Author Topic: Creatures in the Dark - Chapter 1 (1/?)  (Read 1508 times)

Offline Jessie Dagger

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Creatures in the Dark - Chapter 1 (1/?)
« on: June 09, 2012, 02:44:25 pm »
Okay this is just something that I thought of in my.... little bit twisted mind ;). I also recommend listening to "Skillet's - Whispers in the Dark" or "NickelBack's - Burn It To The Ground" while reading this.

May be Graphic, so young users be warned

Akela awoke from her nap that she had taken after her hunt. she gave her pure white pelt a shake, her green eyes blinked sleepily. She looked up, it was getting dark. She needed to get back to her pack's camp! She looked around, where was her kill... Aw who cared, it was dark, everyone would already be asleep. She ran toward the dens, wait.. What was that smell... No, blood? It wasn't prey's.. The pack! She ran even faster than before, her paws started aching halfway there. She kept running, despite her aching paws, the pack was in danger. They needed her help!

When she finally got to the dens, she entered hell... All she saw was death, her pack, dead. Everyone was dead! Her leader laid there, eyes wide open with fear... She was scared at the sight of her whole pack dead. Who did this?!? Who had the insanity to kill everyone here... She wept, her brother... Her mate... She howled with the sorrow of A thousand wolves. Then she stopped howling, and pointed her head down to the ground, and then she heard it. Breathing. Her eyes slowly stared to fill with fear, it wasn't her breathing and everyone else was dead... The killer!

She ran her eyes full of pure fear, she was running from something unknown. She knew it was there, she could hear it's breath. She kept running from the creature, she smelt the blood all over it's pelt. She looked back, but kept running. Then she saw it, it's black, blood stained pelt. It's red eyes, this is was destroyed her entire pack. She stopped looking at it and turned her head to look forward again. Unfortunately she had run straight into another shadowy creature, how many were there?!? She stopped before the impact, it lunged at her.

She yelped, it's fangs sank into her neck, she could fell her blood seeping away and dripping onto the ground. She growled struggling to get away from the creature's grip. She couldn't get away from it's tight master grip. No doubt this was skilled at killing anyone and anything. She saw that there were more than two... More kept coming from the trees, what were they?!? She growled again as it's teeth sank further into her neck, she yelped in pain. She then felt it let go. She laid there on the ground, unmoving. She was frozen in pain and fear, her whole body felt like it was numb, and she couldn't move. Then she saw everything go black.

When she awoke, it was day and the creatures were gone, she was still bleeding, though not nearly as bad as last night. She got up slowly her bones ached and her neck felt like it couldn't hold her head up any longer. Why had those things spared her? She kept going slowly her breathing was heavy, she needed water. She kept walking and she couldn't smell anything that was food. So she kept walking her neck had stopped bleeding but it still ached horribly. Then she saw a flicker of light.. No it was.. Water! She trotted, or jogged, she may have been weak still but that didn't stop her. Then she got the the water. She lowered her head to drink, and saw something that filled her eyes with horror, her red eyes. Her fur was no longer white, but black.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 08:39:08 pm by Jessie Dagger »

Offline Jessie Dagger

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Re: Creatures in the Dark
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 02:46:57 pm »
If you guys want me to continue the story, just say so ;)