Author Topic: Advertising Channel  (Read 1955 times)

Offline Lunareclipse89

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Advertising Channel
« on: July 23, 2012, 07:55:07 am »
There should be a new Channel for Advertisements. I see so many people getting mad over "Advertisement spam" in generals. On the plains, and all other public maps. But if we had a channel specifically used for advertisements, this wouldn't be a problem.

With an advertisement channel, the people who were looking for rp's to join could hear them apart from the general chat, AND, people who didn't want to hear Advertisements could just turn that channel off. It's a perfect solution.


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Re: Advertising Channel
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2012, 07:57:54 am »
The general chat is what that is for really. It isn't advertisement spam because advertisements take priority over chatting in the general chat in all honesty. There should be a separate chat for chatting really...

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Offline EvilSock

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Re: Advertising Channel
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2012, 09:28:22 am »
There are seperate channels for chatting. They're called local, group, party and whisper. I don't think we need anymore? lol.

General is General. It's meant for advertising, as well as chatting because it's /General/. Those who dislike advertisements can either deal with it; or talk with their friends in another channel, uninterrupted.

However, I myself would prefer advertisements to be seperated from chat; solely because I hate having to type non-stop because my advertisements are flooded with talk of 'hurrdurrs' and 'cookies'.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:29:57 am by EvilSock »

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Re: Advertising Channel
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2012, 11:16:38 am »
I do agree with you all!

Any Specific Reason(s)? Yes. In General, Whenever I advertised for my group, it would get flooded by silly things that people said.

Also as said above about the channels, let me add to what was said there.
Local is for chatting with people nearby & for free roleplaying.
Group is for roleplaying usually.
General is for chatting & advertisement.
Party is for talking like a group accept it is closed when the person who started goes offline, it is used for chat & sometimes (But unlikely) roleplaying.
Whisper is used for chatting & (can be) used for roleplaying.
Movie is used for advertisement all the time, whenever it's the "Dance Tiem Party" or it's the roleplaying advertisement. The only problem with Movie, is that recently people have been spamming it by posting too much movies at once, so people (Including Me) have to say to stop spamming & then many won't have movie open probably.

With this said, Movie may be the channel for it or a new channel will be added. We're going to need to talk with Kovu first.

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Re: Advertising Channel
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2012, 09:09:25 pm »
Those who actually advertise roleplays and try create social groups within the game, actually trying to play it as a game, should not need to be forced away by users that spam the chats with conversations that could easily take part in any other chat in the game, or even chats on the big big interwebs.

As written earlier, there's already several different chats that work perfectly for the same purpose as some use general chat when it goes the chatting, the only difference if they'd actually USE it in a way so that those who are advertising, would get more room and attention they need whilst those chatting wouldn't really forcefeed all the users in the map/chats to read their random spazzing.

What I pretty much hate about general chat is that many of the users in there are actually clueless of how much they might disturb the rest of the users but also taking advantage of a needed and great function in the game. To be fair, FeralHeart would actually survive well without a general chat function and force users to walk up and talk with each other. But it is a great chat that would be missed and I do not think it would be wanted to remove it by the majority.

I'd still go with an old idea I brought up on the forums a long time ago. This would mean that general chat would be renamed to Advertising and force users to accept every post they made. But also make a separate tab and 2 chat windows instead of one, in which the other chat window would hold a "map/world" chat. This would mean no one would double cross each other.

The ones advertising would have their own channel still getting the attention the might need, but also could be turned off by those who wish not to see it.

The general spazzers would get an own seperate chat window in which you'd actually need to enter in order to see what goes on in there, pretty much like general works now, just not in the way of everything else. But in order to get this it would probably need quite some work done to the game and the one person who can do this might not like the idea of it.

We really got 3 things to put our attention on why general chat, random chatting and advertising doesn't cut well together. The first one is the chats themselves and how the different chat types work, the second one is that the maps are not really having the most effective layout or sizes to work well with the chats we have, and the third and last one is actually the users themselves, the ones that take NO consideration what so ever or show respect for the rest of the users in the map. They only think about getting attention and being in the center, the advertisers might do the same thing but tell me what's the most valid.

A user advertising a roleplay group in which 50+ users are welcome to join(mapped or mapless) < wold this work in local?


A users spamming about how they love Pewdiepie or how their dog just farted. <Would this work in local?

I hope you see my point. It might not be that horrible if someone post this once in a while, but imagine that just 5 or even less users can fill up the whole general chat box, making it pretty much impossible for anyone to get something important said or shown.

I'm not even a roleplaying user that much, nor do I advertise lots of roleplays, but I still feel how annoying it must be when someone writes a long ad for something actually interesting, taking over a minute for some, and then it's flooded away in the only chat it can be shown in for many users by smiley faces, caps, lols and inappropriate subjects.

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Offline Lunareclipse89

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Re: Advertising Channel
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2012, 02:20:04 pm »
Red? Just an FYI, I love you. =_= All of that was exactly what I was trying to point out/suggest.

Also, I really like your "old idea" 8D

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Re: Advertising Channel
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2012, 02:55:44 pm »
Red, thanks for that because once they said "Silver, calm your tits down" or they had Sex Talk

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