Author Topic: Marzi's Characters  (Read 4701 times)

Offline marzishadow

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Marzi's Characters
« on: September 11, 2012, 10:54:36 pm »

Name: Ash

Age: 3 years

Gender: Female

Species: Spotted Hyena

Family: Twisted Thorns Clan

Mate: (Desceased)

Personality: Ash is very strict and serious but only to protect her self from what she fears the most, losing her family. She is often found alone, she doesn't want the others to see how emotional she really is on the inside. She has lost many of her families, including her mate who was poisoned. She all blamed it on her, being careless and happy at the time.

Histrory: Ash was born in a very small clan of hyenas who were later killed off when she was barely old enough to go out on her own, this didn't change her much, her mother had always told her to look on the brighter side of things, she saw this as an oppurtunity to go on an adventure. She soon joined yet another small group of hyenas where she met another hyena who was almost just like her. They did everything together, Ash had never been so happy before.
One day, after a meal he invited her to come along with her on a journey. Of course, she was very happy to go, so they did. They must have ventured for miles, she didn't know where they were going, but the one she loved finally passed out by a tree. She didn't think he was that tired, she asked what was wrong but he could barely reply. He told her that he was poisoned with all the breath he had left, and then he seemed to slip away from the mortal world without another word. Ash had never felt like this before, someone she could really relate to...gone.
She vowed to never make any more mistakes ever again, causing her to change completley. Ash later came accross the Twisted Thorns clan. Somewhere where she tried to fit in, but her new personality was allowing her.
Eventually, she found a way and she made many new comrads there, though she never shared her past with any of them.
Sometime later they were all forced to leave the clan territory, no one ever came back. All the prey was gone and everyone had better hopes finding more elsewhere.
That's when she found the Voided Dreams Clan, this time she felt more welcomed, making new friends. But it was just like the last, she never saw any of them again.
She now wonders around the plains. Hoping to find another lonely hyena like her. After all, that's all she ever was, a lonely hyena.

Theme song(s): I think this does a good job of showing you what it was like when Ash's mate died.

Name: Camara

Name meaning: One who learns from experience.

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Black lion

Family: (Loner)

Mate: None

Personality: Camara is a stubborn, rude and careless lioness. She thinks of herself as higher than all the others, spitting her hatred onto other lions. She has never been able to stay in a pride because of her sass towards the pride leaders. She gets easily jealous over certain things and will be easily aggrovated.

Histrory: Camara was born a princess of a very large and popular pride which was the outcome of her stubborn and bratty personality. But when she grew older her parents could see that she was not the queen type and they banished her. She took it like most dramatic teenagers, crying for hours, hating their life. She could only grow more hatred for lions who lived in prides. She called the idea of prides, "idiotic" and "stupid" because she was too stubborn to realize the beniffetes, or atleast she would not admit them to herself.

Name: Eira

Meaning of Name: Snow

Age: 1 1/2 years

Gender: Female

Species: White Fox

Family: (Loner)

Mate: None

Personality: Eira has a calm laid back style personality. She is a go with the flow type. She is very kind to others and never tries to start any fights. She seems to always have a calm smile on her face and never complains. She is very wise considering her age.

Histrory: Eira was raised with two other sisters by her very wise mother, who taught her all the right things to do. When she was old enough, she serperated from her family to start her own journey. She roamed many forests, sharing her wisdom with others. She wanted to make a difference in  her world, that was her goal.

Theme song(s):

Name: Faydrah Firebane

Age: 428 immortal years

Gender: Female

Species: Fire Fiend

Family: Firebane Clan

Mate: (Deceased)

Personality: Faydrah is a firey and sinister-like fiend. She would demand everything she wanted. She did this by threatening lives over everything. Though she wasn't an ignorant fool, she was very educated, infact over the years she became very intelligent, but used it against everyone. Not only that, but she was also very deadly in battle, she would incinerate all of her apponents but would rather sit on her throne all day being pampered by her servants. She had very uncontrolable temper, and she almost never calm.

Histrory: Faydrah was spawned by the fire lord Ragnaros, he trained her himself. Teaching her everything he knew. Making her become a vicious and deadly queen of her kind. Once she was full grown she lead an entire nation of fire fiends. She incinerated entire cities, bringing her fire hell into the mortal lands. Causing tradgetties all over known as "Wrath of Faydrah" or "Fire Storms."She even killed her own mate in one of her rages. Faydrah was almost never satisfied. It is said that she would not rest until she burned the world. As to what drives her to do this is unknown, most likely something the Ragnaros told her.

Theme song(s):

Name: Frostbite

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Black Tiger

Family: Frostsing Clan

Mate: None

Personality: Frostbite, being a black tiger otherwise known as the symbol of strength is obviously very fierce and strong, she will do anything she can to protect her family. She doesn't usually make too many bad choices or mistakes, being very wise. But, if nessacary she will get into fights and her mighty strength almost always allows her to win. Not much is known about her emotional side, perhaps because she isn't too open about that side of her.

History: Much is not known about Frostbite. She was born and lives in the Frostsing mountains with her family.

Name: Kasdeya

Age: 667 immortal years

Gender: Female

Species: Shadow Demon/Hellhound

Family: Deceased

Mate: None

Personality: Kasdeya would naturally behave like any other demon. Fiendish, evil, sinister, vicious and short-tempered. She enjoys killing on a daily basis, especially pups or cubs. Her immortal age makes her feel like she has even more powers. Placing herself higher than all the others, other than of course the higher ranks of her own kind.

