Author Topic: Yin & Yang, 2 packs at war, Semi-lit., Active,{Accepting&Needing Rival Pack!}  (Read 4730 times)

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You walk for many days, weeks, or even months. Finally you stop walking and fall to the ground. Suddenly you wake up and see two packs, one almost all dark colors, one almost all light colors, they are growling at each other. They stop and turn to you, You put your ears down to look small and whimper "don't hurt me". Two wolves come up to you, one pure Black, The other, Pure White. "What are you doing, interferring with a war?!" the black one exclaims at you. The white wolf faces the black "stop! they did nothing!" they say growling. soon the pack just lunge at each other. The two wolves com up to you, the same fur colors of what you thing are the leaders of the packs. You see they both have an unusual marking on the side of their rumps. "Im Yin" the black wolf says, "And im Yang" the white one continues. You examine both and say "whats going on here?". "War" you look around to see who said it, you then notice the leader wolves stoped fighting. The leaders take you away and talk to you and explain everything. You listen closely. The they say "you must choses a side Light, Or Dark". Your eyes flash you then understood everything. You look at the leaders and decide. The one you didn't pick bows their head and walks off.

You porbaly understand some already. But 2 packs are at war Dark and Light. They all want peace but they just cant live together, so they are almost always at war. But 2 wolves Yin (dark pack) and Yang (light pack). Yin and Yang can live together in harmony but not their packs. But they cant do anything because they are Omegas. And anouther problem They are forbidden to ever be near each other... yet Yin & Yang always sneak away to see each other (if you are wondering they have a forbidden romance). But What Yin and Yang know is something their packs cant learn. For some reson Yin and Yang always need each other to survive... or they will die (One cannot exist without the other. For example, day cannot exist without night.) (that was off a blog).

1. No OOC fighting please.
2. No god-mobbing or you will be temporarily banned from the map.
3. No power-playing or inapropreate languae.
4. No killing anouther person unless they agree.
5. You cannot kill Yin OR Yang! Unless told other whise by Yin or Yang.
6. If you are in the Dark pack have dark fur colors.
7. If you are in the Light pack have Light fur colors.
8. Dont hate the person, hate the char.
9. Keep forbidden loves at a low (you may have one but ask the leaders first).
10. Follow FH rules.
11. Follw these rules.
12. Have Fun This is a RP.

Alphess (A): Female leader, 1.
Alpha (A): Male leader, 1.
Beta (B): Second in command, 1 pair.
Delta (B): Third in command, 1 pair.
Lead Hunter (LH): Leader of the hunters, 1.
Hunter (H): Hunts for the pack, Unlimited.
Lead Scout (LS): Leader of the scouts, 1.
Scout (S): Scouts out for intruders and send messages to other packs, Unlimited.
Healer (H): Heals sick, wounded ect. 4.
Trainee (T): Training for a rank in the pack, Unlimited.
Elder (E): Oldest of the pack members, Unlimited.
Pup (P): Youngest in the pack, Unlimited.
Omega (O): Lowest ranking wolf in the pack, Unlimited.

*Yin and Yang Do Not need and letters after their names.
*Yin is the Female and Yang is the Male.

Dark Pack Members:
Lead Hunter:None
Black Rose
Lead Scout:None
Yin: Yin

Light Pack Members:
Lead Hunter:None
Lead Scout:None

Needed Colors:
Dark Pack: Shades of dark, it does not have to be pure black it can be gray, Very dark blue ect.
Light Pack: Shades of Light, it does not have to be pure White it can be paige, Goldish ect.

We need a map maker that cna make a map for this Rp if you would like to please say so in your App.
We need a Preset For Yin & Yang (just the simble if you know it) if you would like to do it say so in your App.

Appliction For regular pack wolf:
Pack: (light or dark)
Desired Rank:
RP sample: (This is not required but it will give you a better chance of getting your wanted rank.)

