Author Topic: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12  (Read 339345 times)

Offline Brickstin

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users
« Reply #1600 on: February 06, 2012, 10:43:33 pm »
I can fully agree that this needs to be done because ive seen others being harassed sexually and its hard to do anything about it: having to wait for a MOD to help ect.. But there might be a slight conflict with this new rule: I have seen some other people who role play and actually (Mate their characters in a area far away from people like on the far corners of a random map or sometimes go to their own private Map and breed their characters icly): Ive noticed it happening with those who are more literate with their role plays mainly focusing on ages 16+ and further. So if such avatar acts was being done with another person and it was by consent ?

Does this mean both are still punishable? I seriously believe an answer on this would be given by any of the admins because the public is going to need to know all angles and precusions ect. Ive seen others mate their toons before, -Removed by Moderator- though is something that seriously should be dealt with but consent for mating with each other shouldnt be confused with -Removed by Moderator-..  is such a role play act even allowed? Might want to shed some light on it for everyone that way no one will take any risks of getting into further trouble.

I am totally with you!

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« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 01:54:59 am by Ame88 »

Offline Brickstin

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1601 on: February 06, 2012, 10:52:25 pm »
Warning: Rant

If your above the age of thirteen, I doubt your mother will be hovering over your shoulder the whole time your on FeralHeart unless you asked her to. I can't speak for everybody, but that's just my guess. If your like any other rebellious teenager and you're viewing something inappropriate on your laptop while your parent walks in: close it or minimize it and do what I do. Pretend to have a fascination in something else displayed. 

It's not very good advice, but isn't it common sense? I think it's pathetic that parents would even email FeralHeart. In fact, I don't believe it at all. I believe all of those emails were just grumpy users on here. An adult mothering or fathering a daughter or a son shouldn't have a desire to send an email to complain to an MMO creator whenever they could be preparing dinner or doing housework. If you think your kiddo shouldn't been on FeralHeart, ban internet access to it. Seriously: you aren't helpless as a guardian, and asking somebody to modify their entire game that hosts possibly thousands of users for your one little tiff is preposterous and selfish and also makes you appear stupid and unaware of the things occurring in the web.

If you can't handle your child getting -Removed by Moderator- virtually... by animal pixels... harmlessly... without any graphical elements or evidence of it even intentionally being a sexual act originally, then maybe you shouldn't allow your child to even view the internet. There is worst in the Google search engine that can't be filtered all of the way even with settings. There is worst in reality: whenever you see pets going at it.

Although I understand this is a site that doesn't acknowledge sexual behavior, I would also like to add that we've all grown up around sex. We all know what sex is, and how it works. Some of us have even had sex and seen sex. It's a fact of life, you have to accept it sometime or another, so why does it even matter? As for -Removed by Moderator-: I know that it's offensive and I know it traumatizes both boys and girls: but if you think -Removed by Moderator- is so terribly wrong, don't spend your time lecturing something that isn't real. Save your breath for reality -Removed by Moderator-, and work to fight against it. Don't get so worked over virtual -Removed by Moderator- between digital creatures. It wont make a difference in real life.

I know people who have been -Removed by Moderator-. One of them was -Removed by Moderator- 8 years of his life, and even he would find this topic silly. I'd like to mention, just in case my message was misleading, that I do not support -Removed by Moderator- and I do believe it should be stopped in real life where it counts. I also support whatever the site has in mind. This message was directed more to concerned users and parents.

Wow.. I seriously do agree.. Well said, Friend.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 02:05:16 am by Ame88 »

Offline Brickstin

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1602 on: February 06, 2012, 11:51:27 pm »
Greetings Fellow Patrons, parents, and creators of Feral Heart.. I would like to make a few simple points: something that all including parents and anyone that will be able to view this post to take my words into consideration: not offensively: Please continue.

To put quite simply: I am going to stress this more ever so: to those parents who have sent in complaints I would really like to know what they have tried to do on their end?

