Author Topic: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?  (Read 43371 times)


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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2012, 01:51:20 pm »
Yes, this problem should be fixed. I've only seen it 5 times, and I've been here only a month and a half. I think the dancelines are funny, and just something random to do. To have FUN. The only I think can fix it is getting rid of all the dance actions, and even crouch action. Even the lay down and upside lay down action. That's all they use, if we get rid of that it will stop. But we can't get rid of that, it would ruin the game's freedom. So now, the staff pretty much has to inforce it from the rules. *Shrug*

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2012, 06:12:52 pm »
I think the less we complain about this kind of stuff the less the "sex trolls" of Feral Heart will harass. The more we make topics about this well known issue the more famous we will make these trouble makers feel to the point that they will want to keep doing this stuff because people are putting so much attention to it. I am strongly against removing the "Buttswing" "crouching" " lay down on back" and "head banging" actions. Why? Because I think it is ridiculous to punish the people who use the action normally for fun play and RP for those few that use it for sexual purposes. It isn't fair to punish the majority over the silly perverted actions of a few people. If you meet people like this simply block them and ignore them. I have had many lions buttswinging over my character and I just sit there and ignore them and continue what ever I am doing. Eventually they will tire and get bored and go off to harass someone else. Just give them fair warning that there are kids playing this game and that the way they are using that interraction is inappropriate and then do not talk to them anymore after that if they continue. If people want to act foolish let them get themselves into trouble don't waste your time frustrating yourself over it.

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2012, 12:12:45 am »
Don't block, report. The fact you people are saying to block instead of report these people really gets on my nerves. You want to know why it's an issue? Because it's the same people doing it when the mods aren't looking, but everyone ignores it so they go and do it again, and again, because they are getting away with it. It's not because they're getting attention, it's because YOU GUYS LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT. Most of these immature people don't even come to the forum until they've been banned!

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #53 on: August 15, 2012, 12:31:45 am »
Don't block, report. The fact you people are saying to block instead of report these people really gets on my nerves. You want to know why it's an issue? Because it's the same people doing it when the mods aren't looking, but everyone ignores it so they go and do it again, and again, because they are getting away with it. It's not because they're getting attention, it's because YOU GUYS LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT. Most of these immature people don't even come to the forum until they've been banned!

Well I usually do report them as well and threaten them with reporting if the behavior doesn't stop... Only problem is I have seen many people here saying that the report button doesnt really work. I think what we should do is have a place on the forum where we can all post the name and picture of offenders so that appropriate action can then be taken by those in charge. Only reason why I suggest posting the picture along with the offender is so that there is proof of what they are doing and people don't just start stating names and getting innocent people in trouble. A mod scolded me a while back for posting a picture that showed an offender in the act when I was merely providing proof so that if they were going to punish the person proof was in the picture.  It shouldn't be made into such a fuss if we post a pic like that here in a report section if like every user of the game young and old has seen that inappropriate behavior... its nothing new. Concern here should be more about removing the people doing the action.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 12:34:01 am by LordSuragaha »

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2012, 12:38:48 am »
Don't block, report. The fact you people are saying to block instead of report these people really gets on my nerves. You want to know why it's an issue? Because it's the same people doing it when the mods aren't looking, but everyone ignores it so they go and do it again, and again, because they are getting away with it. It's not because they're getting attention, it's because YOU GUYS LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT. Most of these immature people don't even come to the forum until they've been banned!

Well I usually do report them as well and threaten them with reporting if the behavior doesn't stop... Only problem is I have seen many people here saying that the report button doesnt really work. I think what we should do is have a place on the forum where we can all post the name and picture of offenders so that appropriate action can then be taken by those in charge. Only reason why I suggest posting the picture along with the offender is so that there is proof of what they are doing and people don't just start stating names and getting innocent people in trouble. A mod scolded me a while back for posting a picture that showed an offender in the act when I was merely providing proof so that if they were going to punish the person proof was in the picture.  It shouldn't be made into such a fuss if we post a pic like that here in a report section if like every user of the game young and old has seen that inappropriate behavior... its nothing new. Concern here should be more about removing the people doing the action.


There is a big topic in here that tells you how to report. Screenshot, and PM a mod or admin. What you are saying is naming and shaming, telling the whole world what people did wrong. While these people didn't follow the rules they don't need the whole forum attacking them. Keep it private and send it through PM like we ask you to.

The only reason for not doing this is ignorance because it sits RIGHT UNDER THE RULES.

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2012, 05:17:20 am »
Please Kyugima you sound quite harsh...mod or not there's no need for that tone to address an issue even if its been addressed several times before. We're all mature here and so I admit I made a mistake posting the pic on the forum and I'm terribly sorry. I have never noticed that section of the forum that you mentioned although I am pretty familiar around most of the forum. Thank you for informing me Kyugima I know for next time.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 05:27:30 am by LordSuragaha »


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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #56 on: August 15, 2012, 10:49:54 pm »
Technically, that stuff doesn't bother me much. On a personal level, it doesn't bother me, it looks silly and doesn't hurt me. My real problem with it is that it breaks the rules. I have yet to encounter anyone doing this myself, but if I did, I'd be reporting them for sure.

