Author Topic: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!  (Read 22923 times)

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2012, 10:02:43 pm »
((lol, the return of sliverstar! Anyways, I'm going to join but I think I should stop joining as firekit or flamekit since I used those names allot.))

Name: brightkit (warrior name is brightsnow)
Gender: female
Age: 5 moons old
Personality: like any other kit, she loves to play and listen to the elder's stories. She does not like to be ignored and be left out by her siblings and her friends so she would just find them. She likes to sneak out of camp and mess around but if she's not in the mood for playing them she can be calm. She has her times when she can be protective of her siblings and/or snap.
History: none
Clan: creekclan
Rank: kit
Siblings: badgerkit, rosekit and Tigerkit (brightkit can have one or two more siblings so you can be her sibling if you want)
Mate: none
Kits: none
Name: Badgerkit (warrior name is badgerclaw)
Gender: male
Age: 5 moons old
Personality: he's playful towards the other kits and sometimes tries to follow the warriors around like if he was a warrior. He can be annoying sometimes but still, he's nice but he can be protective of his littermates and friends. He can also brave, snappy and adventurous sometimes, he only snaps if he is snapped at.
History: none
Clan: creekclan
Rank: kit
Siblings: brightkit, rosekit and tigerkit
Mate: none
Kits: none
Name: tigerkit (warrior name is tigerstrike)
Gender: male
Age: 5 moons old
Personality: unlike some kits, he isn't the playful kit. He hides in the shadows, hiding from most of the cats and he can be a bit dark sometimes. He likes to sneak out of camp and dare his siblings and friends to do something dangerous like getting into a hole or crossing the Thunderpath. He can also be snappy and cause trouble like sneaking out of camp or placing thorns into the warriors' nests.
History: none
Clan: creekclan
Rank: kit
Siblings: brightkit, rosekit and Badgerkit
Mate: none
Kits: none
Name: rosekit
Gender: female
Age: 5 moons old
Personality: the calmest kit in the litter, she is not the kit that likes to sneak out of camp or has times when she snaps. She normally vists the medicine cat's den to help out with herbs and other medicine cat stuff. She can also be shy towards strangers but once she gets used to them then she'll be more nicer then shy. She rather becomes a medicine cat than a warrior because of the love of healing her clan.
History: none
Clan: creekclan
Rank: kit
Siblings: Tigerkit, badgerkit and brightkit
Mate: none
Kits: none
Name: whitefoot
Gender: female
Age: 33 moons old
Personality: like most queens, she can be very protective of her kits. She can be nice and calm but if there is a stranger then she won't be friendly towards the stranger unless it is a kit. Once she gets used to the stranger then she'll be nicer and calm but still protective. She has times when she snaps, mostly when she's in pain or when she's angry. She's caring, protective and loyal towards her clan.
History: when she was a kit, there was a outbreak of greencough and the sickness claimed the lives of her sister, tawnykit and her father, blacknight. She never knew them but her mother and the elders told her and her brother, crowkit, stories about blacknight and tawnykit. Many moons later after becoming a warrior, the deputy got killed while being attacked by a badger. Her brother, crowlight, was picked to be deputy after mentoring a apprentice. One day, she fell in love with Lightingstream and then they became mates after the death of their old leader, softstar.
Clan: creekclan
Rank: queen
Siblings: tawnykit (deceased) and crowstar
Mate: Lightingstream (NPC)
Kits: brightkit, Tigerkit, badgerkit and rosekit
Name: crowstar
Gender: male
Age: 33 moons old
Personality: like his younger sister, he's caring, protective and loyal towards his clan. If he or any of his clanmates are threaten then he'll attack unless it's at a gathering. He isn't a peacemaker and tries his best to stick to the warrior code. He will risk all of his eight lives to protect his clan from rivals.
History: almost same as whitefoot but he mentored willowpaw (anyone can be her as a warrior/queen/elder) and he became leader after their old leader, softstar died from battling on sunningrocks. He losted his first life from greencough but he has eight more lives left.
Clan: creekclan
Rank: leader
Siblings: whitefoot and tawnykit (deceased)
Mate: none (anyone can be his mate)
Kits: none
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 04:00:08 am by Heartsgirl99 »
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Offline Celeyan

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2012, 02:28:15 am »

? fuzz? fuzz?, cut? cut? ?

 ? :Name: Innerkit [InnerSpace] ?
 ? :Gender: Female ?
 ? :Age: Two moons old. ?
 ? :Personality: The sweetest kit you'll ever meet, she's very nice and calm, always being a curious and playful kitten. Her overly hyper personality makes people dizzy, as she'll run circles around you. Helpful and loving, she's always one to go and help another one who needs help. She is respectful and lovable, and doesn't dare disrespect anyone unless they need it. Cuddly and always willing to snuggle up to the meanest of cats, she is pushed away a lot, but she always tries. After her moments, when she's hyper and running around, you'd laugh at how fast the young kit would fall asleep. Funny and Bright, she always tries to brighten up people's days. The only time you see her sad, is when it rains. She is naive and adventurous, and usually wonders off without knowing it; which is why you should keep a good eye on her. Always speaking to the quiet ones, she is one to easily befriend others, and when ignored will try harder ?

