Author Topic: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}  (Read 2479 times)

Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Wolves of the  Asrip

About us
  Wolves of the Asrip clan is a new Wolf Fantasy RP, we are Semi-Realistic, Semi-Literate, Long-Term, and Active group. In this RP you have the chance to pick from 7 different Elements, some of you may have 2. Also this group will have a map, and maybe even a map pack I haven't decided yet. Any in this RP your wolf will go through training for their element and learn how to use it... If they are going to use it for Good or for Evil I don't know. When you fist start out and you are not a Mentor or Teacher you will be known as an apprentice, then you will move up to a Junior, Senior, Graduate, then you have to choose to be a Mentor or Teacher... Now Mentors are the ones you teach you how to control and use your power, while Teachers mostly teach young pup our ways and guide hem till they are 12 weeks... You will learn all about the positions later...

Current Plot
  Long ago in the valley of Wisdom wolves with strange marking and mystical abilities roamed the lands, the villagers didn't care much about them, they mostly followed the saying "Let nature do it's thing." That was until a man took control of them and made them chase the wolves out of the valley... Now they must live in another place and act like nothing happened.
But that doesn't mean some stayed...

We will RP when we have enough members!!!

 The maps are currently in progress....

Percentage of maps
Valley of Wisdom= 0% I might scratch this map!!!
Land of Asrip=42%

(Element training) Positions
Lord = Leader of the Asrip clan.
Mistress = Female leader, most likely the Lord's mate or close friend.
Mentor = A Mentor is a wolf who has been through all the training of the Asrip clan and they know what they are talking about. They will first meet their Apprentice when they are 12 weeks.. From there they will train their apprentice on how to use their element and control it, they will work with them until the Mentor decides they are ready to Advance to the next stage.
Teacher = A Teacher will teach a pup under 12 weeks or a new member of the clan the regular rules and how to act when around the Lord or Mistress... They will also teach them the laws of the clan.
Graduate = Graduates is the last stage... Mostly Graduates are wolves in training to become a Mentor, that is if you choose it. But they will also have to fight anther Asrip of their stage to advance on to being a Mentor themselves.
Senior = A Senior is "Actually" the last stage, in less you want to be a Mentor then you will move onto a Teacher position or any of the other Ranks. But before you can do any of that you will have to fight another Senior to advance.
Junior = Juniors are wolves usually between the age of 1- 1 1/2.. They are almost done with their training, and soon will have to face one of their biggest challenges yet. They will also have to fight another Junior before advancing to the next stage.
Student = A Student is a pup between the ages 12 weeks - 1 years... They have just begun their training with their Mentor, but unlike the Junior, Senior, and Graduate they do not need to fight another Student.
Apprentice = An Apprentice is a pup or a new comer who will be taught by a Teacher, they will learn the basics of the clan, such as rules, stories, and laws.

   Spirit (Rare) = In early training for a Spirit Asrip they will learn what herbs or plants are used for healing... Later on they will be able to heal and then they will also be taught how to move from their body and take control or form of another animal.... When doing this they will have all the abilities of that animal, it is a good power to use in combat.
Dark = Dark wolves will be able to change their shadows into any form... While doing this they can grab their enemies and suck them into a black hole... Also they can draw in "Demons" to take out their enemies... In early stages they will learn how to change shadow form then learn how to make black holes, and so on... Weakness = Light
Water = At first, Water Wolves can put still water into motion, and they are later able to change the direction of flowing water and even lift it into the air. Advanced training allows them to form water from the tiny particles of moisture in the air. At a final stage they will be able to create "Monsters" (XD)
out of water. Weakness = Ice
Fire = At the beginning stage they will learn how to create small fire particles, then will be able to create flames.. At the end of training they will be able to set things on fire.. or set themselves on fire to where no one can touch them without getting burned... Weakness = Water
Light = Light wolves will learn how to create light... This is very useful if they are in a cave and its pitch black... Also they will learn how to make night into day, this is only for advance training. Weakness = Dark
Air = Air wolves will be learn how to control the wind... In early stages they will be able to move pebbles and small rocks, then they will advance to Bigger rocks such as boulders. Then n their final days of training they will be able to create earthquakes and land slides.
Storm (Rare) = Storm wolves will have the ability to to create thunderstorms... In advance training they will learn how to create hurricanes, tornadoes, and much more. Weakness = N/a

