Author Topic: ~*Foxes Of Tishio Cove*~ DEAD. NOT ACCEPTING  (Read 53040 times)


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3:23 PM here.

Offline Wolf}

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Im in the spring map and it's snowing  :-\ That's Not sopost to happen in spring! o.O

"I Believe I can Fly!"


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Im in the spring map and it's snowing  :-\ That's Not sopost to happen in spring! o.O
Actually, sometimes, it's possible to have early spring snow. After all, winter is before spring, so spring might have some of the winter's weather.

Offline Wolf}

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Oh and also its like 3:05 here WCT is anyone in the map?

"I Believe I can Fly!"


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Yeah, I didn't see Kierra's user name on my friend's list when it was five o' clock for me.

Offline angelre0807

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DX Oh, sorry I haven't been on Pandora, I am grounded and now my lil sis and big bro have to play
DX IM SO SAD! I am grounded for a month or less.

Offline DeathHowl

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You put 0 vixens. o.o

That part is for the rogues. The other one showing the members is at the top. There is 10 vixens XD

Offline DeathHowl

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Derpy Hooves c:
Age: 2 year olds
Rank Desired:Rogue ~ If you are willing to let me if not then scout c:
Species: Artic fox
Time Zone: uk ~ GMT
Personality: She is a quite small simple fox. She usally explore most of the time and keep herself distance from many things that seem danger before her eyes. She can be calm most of the time and bubbly but when threaten she harsh and vicious. She soft and fluffy on the outside but in the inside she warm and strong.One of her eye is blue and the other is green, she never knew about the colour untill she saw herself. She can get upset if anyone mention her eyes, it make her feel odd one out.
History: Mearu was born in a pack of her family, she never been with a stranger or even been in a pack bigger that 6. Her family alway travel far to seek a new home away from danger, unfortantly for Mearu she love to explore off she alway seem to get lost but yet found. Mearu learnt from her danger mistake and stand by her family side. Both her parent alway care and love Mearu and her other 3 sibling, they would die to protect the young. When nightfall came, it was one of the danger night. Wolves would come out and hunt and Mearu would come out of the burrow to wonder. As she came face to face with the wolves she darted of leading them toward the burrow. Both her parent risk themself for the young one, sending them away from danger. Mearu hated herself for what she done. She killed both her parent and soon lead the danger toward her sibling. Her plan was to leave the sibling and carer and remain on her own so that no one would face danger because of her.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES):
As day turned night, the moon rose from the hill, gleaming down the land, stars shimmer like dimond. Mearu climbed out of her burrow, looking up to the millions of stars, her eyes reflect the light. She made her way through the shadow, dark forest. Noise screeched behind the shadow but this never bother Mearu. She gave a soft hum and a shiver, tonight was a coldest night, even for winter. When she looked across the path which lead to the frozen lake she stood still checking to see there wasn't any danger around, usually hunter or predator would hide and wait for her to reach the free zone. Nothing. She carried on toward the lake. She dipped her timid paw on top of the ice then started to scratch it till she reach the water, she lapped up some water. Mearu squeal in coldness then blushed. She resume drinking.
~I usally rp quite long .3.)
I hope I'm not too late or something x3

Accepted! I loved your RP.

Offline DeathHowl

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Age:3 Years
Rank Desired:Hunter
Species: Maned wolf and Artic Fox Mix.
Time Zone:Eastern Standard Time
Personality:This honorable pleasing fox is an obedient one.She's swift and quick like the average fox and She does have a mind of her own but she feels that free will when not needed is rebellion for her.She is quiet large but she doesn't realize yet that size is an ultimate advantage, even if she is a bit smaller than average size, plus she knows alot of skillful moves that a hunter like herself doesn't have time to learn sometimes.You can say she's like a personal minion;however, she will not do something that is wrong.
History:She seeked a more stable life after becoming of age.She was blamed to be different from both foxes and wolves.That she belonged to no one and was an abomination to both species.Her parents, Kiko and Alai, where not purebreeds themselves.Infact they displayed more wolf than ever, but their size didn't quiet grow as big as her.Her father was mixed with Maned Wolf, but her mother was mixed with a smaller breed.Until she was old enough to leave, she dealt with these name callings and being left out of activities and nobody wanted to play with her.Her parents weren't ashamed of her, but couldn't rise to tell her pack the truth, leaving Tails to be at fault for her own breed.She ran away on the second night of her ceremony.
RP Sample(4-5 LINES PLEASE):Tails frowned and shied away as another pup made fun of her at the watery log." Half-breed!Half-breed!" The female pup laughed in Tails' face and began to poke the small body.Tails kept shying away until the pup almost made her fall off the log.Their mentors went to check out something from across the stream, and wanted them to stay here." You will never be a wolf! Your pathetic! I don't see why your parents kick you out!They dont love you!!" The female pup implied.The hurtful words worked their ways into Tail's ears and into her chest.A seemingly dark flame began to flare deep inside her chest, creating a burning sensation of anger.Her eyes flashed with a dangerous tint as the pup kept repeating her hurtful words." Enough!!" Tails lounged herself at the pup and bit at her paws and muzzle.The pup squealed helplessly and Tails did more than just playfighting.The sudden leap was enough force to throw the pup into the now rushing stream of water.Tails watched the pup cry for help as the river swept her away....Her mentor had arrived just intime to see the incident and make her way down to the river, but was too late to catch the pup.Luckily the pup's mentor was already walking upstream as they seperated to cover more distance.He carried the soaked pup with angry eyes.

'Derpy Hooves'

Amazing! Accepted

Offline DeathHowl

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I feel terrible. I missed the RP yesterday because I had to babysit my younger sis and brother. But I promise there will be a guarunteed RP today.

~Felony TCT