Author Topic: .::Insanus Mortux::. **OPEN**  (Read 1438 times)

Offline LionHybrid

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.::Insanus Mortux::. **OPEN**
« on: August 19, 2012, 04:57:09 am »
Insanus Mortux
The Insanity Monsters

Our website is currently W.I.P but, maybe finished around this week, or so. Lets write something for you, hmm?

A loner, trudges through the thick blankets of cold, and buckets of white snow. You're lips blistered, and pelt shining of crystal droplets. You enter a unfamiliar territory, a different scent of life. You pause for a moment, looking up towards the deadly jagged black dead trees. Blood thirsty red eyes, staring down at you. The eyes of a predator, the eyes of a Raven. Or, Ravens. Nervously staggering forwards, you watch as the Ravens fly tree to tree, seeming they were following you, awaiting the perfect moment to strike. Suddenly, the tree growing taller, the Ravens growing in numbers. The hills growing silent. You take one more step, suddenly ear splitting noises release from the birds, and they begin to attack, mainly scraping you down the neck, and back. Pecking at you're weak stance. You begin to run, hoping to lose them. However, they stick close to you're tail. Screeching in you're ears, and tearing you slowly apart. Falling to the ground, a loud roar was heard, echoing through out the silent hills. The Ravens spooked, scurried quickly back to there former trees. Watching silently over you're quivering bodice. You quickly scuttled back to you're fours, the bitter cold keeping you're body shaking. You look around, spotting no life, besides the Ravens. But, you hear paw pads approaching, they seemed to surround the whole area, of which you were glued. You couldn't help but a let a defensive growl escape, you're eyes locked around the landscape. "Who's there!" You scream, you're tail launched between you're legs. Loud cackles were heard, and black figures slithered from the trees. The figures shaped into large wolves. "What do you want." You cower, not wanting anything to do with fighting, or death of these wolves. You're tail, tightly knotted beneath you. A large, blackish figure stood before you. Its smile ceases upon it's face. The cackles stopped, and pairs of eyes loomed around the area, awaiting a perfect moment. The large figure snarled at the others. "It is a wolf, do not attack." It bellowed, its eyes lashing back onto you. At this rate, you were locked tight onto the ground, showing you didn't want any trouble. You're skinny bodice quivered hard. "Don't fret my dear child, we are here to help you." The figure stepped closer, shoving his nose into you're shoulder, he seemed to be scenting whom you were. "Aah, good." He stepped backwards, glowing crystal white eyes, eased over you still. "I don't want any trouble." You whispered."Neither do we." The figure took another step back, still watching you. The other figures slowly slipped from the tree line, there eyes searching the area,and even onto you. They seemed to form a line besides the large figure, there eyes shaped of madness. "We want you to join us." They all yelled, there voices scaring away the ravens, and other predators.


Mauling/Slaughtering.- Meaning of 'brutal beatings.' If any member were to betray, or break a rule, an enforcer has permission to take a a few members, and attack, or kill the subject.

Blood Flashing- A Dominant wolf either flashes there teeth at a low rank, or stranger as a warning.

Flash Screaming- A wounded member, or near by loner howls, or calls for help.

Submitting- Were a weaker wolf rolls onto there back, as a 'giving up' pose.

Beating Banners- Wagging tails of two greeting wolves.

Duster- The tail wag of a submissive.

Banner Fold- Were one submissive will fold there tail between there legs.

Nipping- Were a Dominant will nip, or bite down aggressively.

Insanity Monsters- A large group of Insanus members.

Dead Eye- Were two individuals create an aggressive stare down, to show who is bigger. Or, the starting of a fight.

The Calling- Were all members of the pack will howl.

Death Pit- Were all members will surround a subject, and attack one by one.

Blood Fly- Were two individuals fight to the death, or spar each other.

Banner Raise- Were a dominant raises there tail, showing dominance.

Raven Bait- An exiled, or kicked member of the pack.

Trainees- New members of the pack, awaiting a training session for there desired rank.

True Bond- A blood relative such as, pups, or siblings.

Blood Spill- The fallen of an enemy, packmate, or prey.

Nose Pecks- Were two members bop noses together, can be used for Aggression or friendly manner.