Graduation Day - We will hold this when a pup reaches the age of 2 and ends their training for an element.
Birth of a new member - This is when a pup is born into the pack. The alpha will take the pup and hold them high so everyone can greet/see him/her (Kind like TLK)
Wedding - This is when 2 wolves decide o become mates and start their lives has a family. The 2 wolves will nuzzle each other while the rest of the pack cheer for them.
No more School! - This will be held when a pup has reached 12 weeks and will meet their Mentor.
Death comes to us all - This isn't a ceremony but it will be held when a Asrip member has past away.

Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Re: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 12:50:12 am »
Screen Shots
Here are a few tiny screen shots,  haven't added any meshs or anything in yet.
This is where the dens and the pack sleeps, The big one in the middle is the Lord's, Mistress and their families des, the rest are for other families, Mentor's, Teacher's and so on, I will write everything on a guide to tell you about the map so if you want to know which den the Storm Asrip's go and stuff you should read that, it might not be that long.


This is the elements den, the night before their Mentor trains them, they will sleep here, there are also little "Beds" I made for them to sleep on near the crystal.... Sleeping near the crystal will give them energy and power... Again I will explain all this later. Remember the dens with the crystal in the middle are only fr the night before training the rest are for whenever.

Some days its nice to just chill! :D  The mesh belongs to Courtney, so so does a lot of them, please don't give me credit! I did make a few but I got most from Courtney.

Here is the arena for when they fight to advance to the next stage, hope you like!:D

Here is just some kinda walk way, or you can chill out on it!

This is a small type village thingy, it is also where wolves will sleep when they are not training. Wolves sleep in the dens that look like the one in the 2nd screen shot before their training session!

This is what the dens look like inside, again not the training dens!... All together there are 18 dens!

Of course we need a waterfall! :D

Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Re: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 12:51:00 am »
Broken bones
For all broken bones, they will heal in 2 RP days.

OOC Rules:
1. Fighting in role-play is fine, but no out of RP fighting or hatred. Can't we all just be friends here?
2. You must be active, but if you are not active for at least 3 weeks, you will be kicked out.
3. No god-modding, don't make your wolf indestructible!
4. Wings are not allowed. This may change.
5. Presets are allowed as long as they match your element.
6. Put cake somewhere in your application so I know you have read the rules.
7. No abusing the actions.
IC Rules:
1. You must be as literate as possible, at least 3 or 4 sentences long.
2. No text talk.
3. No den claiming in map.
4. No abusing the actions.

Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Re: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 12:51:38 am »
{Element} (BTW I'm picky for Rare elements)
{In-Game user}
{RP Sample}

Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Re: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 12:52:10 am »
*Important Map info*

Please know that the Land of Asrip has more to it then just one map, it has about 3 mostly because the layout that is for the dens and battle arenas take up a lot of space. The maps are not big due to this. Valley o Wisdom is about 25764  by itself, all together Land of Asrip is 45927. This is why it has taken me awhile to get everything finished, also I am just going through putting dens, trees, and all the big meshs in first, then I will go back and edit. So the map pack wont be done until later next week, I will try my hardest to get it done before Feb. But I AM NOT making any promises... All I ask is please don't rush me... Oh yea and one more thing, let me know in the reply box if you want this map private or public.


Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Re: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 12:52:57 am »

Offline Xx_KillerWolf_xX

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Re: .Wolves of the Asrip clan.-{Map W.I.P.}-{Accepting}-{Wolf Fantasy RP}
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 12:53:49 am »

The Rune Wolves