Appliction for Yin Or Yang:
Name: (if your applying for Yang just put Yang or Yin put Yin)
Age: (they are between 1 to 1 1/2 years old)
Gender: (Yin=Girl Yang=Boy)
Mate: (put None)
Crush: (Ex: If you want to be Yang put Yin)
Pups: (Put None)
Personality: (what you want but they must be a supmissive type of wolf and they must also be a little shy but also friendly)
Desired Rank: (put Omega)
RP sample: (This is a must have for being Yin OR Yang)

If You have read everything then put "Yin & Yang" on your App.
Please aply And Tell Your friends!
Have Fun!
And If you dont know what then Yin &Yang pic looks like here's a link:
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 01:42:34 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Wolf}

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Here is mine:
Appliction for Yin.
Name: Yin
Age: 1 1/2 years
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Crush: Yang (as soon as we get one)
Pups: None
Personality: Yin is a very friendly wolf although she may look stong she is acually more supmissive and perfers to stay away from fight unless nesisary. She is also very kind to other wolves and nature. But because she is in dark pack she can sometimes have  a cold or mean Personality but its rare.
Desired Rank: Omega
RP sample: -Yin sat at the edge of her pack teritorry, she heard a rusling sound from behind and in a split second turned her-self around. She saw a dark figure in front of the sun and gasped, it was her leader "L-Leader what do you need?" she staggered and went down low to the ground making her-self look small. Yin hoped they didn't ask her to to do something, she was always nervios around the leaders or the highest ranks.-

"Yin & Yang"
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 03:44:54 am by Wolf »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Ingredient

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Application for Regular Pack Wolf

Name: Black Rose
Age: 1 1/2 yrs
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Crush: None
Pups: None
Parents: Father is dead, mother is unknown
Siblings: Unknown

Personality: Rose is a quiet wolf and misunderstood by most. She is intelligent and friendly towards others. She is strong and has a well built body, she is an excellent fighter. Being strong and aggressive in fights often results in being alone. No one wants to mess with her and sometimes avoid her. She is protective but very loyal towards all she knows well.

History: Being dark coloured and born surrounded by rose petals gave her name Black Rose. Over time her mother began showing signs of cannibalism, food was low and there was nothing else to eat. Her father loved her very much and she loved him. As she was sleeping she was taken by her father far away from the den. Something fierce was following them though, something hungry. All she can remember was being dumped into a burrow and hearing yelps and growls. From there she thought she was rejected by her family and unloved by all. Overtime she became stronger and faster then able to hunt elk and deer. Then joining the Dark Pack she continues her life serving her leaders and fellow pack members.

Desired Rank: Hunter

RP sample: She wandered away from the pack and sat alone under the tree. The wind blew and ruffled her fur, she listend to the leaves rustle feeling relaxed. She layed on the grass and rested her head in her paws watching two pack members play together. She sighed wanting to join them but knowing that they'd run off away. How alone she felt seeing everyone enjoy eachothers company. Standing up she walked over to them all wanting to join in, the expressions on their faces when she walked over. She was taller than all of them and they feared her most of the time.

I can make a map but it depends how you want it to look like. I can also try create a preset for you a Yin and Yang preset for you.
Will be inactive due to work and exams.

Offline Wolf}

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Application for Regular Pack Wolf

Name: Black Rose
Age: 1 1/2 yrs
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Crush: None
Pups: None
Parents: Father is dead, mother is unknown
Siblings: Unknown

Personality: Rose is a quiet wolf and misunderstood by most. She is intelligent and friendly towards others. She is strong and has a well built body, she is an excellent fighter. Being strong and aggressive in fights often results in being alone. No one wants to mess with her and sometimes avoid her. She is protective but very loyal towards all she knows well.

History: Being dark coloured and born surrounded by rose petals gave her name Black Rose. Over time her mother began showing signs of cannibalism, food was low and there was nothing else to eat. Her father loved her very much and she loved him. As she was sleeping she was taken by her father far away from the den. Something fierce was following them though, something hungry. All she can remember was being dumped into a burrow and hearing yelps and growls. From there she thought she was rejected by her family and unloved by all. Overtime she became stronger and faster then able to hunt elk and deer. Then joining the Dark Pack she continues her life serving her leaders and fellow pack members.

Desired Rank: Hunter

RP sample: She wandered away from the pack and sat alone under the tree. The wind blew and ruffled her fur, she listend to the leaves rustle feeling relaxed. She layed on the grass and rested her head in her paws watching two pack members play together. She sighed wanting to join them but knowing that they'd run off away. How alone she felt seeing everyone enjoy eachothers company. Standing up she walked over to them all wanting to join in, the expressions on their faces when she walked over. She was taller than all of them and they feared her most of the time.

I can make a map but it depends how you want it to look like. I can also try create a preset for you a Yin and Yang preset for you.

