar
.::Gender::. Male
.::Species::. Great Horned Owl
.::Description::.  Kind, sweet, caring, strong and strong willed. Lunar is a Great Horned Owl he is pretty big for one but he one of the nices people youll meet.

None, accepting


.::Name::. Zodiac
.::Gender::. Female
.::Species::. Great Horned Owl
.::Description::. Zodiac is a daredevil and adventurous young great horned owl. She wants to explore the earth below her wingtips and the sky above her ear tufts. As a daredevil, Zodiac would dive into the deepest gorge she can find or fly in front of a bear's face a couple times just for a small scrap of prey.




None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 07:47:05 pm by Zodiac »


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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (WIP)?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2011, 10:27:08 pm »
Tyto Tytoninae










None, accepting

.::Head Hunter::.


.::Head Scout::.



None, accepting






None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting


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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (WIP)?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2011, 10:30:08 pm »
Micrathene Athene


Picture Pending
.::Name::. Keliea Hirone (Keliea for short. :I)
.::Gender::. Female
.::Species::. Micrathene whitneyi (Elf Owl)
.::Description::.  Keliea is a very hard-headed reddish-brown Micrathene whitneyi, with a hint of authority. She can be stubborn at times and demands a high level of authority, even due to her size. Despite this, she is very open to the trusted. Otherwise, in general she is a stubborn and authority-seekng elf owl with the appearence of Gylfie in Gaurdians of Ga'hoole, except that her plumage is of a darker color and her underbelly is not white; it is a lighter color. Her eyes are also different, a combination of blue-greens, hazels, and crimson reds. And, despite her size, she can kill a Bubo Strigiformes any time she wants to; she uses her build-up of stamina to tire her opponent before she goes for the throat. She may not be the fastest Micrathene Athene you've seen.








None, accepting

.::Head Hunter::.


.::Head Scout::.



None, accepting






None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting


None, accepting
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 03:54:18 pm by Zodiac »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Now Accepting!)?
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2011, 03:33:04 am »


Coming soon due to FH crashing upon start. Also making a preset.
.:: Keliea Hirone (Keliea for short. :I) ::.
.:: Female ::.
.:: Micrathene whitneyi (Elf Owl) ::.
.:: Temporarily unknown. ::.
.:: Temporarily unknown. ::.
.:: Keliea is a very hard-headed reddish-brown Micrathene whitneyi, with a hint of authority. She can be stubborn at times and demands a high level of authority, even due to her size. Despite this, she is very open to the trusted. Otherwise, in general she is a stubborn and authority-seekng elf owl with the appearence of Gylfie in Gaurdians of Ga'hoole, except that her plumage is of a darker color and her underbelly is not white; it is a lighter color. Her eyes are also different, a combination of blue-greens, hazels, and crimson reds. And, despite her size, she can kill a Bubo Strigiformes any time she wants to; she uses her build-up of stamina to tire her opponent before she goes for the throat.
And she may not be the fastest Micrathene Athene you've seen. ::.
.:: Micrathene Athene ::.
.:: Leader ::.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 03:57:36 am by Embrastic »

Offline Seam

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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Now Accepting!)?
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2011, 03:44:01 am »
:D omg looks Awesome!!! /stalks as well

Avie by Ramine <3 thank you


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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Now Accepting!)?
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 03:51:17 pm »


Coming soon due to FH crashing upon start. Also making a preset.
.:: Keliea Hirone (Keliea for short. :I) ::.
.:: Female ::.
.:: Micrathene whitneyi (Elf Owl) ::.
.:: Temporarily unknown. ::.
.:: Temporarily unknown. ::.
.:: Keliea is a very hard-headed reddish-brown Micrathene whitneyi, with a hint of authority. She can be stubborn at times and demands a high level of authority, even due to her size. Despite this, she is very open to the trusted. Otherwise, in general she is a stubborn and authority-seekng elf owl with the appearence of Gylfie in Gaurdians of Ga'hoole, except that her plumage is of a darker color and her underbelly is not white; it is a lighter color. Her eyes are also different, a combination of blue-greens, hazels, and crimson reds. And, despite her size, she can kill a Bubo Strigiformes any time she wants to; she uses her build-up of stamina to tire her opponent before she goes for the throat.
And she may not be the fastest Micrathene Athene you've seen. ::.
.:: Micrathene Athene ::.
.:: Leader ::.




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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Now Accepting!)?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2012, 08:49:46 pm »


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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Semi-Literate Owl RP, Map, Needing Members)?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2012, 01:25:16 am »
Map has been added!


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Re: ?Taeliyion Ridge (Semi-Literate Owl RP, Map, Needing Members)?
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2012, 11:47:38 pm »