Author Topic: Wing preset issue (probably already answered somewhere)  (Read 833 times)

Offline Deviedra

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Wing preset issue (probably already answered somewhere)
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:24:31 am »
I don't have time to go through the topics and find the answer to this. Can you tell me why this won't work? This is my preset 11 folder. All images are named correctly and made into the right format (e.g. png) but it's still not working. I think there's something missing from this...

material preset_11_bodyMatL
            texture preset_11body.png
material preset_11_bodyMatR
            texture preset_11body.png
material preset_11_headMatL
            texture preset_11head.png
material preset_11_headMatR
            texture preset_11head.png
material preset_11_eyeMatL
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_11eye.png
material preset_11_eyeMatR
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_11eye.png
material preset_11_tailMat
            texture preset_11tail.png
material preset_11_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_11mane.png
material preset_11_equipMatL
            texture preset_11equip.jpg
material preset_11_equipMatR
            texture preset_11equip.jpg