Author Topic: Natalie is back!!  (Read 976 times)


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Natalie is back!!
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:27:02 pm »

This^ Is me. My name is Natalie and my initials all together spell N.E.W.

I usually have trouble with this because I feel like nothing I say will every bring anyone closer to knowing who I am. But I try :) I am really kinda spastic. No, not hyper, just a little jumpy. I loovveee animals of all types but mostly cats. I don't have any though cause my family is allergic :c I am 15 years old...gonna be 16 in about a month though. No, I don't even have my permit yet. Haha woohoo. I study Japanese(???????????? and am in my second year. I love it TO DEATH and plan on going to Japan with my bestfriend after or during college.
I am a very ambitious student. I have straight A's and am ranked 25 out of the 927 in my class. I plan on going to Butler to double major in Media&Graphic arts and Flute performance.  I consider myself in a social and intelligence rank much higher than most 15 and 16 year olds so, if that's going to both you in any way, get over it.  I don't spell everything correctly. I don't have perfect grammar. I can, however, write pretty damn well. I get on here to relax and take a break so don't point out simple errors.

Band is a REEEAAALLLYYY big thing for me. I love music and playing music with all my heart. It's one of the things I'm good at that I actualy LOVE. Band is where I can be my true self and be weird :p It's everything I could hope for. I don't even know what so say about it...It's my life. I eat, breath, and sleep band.

Photography is ALSO a love of mine.

Soooooyeah :D
I feel like I let my true self show the more you talk to me, other wise I'll just ramble on and contradict myself :D

Much love,

« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 08:41:57 pm by muchlovenatalie »


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Re: Natalie is back!!
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 07:27:27 pm »
Okay so I apologize to the upmost for abandoing my RP'S and my clan and basically everything here...I was SWAMPED with life and band and just....good god my RELATIONSHIP. I lost the password to my other account and for one reason or another, I can't get it back because I have a bad token lol
Why not start fresh? Some of my characters WILL be remade...others not. So in the meantime I'm gonna work on my bio here and a siggie and a character list.

Much love,