I will put out a new form for the map and for the preset i have made a post for someone that is making  free presets but if they dont reply the ill consider your offer.
and you want Dark pack? right?

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Ingredient

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If i decide i can make your map then no i wont be making a preset, otherwise i can try.

Thanks for accepting and yes the Dark pack please.
Will be inactive due to work and exams.

Offline Wolf}

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Ok when your in game we have a group Yin&Yang/ Dark &Light or something like that.

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Shakko

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Name: Terrisa
Age: 4 Years Old
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Crush: None
Pups: None
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: One half brother
Pack: Light
Personality: Terrisa is a kind hearted wolf with a big heart, she loves every pup she meets and is often seen hanging around them if she isn't by the leaders side, or she's out scouting the area.  She can be assertive when required and often tells things how it is, giving her own view on everything around her.  Terrisa has recently taken an interest in the young teen known as Yin and often tries to encourage her to do things outside of her bubble, to her Yang is like a son and she will often stand up for the young female if anything were to happen to her.
History: Terrisa was found out in the forest, a lost soul that had been making an awful lot of racket through howling, she was brought in by the alphas with her fur covered in dirt so it hid her off white pelt.  She was cleaned up and put into foster care by two adults who had just had a pup of their own, a son, so she grew up with the young male and came to know him as a brother.  Terrisa worked her way up from Omega to Delta, proving herself in every way that she could.
Desired Rank: Delta
RP sample: Terrisa raced through the forest, her pelt gleaming white at the spots of moonlight that managed to get through the trees, she just knew that she had to get back quickly as something was about to happen.  Upon entering the den area, Terrisa slowed her run to a light trot, her first stop being to young Yang to check and see if the young male was alright; she spotted the young male watching a pair of youngsters and made her way quickly over, gaving down at him with a kind look in her olive green eyes. "Yang, why don't you go over and ask them if you can join?  You can't make friends if you sit here now can you?" She urged gently, trying to get the male to come out of the shell she had placed herself in.  Terrisa's ears flicked up slightly as she heard the call of her alpha's but turned her attention back to Yang, "now remember, go and ask if you can join, you can't make friends on your own." She licked licked the pups head before turning and trotting to the alpha den, tail high to show her rank but lower than the beta and alpha.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 02:03:33 am by Shakko »

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Name: Terrisa
Age: 4 Years Old
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Crush: None
Pups: None
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: One half brother
Pack: Light
Personality: Terrisa is a kind hearted wolf with a big heart, she loves every pup she meets and is often seen hanging around them if she isn't by the leaders side, or she's out scouting the area.  She can be assertive when required and often tells things how it is, giving her own view on everything around her.  Terrisa has recently taken an interest in the young teen known as Yin and often tries to encourage her to do things outside of her bubble, to her Yin is like a daughter and she will often stand up for the young female if anything were to happen to her.
History: Terrisa was found out in the forest, a lost soul that had been making an awful lot of racket through howling, she was brought in by the alphas with her fur covered in dirt so it hid her off white pelt.  She was cleaned up and put into foster care by two adults who had just had a pup of their own, a son, so she grew up with the young male and came to know him as a brother.  Terrisa worked her way up from Omega to Delta, proving herself in every way that she could.
Desired Rank: Delta
RP sample: Terrisa raced through the forest, her pelt gleaming white at the spots of moonlight that managed to get through the trees, she just knew that she had to get back quickly as something was about to happen.  Upon entering the den area, Terrisa slowed her run to a light trot, her first stop being to young Yin to check and see if the young female was alright; she spotted the young female watching a pair of youngsters and made her way quickly over, gaving down at her with a kind look in her olive green eyes. "Yin, why don't you go over and ask them if you can join?  You can't make friends if you sit here now can you?" She urged gently, trying to get the female to come out of the shell she had placed herself in.  Terrisa's ears flicked up slightly as she heard the call of her alpha's but turned her attention back to Yin, "now remember, go and ask if you can join, you can't make friends on your own." She licked licked the pups head before turning and trotting to the alpha den, tail high to show her rank but lower than the beta and alpha.

Accepted! you do also know you are the only light pack member?
and ill add you to the roster

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline Shakko

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Yes I knew lol, I'm the only light pack member so far :3 bound to the be others lol

Offline Wolf}

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yeah an also im making a site so it should have extra info but i just strated also when we get a light pack leader tell me so they can do their packs site im doing dark's cause i made the Rp

"I Believe I can Fly!"