 ? :History: Its a secret, but has something to do with the rain. ?
 ? :Clan: Creekclan ?
 ? :Rank: Kit ?
 ? :Siblings: Soulkit ?
 ? :Mate: None ?
 ? :Kits: None ?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 02:30:51 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Shadow13131

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2012, 03:29:21 am »

Name: Thornstar
Gender: Female
Age: 40 Moons
Personality: Dark and mysterious, sneaky and mischievous. All words to describe this female. Is only nice at rare times, but is usually nice to the higher ranks of her clan. But has a short temper to other clans.
History: She was abandoned as a kit, but that was when she was found by StormClan, and soon grew to be a strong leader.
Rank: Leader
Siblings: All deceased
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A (But wants to have some and raise them to be strong)

(Hehe, i was lazy, so... here is a application from your other rp that i never really even rped in xD But i will rpin this :3)

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2012, 03:54:37 am »
Oh, I forgot! Innerkit is terrified of blood and killing, a single drop would send the poor kit running. She would make a bad hunter, but is worse with herbs.

Innerkit: Okay, hello patient!
Patient: Hey, I have a broken leg.
Innerkit: -Grabs deathberry in paw- I think I use this! :D
Innerkit: What..? c:

Offline Shadow13131

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2012, 05:25:19 am »

Offline heartsgirl99

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2012, 10:15:52 pm »
((XD bump))
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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2012, 10:19:35 pm »
((LOL @Inner))

Offline jesija

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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2012, 10:35:35 pm »
I can haz join?
Also, can Endlesswish be Thornstar's sister?))

Name: Endlesswish
Gender: Female
Age: 32 moons
Personality: Endlesswish has a rough, tom-boyish exterior. She can be humorous, crude, and sarcastic. Despite this, she is actually quite clever and devious, and will often use this to play jokes on others. This would make her fun and easy to hang around if it weren't for the fact that she is guarded and distant. She has few close friends, and doesn't go out of her way to see anyone throughout the day. Her knowledge about herbs is endless though, and she is quick to solve riddles and prophecies when she gets them.
History: Its a secret.
Clan: Stormclan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Siblings: Thornstar (if Shadow agrees)
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

Name: Webkit (Webwhisker)
Gender: Male
Age: 6 moons
Personality: Innocent, shy, and introverted. He's often daydreaming or staring off into nature, or just sitting off by himself. When someone he has befriended and someone he loves is being treated unfairly or in trouble, he can become very violent and protective in order to save them. He is also a total momma's boy. A bit slow at his wits, he is easily impressed and easily surprised. He hates being teased about his kitty-pet lineage.
History: Too young yet, but his mother name him after his father, Webflare.
Clan: Creekclan
Rank: Kit
Siblings: The others died in birth.
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

Name: Lockheart
Gender: Female
Age: 28 moons
Personality: Sharp-tongued, sly, bold, loud, cynical, and over-protective of her son. On the flip side, she can be loving and loyal to those close to her.
History: She was born into a two-leg place into a litter where she was the only she-cat. When she was 20 moons, she was venturing out into the woods once and she met Webflare, a Creekclan tom, and he told her all about clan life. At first she was skeptical, then she was fascinated. In secret, they kept meeting eachother. When she finally decided to find the clans and join, she learned at Webflare had been killed in a recent battle with Stormclan. Three moons ago, she gave birth to Webflare's kit, Webkit.
Clan: Creekclan
Rank: Queen
Siblings: Three kittypets
Mate: Webflare, deceased
Kits: Webkit
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 03:40:36 am by FusedHearts »
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;


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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2012, 12:35:22 am »


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Re: Warrior Cat Roleplay - Remake - Open and accepting!
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2012, 01:09:00 am »

(His name will not change, even after entering the clans)


Eight Moons

Milleniuco is the kind of cat that tends to tease others abit, and even bullies people- to get them to stop bullying other people, anyway. Milleniuco is abit carefree and happy-go-lucky. He tends not to mourn over the past and instead focuses not on the future, but simply the present.
Milleniuco also had a 'If I had to point the gun at my head and pull the trigger to save someone else, I'd do it" policy, which pretty much means that he's willing to sacrifice his life to someone else. Infact, near the begining of this all, he actually doesn't want to hurt anybody, even if it means self-defense for himself. Though, later on, he'll learn that dying for someone else will only cause them greif and hurt them even more, and he should try to fight back.

Milleniuco was orginaly a house-pet, one of the more, 'fourtanate' ones actually. He lived in a house larger than most, and was permited to go out into his garden whenever he pleased. The garden was pretty much full of catmint and other medicene-cat essentials, did I mention that? But, one day, sometime out of the ordinary, and something quite terrible happened. His owners died in a car accident, and no one was left for him. No one but Jay, a friendly rouge which he had tooked quite a liking to. Now, the two roam the forest, teaching eachother anything that might be essential to their survival.

To-Be ThornClan

Loner, ThornClan apprentice,

(Later to be MockingJay- this was a nickname Milleniuco gave her)

Nine Moons

Jay is slightly more cold-hearted than Milleniuco, and is the kind that actually values her life, and would only throw it away for the feline the cared about the most. She can be slightly rude at times, and sure, she even uses some foul-mouthed language, like "foxdung" or something like that. But, she's still nice, and is the sort of cat that actually gives a crap for some other cat's safety. Jay seems to only be especially nice to Milleniuco though- probaly since they had been talking to each other for awhile, not to mention Milleniuco would sometimes feed her some of his dinner.
Jay will also do anything, anywhere, anytime if it means a reward or a treat. This part of her personality will also sometimes get her into trouble. Jay doesn't forgive easily either, this might be because of a part of her past.

Jay has lived most of her life as rouge or loner. Of course, she didn't simply 'survive on her own' as a kit, infact, her mother taught her many things until she was about six moons, then she left her to fend for herself. But, fourtantly, she got a little off the hook when she went rabbid on Milleniuco, who managed to wander outside his garden at night. Ever since then, she's managed to get him to give her some of his supper. Of course though, she still had to hunt. She's currently about in the same situation as Milleniuco right now- wondering through the forest where the clans have been formed aimlessly.


Loner/Rouge, ThornClan Apprentice,