Author Topic: Crimson Eyes (WIP)  (Read 1310 times)


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Crimson Eyes (WIP)
« on: June 23, 2012, 02:54:01 am »

Chapter 1
Crimson's Life

Crimson came running down the forest path of the Floreshen Flesh Forest with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. Ginger Gine was chasing him down, Ginger Gine was a Goheh, otherwise known as a Blood Sucker. Ginger leaped at his head, Crimson ducked, Ginger Gine landed on the ground. But, she didn't strike again, she sucked her tongue back into her mouth and walked away.
"Why is she always chasing me! Well, I know why... I go into her village... But.. 'Aye, there I go talking to myself!" Crimson mumbled to himself, and he walked back to the stream.
 Crimson bent over at the water and lapped it up. Avicid appeared at Crimson's side.
"Heh heh, long time no see brother! Ginger Gine chased you again hm?" Avicid said, as he bent his body down towards Crimson's shoulder.
Crimson stopped drinking and looked at Avicid's reflection.
"What!? How the heck do you know!?" He babbled with a mouthful of water.
Avicid chuckled and shook his green blue tail.
"I follow you every were... Hehe, and everyone knows too." He laughed.
Crimson shook his head and swallowed his water, he turned to Avicid and stood up and growled. "Why do you need to follow me!? And then tell everyone what happened to me!? I get made fun of from that... And... It's... All your fault that I have scars everywhere." Crimson growled, even though he knew if he were to attack Avicid, he'd just be hurt more, and the Avicid would teleport again.
Avicid and Crimson walked back to their home, Tono Ridge. Avicid disappeared, leaving Crimson alone in the cold and dark path. Crimson took one step and his mother came with a light and bit him hard in the face.
"Were where you!? Where have you been!? Getting chased by that Goheh lady again!?" Her eyes looked like they would just explode with fire. Crimson gulped, "No... I-I-I... It wasn't my fault!" He looked at his mother with eyes only his father understood, inside he wanted to rip her apart! Crimson's mother huffed and grabbed his ear and pulled him.
"I knew I couldn't have trusted you..." She mumbled, but Crimson heard it.

Bleeding from the ear, Crimson got thrown into the publicity of the Ohebi's, everyone laughed as his mother lead him to the main den. Only 5 other wolves didn't laugh at him they were, Failed Attempt, Attempt, Oet, Net, and Zicron. Crimson's mother threw him by his ear into the den, and left the den... Crimson sat in the dampness of the den and softly whimpered. Then the sound of paw pads slamming against the ground stopped him from whimpering and he looked up... It was Slate... The snobbiest wolf in the tribe, she was always out to get Crimson, always putting him down and trying to make him fight. "So... Heh heh, heard you got chased by a Goheh, did you? Avicid bragged about." Slate said, scratching the ground. Crimson mumbled with his paws in his face, "Why would he brag about it..." Slate looked at him, "Hey! Bloody! I said something talk to me!" She stretched her claws out, but then Crimson lifted his head and looked her straight into her eyes and said. "Just... Shut up and leave! I'm not in the mood to be your chew toy..." He said that with a painful look, an angry look too. Slate rolled her eyes and trotted out, but saying under her breath "Hell risen mutt..."

Crimson finally got the guts to come out of the den, and of course his dad was standing there... "Uh.. Hi dad, uh.. Heh heh.." His ears dropped in sadness. His dad looked at him as if he were about to rip him to shreds. But, with a deep and powerful voice he said, "Crimson... Come with me.." Everyone Oooohed at Crimson and laughed at him, and made fun of him as he walked the path of shame. His head down in the sea of shame, him and his father came to the one place that was peaceful, Confusion Ring. His dad stopped and looked back at him, "Son... Sit down with me." Crimson looked up at his father and nodded and sat down. "Dad... I know this has been the 5th time this has happened but it's not my fault!" Crimson's father closed his eyes and shook his head, "I know... You tell me the same thing every time!" Crimson looked down and his ears drooped. "Son... I dealt with the same problem you did when I was young. I understand how you feel..." His father opened his eyes and looked down at Crimson. "Then why don't you do anything about them mistreating me and what not, like the way they make fun of me and hurt me?" He said looking up at his father. "... ... You need to learn how to fight for yourself... Legend tells that the chosen one is born, the chosen one is said to be you.. You need to learn that you'll be the next leader as I am. You and me are similar in many ways." Crimson's father looked up at the clouds, they were white as the sky. "You see... The sky is white, and the clouds are white... Once it turns night.." Crimson's father looked down at him again.. "the clouds turn green and the sky turns yellow. That means that is you change one thing, you'll most likely change everything else about you." Crimson closed his eyes and looked down. "I can't fight.. If I do... I'll get pinned to the ground." Crimson's father looked straight down at his son and gripped him by the muzzle "You do not say that! You will not! You are my son! As long as you are MY son, that'll never happen to you!" Crimson's eyes started to water, "Y-y-yes d-d-dad!" His father let him go and swung around. "C'mon... We better go back." Crimson gulped and followed his father back to Tono Ridge.