In Character Rules
1.)) Obey and respect the Alpha - Deltas. Anything the Alpha says, is law. And, it must be followed, and respected.Any challenge, or dis respect will be subjected to death by both Alphas.
2.)) Betraying, or treason is strictly not allowed. The subject will be killed on the spot, no matter the situation.
3.)) Only Dominant, and lead ranks can have pups. Any other pups will be killed, or set to Omega.
4.)) Pack members caught disrespecting an Allie, or any other pack member will be beaten, and given a warning.
5.)) Dominant,lead, and normal ranks are free to take walks with, or without permission. Low ranks such as, Omega, Trainee, and Pup cannot take walks, with or without permission.
6.)) Omegas cannot have pups, or mates.
7.)) No power playing, or god modding is allowed. One hit KO's are strictly not allowed.
8.)) Keep you're spars fair.
9.)) Killing an outsider, or even a betraying pack member is welcomed, as long as permission is okay by both individuals.
10.)) Adopting a pup, or even sibling is optional.
11.)) Minor cussing is allowed, major cussing is forbidden.
12.)) Land claiming is not allowed, if they do not participate in RP kindly ask them RP is going on, or ignore them. If it becomes a nu sense simply block them.
13.)) Keep romance, and flirty child friendly. If not, move it to whisper, or party chat.
14.)) Mating is welcomed, just keep it far away from the pack.
15.)) Birthing is alright, but try to keep it at a minor level.
16.)) Trainees must be active for 2-3 days before becoming a full member.
17.)) Keep role play in local chat, but Out Of Character in group.
18.)) You must at least know how to download a map, before joining.
19.)) All trolls are to be blocked, if not followed, this will be resulted in a beating. The second time will result in a ban.

Out Of Character Rules
1.)) All members will wear a tag that fits there rank.
2.)) Don't pick a rank because the name sounds cool, you will possibly be that rank 'forever'.
3.)) All characters must have a realistic, or even semi-realistic look. No neon or eye blinding colors are allowed.
4.)) Trolling, or being a fool is not wanted.
5.)) Mate beggars, and attention seekers are not allowed. Instant banning will be given.
6.)) No OOC drama, try to keep that in PMs.
7.)) You are forbidden to join, if caught in an enemy pack.
8.)) Harassing and threatening members are strictly not allowed. Warning will be given, before a ban.
9.)) Fighting for "dominance" or for a rank is strictly not allowed.
10.)) OOC drama is not allowed.


  • Tier Status- Dominant Tier Rank.
    The leaders of the pack, the ones that are strongest, and will accept, or deny any recruits offerings. All ranks must submit to the Alphas.
    BloodLine- Can have unlimited pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 2

    Beta [LII]
    Tier Status- Dominant Tier Rank.
    The second in charge, the ones that are put as Alphas in the absence of the real ones. Must submit to the Alpha. Betas look over the pack, and can protect it with or without will. They also must protect there Alphas.
    BloodLine- Can have unlimited pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 2

    Gamma [LIII]
    Tier Status- Dominant Tier Rank.
    The third in charge. Put as the leaders in the absence of the Alphas, and Betas. Gammas look over the pack, and can protect it at will.They also must protect there Alphas.
    BloodLine- Can have unlimited pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 2

    Delta [LXX]
    Tier Status- Dominant Tier Rank.
    The last in command. The leaders of the pack, in the absence of all leaders. Must submit to, the Alphas, Betas, and Gammas. They help the Gamma, and are pretty much personal Warriors towards the Gammas. They must protect there Alpha, and any other leader above them, in the leading chain.
    BloodLine- Can have unlimited pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 4

    Warlord [ILL]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Warriors, usually given to the first born son of the Alpha pair, and is ruled alongside his mate. Also, crowned as the next Alphas in the future.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 2

    Flesher [LIH]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Hunters of the pack, they manage the food source, and go on daily like hunts. There the ones in charge of the food source, and can freely kill off any wolf, with permission.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    Blood Sinner [LIX]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Exorcists of the pack. The ones to order a slaughtering, or participate in battles. They are in charge of getting there paws dirty for the pack.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    Maunder [LIV]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Assassins. The ones to order an ambushing, or plot something nasty over an enemy pack. They may go on there own missions, and help out slaughterings.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    BloodKeep [LIG]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Guard of the pack. The ones to order were the Guards must go, and were to guard, and what to guard. Guards must be strong, and agile.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    HawkEye [LIM]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Messengers of the pack. They are to respond to messages, and give notes to the Messengers, to have them be sent by them.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    Scoutiers [LIS]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Scouters. Order the Scouters to missions, and tell them were to scout. Can also send Scouts with a buddy of choice.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    High Priest [LIO]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Lead Medics of the pack, the ones in charge of herbs, and give the Medics orders, and how to make herbs. They are most busiest when a large war has happened.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    Den Mother [LID]
    Tier Status- High Tier Rank.
    The Den Mother are to watch and guard the pups of the pack. They stay back in hunting's, and meetings for the pups. They are also very trusted.
    BloodLine- Can have three pups. Can have a mate.
    Amount; 6

