Author Topic: Cyanide Sunshine [Inactive since 06/01/2013]  (Read 32793 times)

Offline ToastGhost

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((Hey guys.  Sorry it's taking me so long to reply.  I'll answer soon.  Right now my unit is uber crazy helping with the community.  High winds from Sandy have caused tons of damage, and we're helping with the relief.))

Offline SoaringAway

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[[ It's okay, Toast. Hurricanes tend to blow harder down over by the southern east coast. c:
@Tomas & Kitsune: GoT (Proper title: "A Song of Ice And Fire")isn't a movie at all, just an hour episode during the spring season for HBO (March-May.)  I'm an avid reader of the series (twice in the row!) and now I sound like a creeper. OTL ))

Offline Wolfish Grin

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((Hurr, you giuse are funny. cx

But anyways, can we.. um... get back to the RP? :c I'm really sad Tangled hasn't posted... I think I might as well since he/she hasn't been able to.

@Toast: Oh my, you're helping out with some of the damage from Sandy? .-. That's so terrible that it happened, but that's really nice of you to go out and help.~

I hope all those families and people are doing alright. They need all the help they can get. ;n;

P.S. While you're adding Tomas' appie in, can you fix Jared's nickname to the OP? You still have it as 'Jack of Diamonds- pending.' His nickname is the Jester of Diamonds.~ Dankies.))

~ | ♤ | ♣ | ♡ | ♦ | ~ -≫: - T . H . E  -  J . E . S . T . E . R -
--¤x÷(`[¤*{ Jared (Jace) Seinlynn }*¤]´)÷¤x--
  - O . F - D . A . I . M . O . N . D . S - :≪- ~ | ♠ | ♧ | ♥ | ♢ | ~

-≫: -The young man's slim fingers pulled the last of the guns off the floor, and placed them neatly back onto the shelf in which they had originally been sitting on before the other young member's unfortunate scuffle. Jared became slightly more concerned when the blond didn't respond, but he decided not to press it. Certain people just weren't into sharing, and he could respect that. Besides, he wasn't that much different himself.

-Jared picked up the last of the guns, and held the cold, lean barrel in his hands. He half-consciously inspected it, and then held it out away from him, aiming it at nothing in particular (but carefully away from the others just in case), testing it's weight and comfort in his own hands. He closed one eye, and stared down its barrel, before letting out a small sigh and dropping his arm back to his side. He mumbled something to himself almost wistfully about shooting it, before returning it to the gun rack.

- "There we go," Jared noted half to himself, and then turned to the blond, "no worries about knocking anything over." Jace allowed them both an attempted gentle smile- hopefully not as distorted as the one he had managed before- before repeating to him with concern, "You are, alright, yes?"

-A movement to his right in his peripheral vision; a flicker of flaming orange hair. Jared turned his head to see the action more clearly, and noticed the young girl, introduced as Scythe, pull off her aviator's hat. While Jared had been helping pick up the scattered guns, he'd been partially aware of the conversation from the little group continue on, and hadn't paid much mind to it. But now, he was wondering if he had missed something extremely important...

... because the girl, looking slightly nervous, had pulled off her hat to reveal a set of reddish- colored, furred, ears.

-≫: -Normally, Jared wasn't one to openly show emotions, and especially reactions. He was a very low reactive person, and generally kept his facial expression and body signs to a low minimum, or subtle display. But this... seeing ears, caused his  hazel eyes to somewhat widen in surprise, brows to tense, and jaw to slack. Of course, he quickly recovered from the surprise, and gather himself back together, but he was still a little shaken from the sight of the girl walk off with furred ears on her head.

-How on earth...?he thought, watching Scythe walk away, leaving the others in an air of shocked and quite awkward silence as she went. Now, there were some unusual things going on in Phenomenon... things that really were a phenomenon ((OMG I just got that. LOLZ.)), but he was still skeptical to believe in any of it as something more than a strange occurrence, or something caused by mere chance. Most of the things he had just waved away, and tried to dismiss with a simple, rational reason. But the ears on this girl- which were definitely not fake for they were disturbingly too life-like to be so- couldn't be explained by science or logic. Was he going mad?

-Before Jace could try to comprehend it all, and figure out if he was really loosing it all, the entire Phenomenon base suddenly lurched and rumbled. Instinctively, Jared spread out his arms and switch the stance of his legs to balance himself, at the same time swinging his head around to look at the quaking base. An earthquake? ... Where they under attack?! No, they were too safe here to be under attack, and the alarms would have at least gone off if they had been discovered, and worse, breached. It was just an earthquake...

