Author Topic: .:Blazing Cheetah Tribe:. Semi-Liberate, Active,Soon Mapped RP [Acepting!]  (Read 3158 times)

Offline Wolf}

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Welcome! To The Form of the Blazing Cheetah Tribe!
Also all the Credit for the map goes to Xx_Killer_xX
Thank you so much for making the map!

Plot: An everyday cheetah RP with some heyenas and lions to cause troble and Drama for everyone. We are Semi-Liberate, Active, Long-Term, and soon to be Mapped!

1.Be kind and respectfull.
2. Keep swearing to a minamum.
3. No killing unless the other person agrees.
4. Mating must be done in whisper with the other person.
5. Follow FH rules.
6. Have fun.
7. Just follow the rules please.

Group Rules (This goes for all the groups Lion, Cheetah, Hyena ect.)
1. No killing pack mates (group, tribe ect.)
2. Be kind to other members in your group and out.
3. Swearing at a minamum.
4.  Dont hate the person hate the char.
5. Have fun in your group.
7. Cubs must stay near camp they can go out but need an Adult with them untill they are 8 1/2 months and are able to sprint.
8. Follow all the rules please.


Dux: Leaders of the Tribe DM means Dux Male (for male leader) DF means Dux Female (for Female leader)
Heir (H): Second In command there is a Male and Female pair.
Dix (DI): Third in command there is a male and female pair.
Lux (L) : The leaders offspring next in line to rule the Tribe.
Lead Scout (LS): The leader of the scouts gives orders to scouts.
Scout (S): Scouts the territory and looks for intruders.
Messanger (M): brings messages to other tribes, clans, prides ect.
Lead Medic (LM): Heals the wounded, injured, sick ect.
Lead Venantor (LV): Venator is latin for hunter.Leads the hunters (Venators)
Venator (V): Hunts for Tribe,Clan,Pride ect.
Trainee (T): is between 8 months  to 1 year old.
Cubs (C): the youngest of the Tribe,Clan,Pride ect. For hyena clans it's pup (P)
Elder (E): the oldest of the group.

Application for Cheetah:
Rank: (what you want in your tribe)
Other: (anything else i should know like preset link they go here)

Application for Hyena:
Rank: (What you want in your clan)

Application for Lion:
Rank: (what you want in you pride)

Thanks Hope you join!

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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This is where i will put UpDates.

Map: Currently in the making will be done in about 2-3 weeks!

Website: Currently under constrution will be done soon XD

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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Members for Cheetah Tribe:
I will put the members for the cheetah tribe here.
Dux Female: Storm
Dux Male: None
Dix: None
Lead Scout:None
Lead Medic:None
Lead Venantor:Redeem
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 02:45:06 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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Members for Hyena Clan:
Hyena Clan members go here.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 02:45:50 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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Members for Lion Pride:
Lion Pride members go here.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 02:46:47 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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My Appliction:
Application for Cheetah:
Pic/Distripion: A light color, Almost golden cheetah fur color with black Cheetah marking and ice blue eyes
Age:2 years
Rank:Dux Female
Crush:None yet
Sweet, Kind, Caring, Loyal, But can be very Strong and Firce when needed to.
Storm had a good life she grew up in a loving family with brothers and sisters. She was almost a princess but then she lost her dad to a Hyena and hated them after what they did. If a hyena makes her made they better watch out or they're gonna get hurt.
Other: I like Cheetahs.

I accept my-self XD
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 01:22:43 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline brodylove

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Application for Cheetah:
Pic/Distripion: A dark gold almost a tree bark brown. He has green eyes. He has light black cheetah markings and a white underside.
Name: Redeem
Age: 3 1/2
Gender: Male
Rank: (what you want in your tribe): Lead Venantor
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Personality: Caring ~ loyal ~ good listener ~ semi-dominant
History: When Redeem was born he had no problems, but when he was about a year he left his pride and wandered away never seeing them again. Eventually he came to Blazing Cheetah Tribe hoping to get accepted by the leader.
Other: (anything else i should know like preset link they go here): i'm eastern time zone and cant go in game friday or saturday. Plus i can't wait for FeralHeart to come back on.

Offline Wolf}

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Application for Cheetah:
Pic/Distripion: A dark gold almost a tree bark brown. He has green eyes. He has light black cheetah markings and a white underside.
Name: Redeem
Age: 3 1/2
Gender: Male
Rank: (what you want in your tribe): Lead Venantor
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Personality: Caring ~ loyal ~ good listener ~ semi-dominant
History: When Redeem was born he had no problems, but when he was about a year he left his pride and wandered away never seeing them again. Eventually he came to Blazing Cheetah Tribe hoping to get accepted by the leader.
Other: (anything else i should know like preset link they go here): i'm eastern time zone and cant go in game friday or saturday. Plus i can't wait for FeralHeart to come back on.

Ok ill try and bend with your time cause im on West coast so im 3 hours behind you guys. And you are accepted!
Also tell your friends! so we can get the Cheetah Tribe, Hyena Clan, and Lion Pride on the rode!

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline brodylove

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okay haha :) and that is fine because i stay up way later then i should anyway

Offline okami129

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Application for Cheetah:
Pic/Distripion: A goldish yellow light tan with a white underbelly and black queen cheetah marks.
Name: Chyanna
Age: 1 year
Gender: Female
Rank: Dux female, hier, or Apprentice
Mate: Hopefully Storm
Crush: Redeem (secret)
Cubs: None
Personality: Organised and serious. Always sorting out groups and breaking up fights and secretly worries for everyone.
History: She was born outside the clan in another cheetah tribe.
Other: Making a preset for her. Yes I used a leftover.

Application for Hyena:
Pic/Destripion: A grey and brown striped hyena
Name: Cyanide
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Rank: Alphess
Mate: (The alpha which is who?)
Crush: (Alpha)
Pups: (If anyone wants to ask then go ahead)
Personality: She was named Cyanide because she is always a tipsy drunk. She laughs and hiccups and has bad breath. She has an evil yet guided personality her mate enforces on her.
History: Her mother was killed by lions and left her a message, "If you ever get a chance to kill every other creature, you do it." and so she sets out and massacres everything in her path.
Other: None for now

Application for Lion:
Pic/Descripion: A cougar cub appearance
Name: Akeli
Age: 3 weeks
Gender: Female
Rank: Cub
Mate: None
Crush: None
Cubs: None
Personality: Dark and mysterious. Silent and evil. Ambitious and mischievous. She might not look it but her heart is black to the core and her veins are icy cold. She looks like an innocent cub but is far from it and would have only one choice for her victims, Join her or die.
History: She never knew her real mother. She came to africa in a ship wreck and was raised by evil lions starting a pride. Raised believing she has a brother and sister her age and an elder brother. They were all killed and her heart became ice cold as she seeks revenge to take over all lions, kill her family's murderer (the prides leader) and rule the plains.
Other: She made a deal with the hyenas that if they follow her she will lead them to the pride and endless food.

((Akeli and Cyanide are antagonists for the plot. At least accept Chyanna for they might not be used until we have more members and definitely more hyenas.))
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 02:38:14 am by okami129 »

The liar and the thief