I have joined many MMORPG game systems and through out my life I have participated and gained grand knowledge of how the internet works: Even then so with the way the internet evolves so rapidly I am still learning every day.

I am a parent type family member: I am twenty eight years old and I have a little eleven year old sister whom I have practically raised my self along side with my father and step mother. I was with her every day and took care of her while my parents were at work along side with my (now ex wife) in raising and educating my sister. My sister started using the internet seven years ago and we have always taken needed precautions to make sure my little sister doesn't go into any bad parts of the internet: online gaming included.

Now I can understand that we cannot be beside our child (children) constantly to monitor them but when something like this occurs Feral heart already has taken so many needed actions to help stop such problems: from banning violators  by Computer Electronic IP address which is the location of the computer and it's networks.  It seems as though these parents are Putting all the blame on Feral Heart's creators and moderators itself.

Even on each client end program copy of Feral heart has the ability to block individuals (their user names) and make them unable to contact your child (children) let alone even be able to see that offender: if it be sexual in nature that you do not wish your child to see or anything offensive from racism to excessive foul language ect.

I think any parent should educate themselves about what program games that a child wishes to participate that deals with online contact with other users within the game's servers.

I can understand that sometimes some parents are not as well knowledgeable within games or Computers but if it really matters to you and upsets you that your child is getting into things or seeing things even accidentally in places your child (children) would not expect or to a new website, game, ect. And you become frustrated that your child has to experience this: You can take more preventative measures to ensure this occurrence is reduced to a minimum .   You cannot protect your child from everything on the net 24/7... But.. there is other ways to help you and your family out even further..

If my fellow patrons and parents would take the time to hear me out: take this knowledge in and I would advise you to go out on the internet and research some special programs and tools and tips on how to minimize this problem.

Now I am not saying that we should put all the blame on the parents but you know I listen to a political radio station every day when I head to work in the morning and when I am coming home from work: and one of the aired programs I listened to was Shawn Hannity... He spoke about some TV programs that were going through lawsuits and other issues because of the program content that was being aired on TV on digital cable and digital TV channels.

One of them being Family Guy.:.. Parents called in complaining about the content being aired on that show and because of this a huge class action lawsuit was erected in light of this situation: Guess what: the suit failed: The company airing Family Guy and along with Fox won because of the one thing that protected them :Which I would mind to all the creators and moderators of Feral Heart.

They had content disclaimers of what was aired and they do this for every episode of Family guy and The Simpson ect. They do this for all shows and always put a disclaimer stating " Viewer discretion is advised: this program may contain the following: ect ect.. Sexual scenes, suggestive themes.. " Ect. .the list goes on for each individual program.. In the end result they air these programs on Fox and it is the responsibility of each individual family household (the Parents) to monitor or block out certain content with black boxes Bleeper audio  blockers and such.. ect.. ...

Now Feral Heart: I would strongly suggest that you erect disclaimers : Give warnings: set a real time age limit and also put in notations: example " This MMORPG (Massively Multi online Role Playing Game) deals in connection of multiple users around the world 24/7 We as the staff and creators will do what we can on our end to protect and help any patrons and parents to ensure the safety and enjoyable social structure be positive and clean as much as possible. Please note that these users online may act say or do certain actions or statements that could be not appropriate for your child (minor or minors ) at all times. And that you should take any needed precautions to ensure that your child is protected.

I can go on and on on the ways of how to make a statement and disclaimer because as long as you have a disclaimer and a page with instructions on how to help educate a child's parent to see how Feral Heart works they can help eliminate possibly  or at least shrink the chance of their child or children seeing something they should not be seeing.

Legally once that disclaimer is out on your page then you won't have to worry so much about these threats because honestly I would hate to see Feral Heart have a class action lawsuit for liability on your end for end users.

So please take that into consideration. ..

To my fellow parents, this goes for the same as online games (internet) : One of the best solutions on your end is to most surely look into other ways of blocking such content if it be here on Feral heart or even online no matter were it is: there is ways to take those steps to ensure your child's safety.

