Author Topic: Ace's Charries  (Read 2284 times)

Offline XeekyXeek

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Ace's Charries
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:24:54 am »
List of Characters [Username XeekyXeek]

I saw other people making lists like these, and considering there's a Characters section... I may as well post up my Charries. o3o

So here we go. ovo

Ace Tracker

Ace's story is different from most other foxes' tales; she's normally a human who learned to spellcast, becoming able to shapeshift. She chose one animal in particular, that being a Red Fox. Her personality is all the same, in and out of the FeralHeart program; she's a nice girl, often happy to meet most anybody, whatever the species. She's caring and sometimes goes completely out of her way to to help others. Anything involving murder or fighting, she wants no part of; she's more a pacifist than anything, although she will fight if absolutely neccessary. She also has a habit of getting herself into very dangerous situations, a few of which have left her physically scarred. This hasn't stopped her from getting into more trouble, though.

Ace can be a bit... dense, sometimes. Which is expected of a typical 16-year-old (no offense to others of this age) She enjoys being a Red Fox, although it does become a bit lonely in the FeralHeart program.

General Dimensions/details:
Height - 5'1" (human) | 2'8" (fox)
Length (fox exclusively) - 5'1" [Nose to Tailtip]
Eyes - Grey/Silver (human & fox)
Hair (human exclusively) - Dark brown
Mate - None
Emblem (Exclusive to Roleplays)


XeCo is typically a feline, fire-based NetNavi [MegaMan NT Warrior-based] with a very high tolerance level and a laid-back personality. Her "AI" is around 23 years, and her main attitude is that of a very indifferent-don't-really-mind/care sort of individual, but she can be a bit bouncy and/or affectionate. One of her most defining traits is her fondness of children, often no matter the species. She occasionally does like to fight but mostly avoids conflict, for fear of her NetOp Aize being injured, considering she has been before. That said, XeCo is honestly, and she'll admit it, very protective of Aize. If there's a chance to avoid conflict and Aize is involved, she'll take it.

Her FeralHeart form is basically a grey cheetah, with a fluffy/soft tuft of red-orange fur extending from the back of her neck to the middle of her back. Normally and as a NetNavi, she has the ability to fly, but the newfound speed that comes with being wingless makes well up for that.

XeCo at one point considered Burner to basically be her best friend, considering they go back quite a ways; they don't meet up, anymore, though. She's also fond of Verse.EXE, likely because of his child-like appearance and nature.

General Dimensions/details:
Height - 5'11" (NetNavi) | 4'10" (Cheetah)
Length (Cheetah exclusively) - 6'4"
Eyes - Sapphire
Mate - None

Aize Tracker

This is Aize. Like Ace, she's normally a human, one who also learned to shapeshift through spells; she chose her main shifted form to be a wolf rather than a fox, however. And she's older than Ace, 4 years older. She's also her cousin.

Unlike Ace, or XeCo, she doesn't have an emblem. She is XeCo.EXE's NetOp outside of the FeralHeart program, as a human, as well as a roboticist. She's a BLU Scout in the Team Fortress 2 universe, and as a result has quite a skill in aiming/throwing objects. As a wolf in Feral-Heart, she's larger than a normal wolf, and has an odd pelt color combination; black with purple dorsal markings, and a banded tail, with streaks under her eyes and a nose all of the same color. Purple.

Like XeCo, she has motherly affections for Verse.EXE. Both she and XeCo, outside the FeralHeart program, will do practically anything to protect their friends and family, going as far as Crossfusion and fighting off the threat, whether it be more powerful or not. Even if it means death, they'll still fight. Although XeCo much prefers that Aize herself remain unwounded, Aize could care less about her own life being in danger, only ensuring the safety of everybody she knows and cares about.

General dimensions/details:
Height - 5'8" (human) | 5'0" (wolf)
Length (Wolf exclusively) - 6'7" (Nose to Tailtip)
Hair Color (Human exclusively) - Black with purple tips/highlights
Eyes - Darkish Cyan



And here we have the kid of the bunch; Verse! Verse's normal form is a small, avian, sound-based child NetNavi, who turned out to be a Darkloid. Inside the FeralHeart program, his form is really just a blue canine with wings, but meant to look like a Barn Swallow, in a way. He doesn't really like to acknowledge his status as a Darkloid; it involves fighting, which he prefers to avoid; it's part of the reason he's purposefully designed himself as a child.

As a result of being bird/sound/music-based, he doesn't speak English, or any other human language. Instead, he communicates through chirps, whistles, musical notes, etc. He can understand English, but again, he cannot speak it. His flight capabilities are unlimited within FeralHeart, but he's still learning outside of it. He still behaves a lot like an innocent & playful 9-year-old, regardless of his status or true ability.

Verse's personality can change, depending on the situation; if there's trouble, he'll become more violent. But normally he's an affectionate little thing. Being a Darkloid, he does have high power capabilities, but he only uses them if absolutely neccessary. Otherwise and as earlier mentioned, he prefers not to fight.