-And then the recently re-stocked gun rack beside him rattled, and the arms spilled out and back onto the floor, clattering and banging into each other, adding their mocking metallic laughter to the chorus of rumbling and crashing of everything else falling around them.

"Oh, really? You've got to be kidding me..."

« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 04:16:04 am by WolfishGrin~(AVT) »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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((Okay I'll have that done as soon as possible. Unfortunately, as soon as possible probably means tomorrow. I'm kinda busy right now, and just checking up quickly on my phone. I'm really sorry ;w;.

Oh, btw, if you're wondering, what I'm busy with is un-packing. Yup, I've just finished moving to....America! So, this explains the hiatus I took for a while, huh? I still tried to keep up, and at first I did, but things got hectic, and yeah. Part of that was cos of the hurricane. Yup, unfortunately we moved right into its path ;w; Luckily, it didn't hit so hard where we were, and I didn't have to face the new school for the past days :D

So I'm gonna try to speak more American from now on and stuff >A< I wonder if Americans like British people. I hope so....

Btw, I somewhere along the mid Atlantic shoreline, but that's all I'm telling you :D

Sorry if you don't care I'm just so excited!!!))

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #114 on: November 01, 2012, 03:32:15 am »
((Hey guys, just letting you know I'm still here! I meant to reply sooner but I was tired and my mind couldn't come up with anything, and before that I had been waiting for someone [not very good with names, sorry DX] to post though now that it's been awhile it should be okay to continue. Though now tonight, I can't really bring myself to make a post unless it was some way to release anger [an argument with someone, a fight, etc] and A) no one really deserves it and B) my character isn't that way, either xP

A minor set back, though, and I'll soon get over it, perhaps later tonight! But either way, I WILL post soon! ^.^))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #115 on: November 01, 2012, 04:31:52 am »
((@Radioactive, :O Really? You're coming to America.~ Sweet! And yep, American's love those British; especially the accents. So you're good.

And that's so sad hearing about Hurricane Sandy. ;n; So much damage... ;;A;;

@Katsa, Aw. D8 -huggle- I'm sorry you don't feel so great (tiredness and anger). .n. I hope you feel better, and don't worry, it's alright. We understand, Katsa.~ <3))
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline Tanglemask

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #116 on: November 01, 2012, 04:05:26 pm »
(Hi people! I'm alive. So sorry. I got badly hit by Sandy. My power just came back now. I'll try to reply once everything is back to normal. We got hit hard in NY so yeah. I'll try to post later or something. If i'm not busy with clean up and such)

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

Offline jesija

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #117 on: November 02, 2012, 12:20:37 am »
(( D":  S'alright about Ol Sandy. It can't be helped~ Just stay safe.
O_O I kept typing Nat's name as "Nancy" because my friend's name is Nancy...))
Alright, so...
This redhead had been accepted into Phenomenon, set a school on fire, and on top of that had a set of dark coppery ears sticking up from her hair. Seems legit. Phenomenon has a habit of choosing the crazies... Natalie had to admit that she herself wasn't exactly sane. She gave no reaction besides fixating her cold eyes on the twitching, life-like ears that seemed to have grown on Scythe's head. She didn't question or comment on them, just simply observed in puzzled (albeit well hidden) silence. I wonder if it feels weird? She's probably used to them by now, though... Natalie thought curiously, rubbing the back of her leg with her heel. She fished a leaf out of her white locks and nodded absently as Scythe said that she would much rather explore the place on her own. Natalie didn't care much either way, and earlier she was worried she would have to keep watching over the redhead, but it seemed like Scythe would be just fine on her own. Once the canine-eared girl drifted away toward the bedrooms, Natalie turned to Tamah and opened her mouth to say something to her.  

Most of the members at this particular Phenemenon base knew the whereabouts of the closest pentagrams. These pentagrams were a crucial part to the system, as the commissioners would place notes with information about the target at them. It was a way for the assassin and commissioner to contact eachother anonymously, at least on the assassin's part. One of these pentagrams were placed in very close proximity to the now in-ashes school, so close that it probably disappeared along with the rest of it. A school might have been a strange, risky place to put a pentagram, but that it precisely what kept it well hidden. It had to be hard to find and in a place where no one would think it would be in, but not entirely unreachable. Natalie was planning on visiting that certain pentagram today, since she already attended the school and she usually picked up a good amounts of the notes left there. She would later give them to whoever was at the base. Natalie figured that one person would be less suspicious than a string of questionable people sneaking into the school to visit the same place. If anyone caught her staying after school for no reason, she could always put up the innocent school girl act.  

