Author Topic: In-Game Interaction  (Read 3221 times)

Offline Common Amethyst

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Re: In-Game Interaction
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2012, 06:12:05 pm »
I too like to help others and sometimes sit around. I have made friends through RP and general or local chat. But I do not want to have to turn to RP to make friends all the time. What happen to the days when you just have a normal conversion about anything. Like "hey how are you? are you okay? how is your day doing? blah blah.."  That is how I made my real friends. I can't tell you how many times I have walked up to someone or a group and waited for an opportunity to say 'hello, hey, hi." just for them to get up and walk/run away or just flat out ignore me. Sorry, did I do something wrong?? But If I join in their RP then I get a response out of them. On the contrary there are also times I get a reply from someone, without RP, and the conversation is good. It just seems to me that players are so engrossed in their RP and mates. Of course I am aware that all that cannot be said for everyone. I don't want to RP 24/7 in the game to make friends; I am not saying there is anything wrong with making friends through RP. I am just saying it would be nice to have a normal conversation, more often than RP, however it is difficult to do so while a vast majority of the FH population is engrossed in RP. Or ignoring everyone else because they're hanging out with their mate. No offense to those of you with mates.

Offline Frostpaw860

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Re: In-Game Interaction
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2012, 01:41:47 am »
I too like to help others and sometimes sit around. I have made friends through RP and general or local chat. But I do not want to have to turn to RP to make friends all the time. What happen to the days when you just have a normal conversion about anything. Like "hey how are you? are you okay? how is your day doing? blah blah.."  That is how I made my real friends. I can't tell you how many times I have walked up to someone or a group and waited for an opportunity to say 'hello, hey, hi." just for them to get up and walk/run away or just flat out ignore me. Sorry, did I do something wrong?? But If I join in their RP then I get a response out of them. On the contrary there are also times I get a reply from someone, without RP, and the conversation is good. It just seems to me that players are so engrossed in their RP and mates. Of course I am aware that all that cannot be said for everyone. I don't want to RP 24/7 in the game to make friends; I am not saying there is anything wrong with making friends through RP. I am just saying it would be nice to have a normal conversation, more often than RP, however it is difficult to do so while a vast majority of the FH population is engrossed in RP. Or ignoring everyone else because they're hanging out with their mate. No offense to those of you with mates.

I can understand what you mean, I've had a few little chats with others without joining a RP. And yes most of FH is basiclly RP,but their's a few out there who are about in the same position as you. Just trying to find a good time with others without joining some random RP. Honestly I was in the same boat as you, the best thing I came up with was asking politely to sit next to someone who was alone then began chatting. Making or meeting other's seem's quite complicated, it's still possible though. :3

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Re: In-Game Interaction
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2012, 02:14:14 am »
     I've made quite a few pals on here just by wandering around. Someone walks by, and I say "Like yer charrie!" People like to meet others I'd say in general...that's why they'd be on an MMO I'd hope. :P Sometimes it's just as easy as sayin' hi, or giving them a compliment on how they made their character look. Or even laughing at a joke you overheard. Usually having a topic or something to chat about gets the convo rolling. You'll also get to meet people through the friends you make, like a big web of friendnessness. XD
   So my suggestion to those finding it a bit difficult to make some friends is to just say hi to someone and ask what fun stuff is goin' on, or compliment the effort they made on their character. Downloading presets people made is a great way to recognize some people as well, and be able to talk to them about art if that's your interest. But now I'm just rambling LOL. Point is, just go say hello to people loafing around and see what becomes of it.