History: Kasdeya is a spawn of the shadows and fires of Hell. As a pup she was raised by demons much like her, they taught her all of the evil ways. When she was released into the mortal world when she was old enough she spent most of her time lurking in the shadows of the Last Cave, where only the poor souls dared to travel. Anyone that dared come near her shadows was killed almost instantly on suprise attack. When she grew older she hungered for more killing, she loved the thrill of it. Kasdeya returned to her origin where her "family" lived at the time. She killed all of them with the strenght she gained from killing daily as "training." She never relized what she did, she had no heart, even if she did it was pure black and cold as frozen coal.
When she made her return to the mortal world she started moving towards the more inhabbited areas, killing cubs and younglings more and more often. People were terrified of even the thought of Kasdeya the Killer. She wasn't so much into fighting on surpise, but more into taunts and those who attacked she killed. Any pups or cubs who thought they could stand up for their family got their skulls crush under her demon claws.
She is now feared by most, but only shows up to scare them, otherwise she returns to lurking back in the Last Cave.
"See you there."

Theme song(s):

Name: Nakita

Age: 4 years

Gender: Female

Species: Half-Ligeress Half-Lioness (Liger father, Lion mother)

Family: None (Lost)

Mate: Deceased

Personality: Nakita is very secretive of her emotions, she often talks to herself. Even though she hides her emotions from others, she is usually alone, in that case she is ver emotional. She insults herself while the other half keeps on struggling to survive and keep herself alive. All though her struggle is difficult, she does not give up no matter how hard.

History: Nakita was born in a wealthy pride of lions in the Un' Goro crater, a place full of prey and darker maned lions. She lived there happily with her family until one day she decided to go out on her journey into the world. She visted many places and met many new lions and friends, she even met a lion who became her mate and they had one son, they lived happily together in a wealthy pride.
One unfortunate day, her son was killed in a stampede of zebra's. Nakita cried for weeks and weeks, her mate tried to cheer her up, she was happy she still had him. But another incident happened, her mate was killed by rogue lions. Nakita couldn't take it anymore so she ran away from the pride into a very distant land. There she was insulted for being much different than the light maned, pure lions. There, there was much less prey and Nakita began to struggle to survive. There wasn't much in habbitance other than few lion prides who often tried to eliminate her.
As of right now, Nakita's location and current state is unknown.

Name: Nita

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Cheetah

Family: (Loner)

Mate: None

Personality: Nita is a courageous, energized, and out-going young cheetah. She is often described as cool and loves to explore. Chances are you'll only see her once because she doesn't really care about others and will do anything to get her way. She doesn't stick around very long, so it's not easy to get to know her.

History: Nita was born in a litter of three, her and two brothers. They often struggled to survive and she lost on of her brothers in the struggle. But, she moved on and kept going. She doesn't mention her past to a lot of people. Nita now roams and explores the plains. Maybe you can catch her.

Name: Odette Wilderfeather

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Species: Lynx (albino)

Family: The Wilderfeather family (Deceased)

Mate: None

Personality: She is very secretive of her emotions, she has learned to hide every emotion in her body giving her the appearance of a very dull feline. Her eyes stay still as if they were staring into your soul. She always had a distorted aura to her.
But, when it comes to fighting she shows a more savage side. Doing anything she can to rip and tear her enemies to shreds. If she is in this mood, she will not tolerate any sort of being messed with and will most likely over-react.
She was often picked on and doesn't fit in very well.

History: When Odette was a small cub she was seperated from the rest of her family when they were suprise attacked by wolves when accidentally wandering into their territory. As she grew older she quickly developed a strong hatred for wolves, blaming all of her problems on them.

Theme song(s):

Name: Raindancer

Age: 3 years

Gender: Female

Species: Spirit fox

Family: None

Mate: None

Personality: She is very mysterious, calm and peaceful. It's difficult to get to know her but she will open herself up to the those she deems worthy. But, it's still quite difficult. She will play games with you and try to mess with you, yet her her sweet beautiful voice is always calm.

History: Born with a purpose, to teach all those good in the land and the right lessons. Raindancer was raised by shamans and learned how to create rain anytime she choosed by doing a spiritual ritual known as the rain dance, which then she was named for her talent, Ranidancer. After the shamans released her she began doing her duty. Going to those in need and those who were disrepectful, teaching them the ways of the good, the polite, the natural. She continues to do so currently.

Theme song(s):
This one may give you the idea of what her voice may sound like when she sings.
This one always reminded me of a traveler in the rain

























« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 02:59:10 am by Marzi~ »
? Proud Scorpio  ?

Marzi, The Tumble Mouse


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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2012, 11:30:01 pm »
These be good charries. ;w; Waits for Cam's bio to be done.-

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2012, 11:32:21 pm »
Luff the chars hun!! c:

Offline marzishadow

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2012, 11:44:21 pm »
Thanks, both of you. I'll have more of them up later. :D
? Proud Scorpio  ?

Marzi, The Tumble Mouse


Offline Larka13

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2012, 11:48:09 pm »
Two words: Awesome. Ness.

Offline marzishadow

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2012, 12:32:54 am »
Thank you, Ember! c:
? Proud Scorpio  ?

Marzi, The Tumble Mouse


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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2012, 06:23:08 pm »
Awesome  Possum :P love the charries
Bloody Rabbit >:P

Offline CreamWolf

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2012, 09:02:54 pm »
;U; Whee, update. Moar epic charries, I see. ~

He will eat your LAVENDER cookies.

Offline marzishadow

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2012, 09:35:06 pm »
Yeah, but there's even MORE to come. c:
? Proud Scorpio  ?

Marzi, The Tumble Mouse


Offline Larka13

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Re: Marzi's Characters
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2012, 09:37:04 pm »
-waits for updates- :3