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2012, 03:31:10 am »
'Tis true, it only stored up data over a long period of time a believe, good thing its gone now.

Well, a lot of things have been going on in Ascension island, but thankfully not a lot in Bonfire, you still see these people on their backs, its just terrible, I normally give them a stern warning about getting in trouble for raping, then they get up.

Why not have a different kind of report button? There are certain people with certain computers that do not have the print screen button. Why not Make the report button act as a screenshot taker along with allowing you to explain what was happening and being able to use a Feral Heart pen tool or highlighter or something for Feral Heart to use? Hmm...I will post this in the idea thread.

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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #58 on: August 17, 2012, 05:40:13 am »
Meh, I've noticed it, and really, personally, i don't care, but as said before, it is against the rules, and since we are a nice community, it would be better if people just abide by said rules. It's just immature people that think it's "funny" that don't see this, and threads like this pop up, and thus things get completely shot out of proportion because someone can't hold back from butt-swinging in someone's face, amongst other actions. So, really, reporting is all we can do, since taking the actions away that are used would sorta hurt the game. Sorta sucks to, a few peoples immaturity can go and kill everyone's day so quickly... :/
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Re: Feralheart Used for Sexual Behavior?
« Reply #59 on: August 17, 2012, 06:51:21 am »
Seems like fuzz is started over an old topic once again.

As Kyugima already pointed out, these users can still roam around inside of the game if you the players do not feel like sending us information about it so it can be taken care of in a nice manner, once you done this it's really just to block them off from your presence and you should be good for the moment.

The screenshot function not working is not an excuse, there's something called an options menu inside of the game that lets you set your keys to whatever you prefer, this goes to the screenshot button as well. So the function does in fact work, and even if that wouldn't work for lets say, maybe on a Mac, then the mac should have screen snipping tools by default as far as I'm concerned. Thing is, if you want to make a difference you can do so.

The reason why the old report button was removed was because it simply never worked properly, and instead we got it removed so users wouldn't get a false impression of all their reports being read, and just getting that done took several months to get through and sorted out. Maybe you should get a new report button you might think? Well let me tackle this down just as I had in another topic.

The report button itself when it used to exist, most of the time when I even caught a conversation about it and reporting, it was for silly personal and non legit reasons in which we wouldn't even deal with. The community is not mature enough to have such an easy access to a report button right next to someone's bio to be fair. But even so, if we had a report button as we used to, and it actually worked, how much pages of text do you think we'd get every single day? And who would be forced to read this?

I'm certain that NO one has the time, yet even the interest to sit through every single hour of free time they get just to read about more valid and less valid reports that could be received, and instead we'd get the old impression from many users had that the staff doesn't give any concern about the players which is far from true. The mods are here to play the game just as you and me, and every single second, minute, hour, they put into helping you guys and responding to whatever you might send them, is their free time in which they get nothing in return except possibly the feeling of being helpful and being there for you guys.

Getting more mods you might say? Well it doesn't work that easily either since being a mod is a great responsibility and there's quite a few things we must take note of when we get these and as it seems, it gets even harder to find good potential mods as the requirements seems to become bigger as the community grows.

I wish to quote the post I wrote back in January.

This might actually seem like quite an out of thing for me to say, especially here on the forum.

I can think of many reasons why it is this way, but if I'd try to be plain I'd say this.

It's because the majority of the fanbase of this game consist of premature teens that barely know, or just found out about the flowers and the bees. It could also be the fact that this game is still growing and is in the making, it's far far away from something like Impressive Title if you look content wise. Many of the users could easily turn out bored and do not have much in their imagination to come up with something to do except... well.. Do weird things. This doesn't go to all users though cause I have really met some wonderful users myself within the game, but if you'd just look on the surface of the hive aye.

Also since the game is rather big, and it's not exactly optimized for monitoring the users and the freedom that is actually given within the game, users cannot simply keep themselves within the boundaries and have to be the biggest, the baddest, the worst, just to BE there.

This is not the whole truth about the community though, but it's not a lie.

So honestly, the game is rather stripped down compared to other games out there, and as it seems getting content and patches isn't something we will get too often, removing two of the few actions that exist would most likely get many of the players unhappy since they are still liked and used by many. I can admit that something like the headbang could be changed to not look like a "rump bang", but it's the idea of just removing actions that I do not like. Especially since it's SO easy just NOT to do anything dumb with it. All the rules inside the game is very simple and easy to follow.

So really, if you see someone do something naughty in the game, report them. They might not be able to play FeralHeart for the upcoming months, even year if it's bad enough, and anyone can report.

And as a notice for you guys, if you notice that someone is new or unaware of the rules that you actually can contact and talk to, maybe get them to read the rules? It's really just a few clicks away and then it's right in front of you. I'm certain that if the majority of the users in the game knew about all the rules it would be a better place eventually.
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