Chapter 2
Crimson's Family

Crimson woke up, Failed Attempt was sleeping on his back, Attempt was curled in the corner, and Collab was sleeping with Shen as always. "Failed... Your butt is kinda in my face." Crimson mumbled, Failed's butt was on his face. "What the!? Oh sorry Crimson, I though you were Attempt.." Failed Attempt crawled off of Crimson and curled up with Attempt. Failed and Attempt were twins, and Crimson's siblings, they were the oldest. And had anger problems as well as Crimson, just not the humiliation. Crimson got up and stretched, when to get some food. Crimson was also known by some as Crimson Light since he was once another shade of Red, it was brighter and black. Slate was standing infront of the carcass barrel. "What do you want Emo lullaby?" Crimson stood by her, stuffing his face in the other barrel. "Food I see. Hm... Heh heh, that'll be nice." Crimson looked up and puked right beside the barrel, some of his puke landed on her. "Eww! Puke! Bleh bleh bleh!" She leaped out of the way. Crimson sat down and fell over, his stomach hurt. "You deserve that! Emo lullaby!" Crimson opened his eyes and a small tear came from his eye, and it was a red tear drop... And he mumbled "What a shame... Slate..." Zicron ran to him, "Crimson! Are you okay dude!?" Crimson shook his head, "Yeah..." He coughed up some more puke and continued to talk "I'm fine.. Just a little stomach pain." He got back up and shook his fur. Zicron helped him walk, "Slate is a jerk... Crimson, you need to get her alone and beat the blood outta her." Zicron helped him walk, but he Crimson sat back down. "I should just..." Crimson puked again. "I need to get this sickness over with. Ow, my stomach.. Uhhh..." Crimson fell down and threw up all over himself, and he got up and shook it off. He walked a couple few more steps and passed out. "CRIMSON!" Zicron yelled.

After an hour of being knockedd out, Crimson woke up with a terrible head ache. "Crimson!" Oet said. "Oet? Where am I!?" Crimson said. Oet looked at him with worried eyes, "You're in Tono Ridge, in my den... Crimson, Slate did this to you, she made you pass out for over an hour. What did she even give you?" Crimson shook his head, "Huh? I know Slate did this, I don't know what she game me... Must've been something to do with beer or something, 'cause I got a headache!" Crimson got up, "Ah my stomach!" Oet looked at him, "No no, stay down. I told your family you were here." Crimson shook his head, "My family doesn't care... Only my dad and siblings..." Oet sat down with him, "Slate... I hate her... For doing this to you... I'm worried, will you be ok?" Crimson put his paw up, "Oet, don't worry about me! You have your stuff to worry about, and I think there is no room to be worrying bout me." Oet's eyes filled up with tears, "But Crimson!" Crimson shook his head and looked at her, "NO! Don't worry about me, I'm fine by myself!" He got up, avoiding the pain in stomach and walked out. Leaving Oet with tears in her eyes, Oet came to the den's opening watching Crimson stumble out. Crimson stumbled into the big Oak tree in the center and sat down and looked up. "Why is it just me!? Why am I the one they pick on!" Slate came to his back side, "It's because you're the one that is easy prey for us.. And, you're the son of the one our parents picked on." Crimson growled and a blood tear dropped down from his cheek. "Are you... CRYING!? HAHA I DON'T WANT TO STAY HERE LONG, WE GO WATERWORKS WILLY OVER HERE! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Crimson growled and turned around, eyes bleeding tears of blood, "No! Stop laughing! It's not funny it's a medical condition, I can't help it!" Slate laughed more, "Yeah.. Okay... Medical condition? Yeah right, that's an excuse.." Slate  made fun of him. Crimson closed his eyes as more and more blood dripped down from his eyes. He let out a growl that made Slate flinch and made her growl back. "So, you finally have the guts to fight? Heh heh, I'll save a spot for your- AHH!" Crimson attacked her, and bit her in the nose, and grabbed a hold of it tightly, pushing her down to the ground. Slate shook "W-w-w-what w-w-was that!?" Crimson cried, "I'm... Sorry..." Slate laughed, "Heh heh, to weak to finish me off? Your to soft to kill a tribe member..." Crimson shook, "Yeah, you're right... But... If I have to for my own good, I will... My father tells me to kill the ones that would do me harm." Slate looked at him with a sorrowful look as Crimson bit her in the neck, killing her. Blood was all over the place, Crimson fell down in the pool of Slates blood. He had killed one of the enemies, but they're were many more, and those he couldn't kill... Yet. Slate's face was froze with tears, almost looking sorry.

Chapter 3
The Truth

Crimson stumbled back to his den area. "Crimson... Are you okay, you have open wounds everywhere!?" Failed Attempt cried. Crimson fell down, "I... Killed... Slate..." He said breaking down in tears, "I HAD TO!" He began crying. Attempt, And Failed Attempt ran to him, "Crimson!... It's okay, not your fault! She deserved it... And... You..." Attempt stated. Crimson looked up. "I what!?" Crimson looked at Attempt. "You... Killed... Someone, none of any us except your father has killed another tribe member." Crimson cried, "I'm just like my father... I'll never be anything! I'm stupid, useless, nobody will mis me if I die! I should end it now!" Failed looked at Crimson tearing up, "NO! You're just ripping the good thoughts out of your head! STOP IT!" Crimson looked back down, "No... I'm not.. I'm stupid that's why!" Crimson's forehead creased with a frown. "I need to be alone.." Crimson's father was standing out of the den, and heard every word. "So... Crimson... You killed Slate?" He mumbled. Failed Attempt lifted her head, "Dad!? Come in here!" Crimson's father walked into the den and looked down at his kids with a smile. "Crimson... My boy." He held out his paw to Crimson, Crimson looked at his father and put his paw on his fathers. "Dad... I... Had to... For me" His father chuckled, "Son.. Calm down... What you did is one step forward to being a very good and successful leader." Crimson cried and hugged his father and blood tears ran down his father's shoulder.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 07:44:29 pm by Crimson-Eyes »