    Elder Blood [EI]
    Tier Status- None.
    Elders of the pack, the most wise, and eldest. Usually great for meetings, and story telling. May stay back with the Den Mother to help watch, and care for the pups.
    BloodLine- None.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Warriors [LW]
    Tier Status- Normal Tier Rank.
    Warriors of the pack, they participate in battles, and wars. May get there teeth, and paws dirty, just a little.
    BloodLine- Can have one pup. Can have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Hunters [LH]
    Tier Status- Normal Tier Rank.
    Hunters of the pack, help supply on food sources, and can travel long, and far for any kind of food. Is usually lead by the Fleshers.
    BloodLine- Can have one pup. Can have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Exorcist [LX]
    Tier Status- Normal Tier Rank.
    These wolves are feisty, dangerous, and very fierce. They take care of betrayals, and any threats upon the pack. They may get there paws dirty.
    BloodLine- Can have one pup. Can have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Assassin [LV]
    Tier Status- Normal Tier Rank.
    The Maunders of the pack, the ones to ambush, and attack enemies, or spotted targeted wolves. Basically the Nazi of the group.
    BloodLine; Can have one pup. Can have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Guard [LG]
    Tier Status- Normal Tier Rank.
    The ones to guard, and protect the territory. They stay behind with the Elders, and Den Mothers, as well as the pups. They also protect the pack when they are even around.
    BloodLine; Can have one pup. Can have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Messengers [LM]
    Tier Status- Normal Tier Rank.
    The ones to send a message to another pack, or individual. They can go with a buddy, if they must.
    BloodLine; Can have one pup. Can have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited

    Trainee [Lt]
    Tier Status- Low Tier Rank.
    Recruits of the pack. They must remain active for 2-3 REAL days, before being ranked. They cannot leave the territory, under any circumstances.
    BloodLine; Cannot have pups. Cannot have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited

    Pups [l]
    Tier Status- Low Tier Rank.
    Pups of the pack, cannot leave the territory.
    BloodLine- Cannot have pups. Cannot have a mate.
    Amount; Unlimited.

    Omega [o]
    Tier Status- Low Tier Rank.
    The weakest of the pack, will usually send the Omega after a dangerous mission, just use it as a tester. Also, they cannot leave the territory, or even spar.
    BloodLine- Cannot have pups. Cannot have a mate.
    Amount; Punishment Rank.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 12:23:58 am by LionHybrid »

Offline LionHybrid

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Re: .::Insanus Mortux::. **OPEN**
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 05:02:00 am »

Directly behind the N/Z, and below the =.

Jarison's Office- Were personal meetings will be held, and rank ups for specific members.

Insanus Graveyard- Were our loved ones, and elder pack members are peacefully laid to rest.

Spar Rock- Were spars/ training take place. You may fight, or train near, or on the rock. It's basically looked upon as an arena.

Torture Stone- Were betraying members, or law breakers are to be tortured, beating, or even killed.

Raven Hill- Were the pack is usually located, Raven Hill is the natural territory, and home to the Insanus.

Insanus Radius is a special home to the pack, it provides many boulders, and less annoying trees to crash into. A river is located slightly South West of the Raven Hill,mainly filled with much dead bodies, and the blood of our enemies. Raven Hill is most important, it's a rocky, lush green land, with a slight hill or were the Insanus lurk. Many enter, and barely many get out alive.

Raven Hill is actually a beautiful land, it not as scary as the Insanus Title it. However, many of not Insanus Blood will be killed, unless you can prove otherwise.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 05:14:38 am by LionHybrid »

Offline LionHybrid

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Re: .::Insanus Mortux::. **OPEN**
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 05:04:45 am »

Please fill in this application fully, and post it below.

Characters Name-

Characters Age-

Desired Rank-

Characters BackStory-((Can be used as a RP sample.))

Offline Cynder21

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Re: .::Insanus Mortux::. **OPEN**
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2012, 03:04:24 pm »
Good luck with finding members and I have a quick question: Do you make maps for people? If so I would be glad if you could make me one. Just PM me or post here. Though I would prefer PM (Private Message).

~Best of Wishes, Cynder (Or Cyn)