I know the subject of -Removed by Moderator- and the happening of -Removed by Moderator- online is a serious matter and I can understand your frustrations and your child's reaction to the action of other users online: But there is still ways to help you all in this. But the realization is that with thousands of users online in Feral heart: there is only so much Feral Heart can even do. They do care about their users and the parents which is why they are trying to help and erected this warning to all users about each individual's behavior and how to conduct themselves. . 


 I want to help all of you: there is programs out there my friend and friendly FREE sometimes DVDs that you can receive from respectable companies that does their best in aiding you (The parent) in helping to make your child's surfing on the web more safer.

I will even go as far as listen a couple of good programs that will help you!


Cyberpatrol is a wonderful program that has the ability to integrate itself into so many executable and web browser programs if it be scripted or even COM written or even just a plain executable program like Feralheart.exe for example..

Cyber patrol was one of the companies that erected so many years ago all the way back in 1995!

In my Highschool and my JR Highschool all the computer systems had this wonderful program and it protected the end users (the students) From gaining unauthorized access to sites or programs that should not be viewed. From porn sites to programs, to even blocking individual pictures via GOOGLE!..

This program has so much ability and potential that could possibly be one of the great solutions to helping you shrink your child's chance of visiting a bad spot on the internet.

There is another program I wish to share with you all : Nickel Publishing  Rob Nickel The Cyber-Safety Expert.

So with all that being said: please take all this knowledge that I have written here: in light of helping Feral Heart and parents and children together to all have a more safer enjoyable experience being on the internet and being on Feral Heart.

I wish you all the best and this all can be resolved by Feral Heart and the parents...


« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 01:58:16 am by Ame88 »

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1603 on: February 06, 2012, 11:52:47 pm »
I miss the old dances from Impressive Title:
Wing Wave
I'm not sure if anyone has tried working this, but maybe FeralHearts can have a system to block curse/cussing words, replacing them with ***** or @#$!. On a chat I go to, in the options, you can check/uncheck a box to hide/show inappropriate words.
My being almost 18, my parents grant me permission for FeralHeart, and I may lose my temper, but it's no reason to be throwing bad words that may/may not personally insult someone. I've seen people mouthing bad words like sailors in Bonfire Island, using all CAPS, and disrespecting other players, yet no MOD had come to stop these people. In my personal opinion, if I was more focused, I'd lose to help the staff, but that's not what this is about.
It's about respecting the people and players around you, because then you'll gain respect back and you'll be asked to join into their RP's more often.
These are just my words, everyone can chose to follow or disregard them, thank you.

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1604 on: February 07, 2012, 03:32:48 am »
Wow Brickstin, you've put a lot into that post!

Thank you so much for all of the info you have posted, I have found it extremely helpful and will be passing it onwards to certain individuals. Thank you for all the effort and care you've put into it! Sorry I don't have much else to write, but I just couldn't let it go by without expressing my approval!

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1605 on: February 12, 2012, 12:26:55 am »
Best thing that has ever happened. RIGHT THERE. ^ You GO MODS!!!

Offline Truewolfheart

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1606 on: February 12, 2012, 05:23:16 am »
Ummm.......Since you guys shut it down, I'm still getting bad tokens. It has been happening for 3 weeks now and it's really annoying. This has never happened before's kinda weird. Do you know why this is happening? Sorry to bother x_x
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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1607 on: February 12, 2012, 10:28:02 am »
At least the servers back up. So its as if it never happened!
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 10:36:51 am by Lugai »

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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1608 on: February 12, 2012, 03:36:43 pm »
Well, we all survived. There's plenty of other things to do outside of Feral Heart. xD
Anyway, thank chu for this.


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Re: Highly Important Notice To All FH Users Updated 27/1/12
« Reply #1609 on: February 25, 2012, 08:02:53 pm »
It's good for the trolls who trolled and -Removed by Moderator-, but its not good for the people who were good. People said bad things on General in Fluorite Plains and i said stop it but they never listened :O. They just said if a mod bans us it dosn't matter we will make another account.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 01:59:14 am by Ame88 »