General Dimensions/details:
Height - 4'2" (NetNavi) | 1'1" (FH Swallow)
Length (FH Swallow Exclusively) 1'7" (nose to tailtip)
Eyes - A painter's blend of sea green and bright blue (NetNavi) | Very light greenish-blue (FH Swallow)
Mate - None (obviously)


Here we have Xeek the feral cat. Her normal form is basically a feline reploid who always wears a hooded cloak, shadowing the top half of her face; her fur (ears and tail) is a soft white, both with black bands along them, to the tips; she has two blades on either horizontal side of her tail that are both the same color as her eyes.

Her FeralHeart form is just as it looks to be; a simple, silver, black and white feral cat. She's also a longcat. Longcat is long, especially when running at full pelt. Outside of the FeralHeart program she's XeCo.EXE's 'robot counterpart'. Most robots from the Mega Man series have .EXE (NetNavi) counterparts; XeCo.EXE is Xeek's NetNavi counterpart. They usually interact like sisters, the relation being obvious. Aize built and programmed her; her advanced programming and design is typical of a Reploid.

Xeek's real-life history is actually a bit sad; she's been mentally scarred by those she's believed to have betrayed her, and it's happened more than once... she can't exactly stick to one opinion or decision, and she can go off at completely random times, making her very mentally unstable. She's coherent most of the time, but sometimes she just kind of... well. The way Xeek ticks is like a Maverick, but on different terms; evil on the inside (or insane, in her case), while acting almost completely "normal" toward others.

General Dimensions/details:
Height - 5'3" (Reploid) | 2'1" (Wild cat)
Length (Wild cat exclusively) - 3'4" (nose to tailtip)
Eyes - Bright, glowing Cyan

Mate - NONE.


Mal is a rather infamous character; outside of the FeralHeart program, he's a viral NetNavi, designed after a sparrow. 'Viral' meaning he has the ability to control viruses and infect other NetNavis' with them. He usually doesn't go too far with this, mostly using said viruses just to mess around; he doesn't fight much and as a result doesn't have much of a means to defend himself, aside from  the aforementioned viruses. He does have a sort of feather-saber, but he hasn't used that in public yet. He's just remained a doormat to whoever whacks him around.

Mal's FeralHeart form is a orangeish-red Sparrow (full grown, explaining why he's bigger than Verse). He occasionally does go around, trying to find other birds, but there really aren't any others of his kind. There -are- hawks and owls, but, of course, those will kill and eat sparrows if given the chance. And Mal would much prefer to keep his skin.

Mal seems to have a sort of crush on XeCo, which is rather ironic. He's a bird, she's a cat... not much sense in it. He doesn't care though. Even considering XeCo often bats him around/away from her, he still likes her, and that's probably the reason. As of late, though, he's become rather jealous of another character; Nightmare (Nightmare Zero, when the name is drawn out). XeCo's clearly had a thing for Nightmare, but Mal isn't exactly content with this... not much he can do about it, though.

Height - 5'4" (NetNavi) | 1'4" (Sparrow (a bit oversized, eh?)
Length (Sparrow exclusively) - 1'10" (nose to tail)
Eyes - Green
Mate - None (yet)


This is Ais, pronounced like 'ice'. She's a wild cat with a bite to kill and a huge ego. She's also the 'sona of the characters in this list.
Ais' ego can be explained in Two Words One Term: Boston Kitty. Yes, she refers to herself as the one and only Boston Kitty. Her personality isn't like everyone else's on this listing; it's absolutely, completely and utterly unpredictable. She can be happy one minute, hostile as hell the next, etc etc. You'll never really know what she's going to do, she switches moods unlike anything you've ever seen... moodswings, perhaps, but really, really abrupt moodswings. I myself think the character is terribly bipolar, but who knows...

Ais, behind her massive ego and take-no-bull attitude, knows there's something wrong. She'll fight for as long as she can, paying no mind to the possible consequences, whether they involve pain or not. She knows she needs help, to get over all of it, but considering she feels betrayed by everybody through even the slightest and possibly most harmless comment, she refuses to accept anybody bothering to reach out to her. She's truly insane, but can only hide it for so long; she doesn't feel right, not in this kind of life, it doesn't feel normal... it all feels so wrong, like she doesn't belong in this kind of world...


Ais constantly wears a gold-chain necklace with a pure-gold lightning bolt charm; she won't hesitate to attempt tearing apart anybody who touches it. She's that protective over it. She feels the necklace is the only thing she has to hold on to just to keep from going completely over the edge.

Height - 2'5" (ears perked)
Length - 5'10"
Eyes - Blue-grey


Xeno is Xeek's son. The father can't be named, but it's still legitimate. Xeno never seems to grow any larger than an extremely undersized cat in FeralHeart, but outside said program this is very different, as he's practically full-grown. In any case, there isn't much to say about him other that he's a very swift kitten; you shouldn't judge him just for his size. Although, considering he prefers not to fight much... this assumption can usually also be assumed correct.
*Dimensions Unavailable*


CRX is, in a sense, Xeek's twin. Granted, an evil twin, but a twin nonetheless. She's become less evil as of late, though, and it's curious; it could be because of her fur pattern that Xeno could look like he does, being so similar.
CRX could be considered an aunt to Xeno, not only since her nature has changed to be more considerate, but because she's turning to be more of a sister to Xeek than anything.

*Dimensions Unavailable*
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 07:02:34 pm by Ace »

Offline blackhayateFMA

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Re: Ace's Charries
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 03:45:17 am »
Nice characters. I like all of them.
~B l a c k H a y a t e~