Before she could open her mouth to relay this information to Tamah, Time-Slicer (again, she forgot the actual name) entered the base. Then a roaring rumble caused the entire base to tremble and a faint gasp to escape her mouth. "What the...?" The albino leaned against a wall for leverage, literally watching the ground pitch and swirl at her feet. She closed her eyes, calming her mind to try and figure out what this was. Not an attack, there's no way anyone could have found us here. An earthquake then... Makes sense. Being built into the side of a hill didn't help the base's hopeless shaking. The guns on the rack clattered to the ground again, adding to the uproar of the rumbles and voices of confused people in their bedrooms. Natalie let out a sigh. Although the sudden quivering was alarming, the base was made of some pretty strong metal that could withstand the earth's trembles. There was no need to evacuate, or worry... Right?

Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #118 on: November 02, 2012, 07:59:13 am »
((@Radioactive: Welcome to America! British accents are much loved so no worries in that area, though I hope you've made it alright through Hurricane Sandy and recovering! Good to know you at least made it through with no real trouble haha.

@Wolfish: Thank you! I feel a lot better now x3

@Tanglemask: I'm glad that you're okay, and thing's aren't too bad D:
I hope you'll be able to RP with us again soon, and good luck!

I am now able to post!))

Tamah had been too busy tampering with the little gadget in her hands to notice the hesitant look Scythe was wearing, only glancing up when she announced she was taking her hat off. Mostly because it seemed like such an odd thing to say, it wasn't like taking off one's hat required some sort of ritual or anything, but when the hat was removed Tamah now understood clearly the reason for such an announcement. It was a major surprise, though her own shock wasn't quite like Jared's or Natalie's silent one. They were adorable! Especially how they moved! The gadget-geek had the urge to run forward and feel them with her own fingers, she just had to know if they were real or not. Yes, she had a suspicion that they were considering how well they moved like an animals, but also she believed they could be well programmed and made using chips, codes, wires, and special cloth. Oh if that were true, she would just have to figure out how they worked! But Tamah resisted the urge. It'd only be rude, not to mention hypocritical since she herself hated to be touched, or having personal space invaded. But questions were harmless, and she so badly wanted to ask but before she could Scythe had left to do her own exploring. Even without answers to her own questions.

"Oh, see you later then!" Tamah called after. Ah well, no matter. All of this was very likely overwhelming and a lot to take in, there was plenty of time for her to ask the new member questions since she was now part of the family. Speaking of which, another fellow member showed up. Hm, perhaps now was the time to consider getting better with names, because she couldn't really remember them, either. Only their appearance stuck out, which was partially because the way they usually wore their hair up. Such as instead of wearing a regular and common pony-tail they had it to the side. Her attention seemed more focused on the male who had knocked over the gun racks, though Tamah still offered a light wave of her hand with a placid expression to be polite. At least there was a name labeled on the clumsy gentleman, but she was rather sad to see that he kept quiet even after Jared helped him out. Shy, perhaps?

Tamah's attention was caught when she noticed Natalie turn toward her, becoming curious when it looked like she was about to tell her something but the response never came when the whole building began to shake. Just like the others, Tamah was completely caught by surprise... but she was also excited. "Woo!" she cried, spreading her legs apart while turning her upper body to the side, raising her left arm before her and bending it with the other trailing behind. "Check it out, it's like surfing on the ground!" Of course it wasn't really, but as she moved her legs along with the shaking ground it actually did appear for a moment she was riding waves instead, only stumbling a few times but otherwise seeming balanced.

When the tremors subsided, the young woman actually seemed disappointed. She shrugged it off quickly, though, suddenly donning on a more neutral expression once again while returning to a normal stance, as if nothing had happened. Swiftly her hand raised to lower a kind of band from her head set, likely to be mistaken as the one that held it together ((you know the part that rests on your head with each "ear piece" at it's end?)), until it completely covered her eyes. First she only saw darkness, blinking repeatedly in habit to adjust her eyes but soon lights glowed within the band and in a matter of seconds she was in the world of technology. On the outside to those observing her, they were excluded from that world and couldn't see what she saw, only catching her hands making strange movements as if she were moving invisible objects.

"Well, that wasn't an earthquake," Tamah said aloud. "There aren't any news reports and there's no shifting in the ground. The tremor wasn't really strong enough, either. There's a overhanging cliff nearby, though, and a rock slide just happened."
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: Cyanide Sunshine (Rated R for Gore, Language, and Creepy-ness-Open For EVER!)
« Reply #119 on: November 05, 2012, 06:38:09 am »
((@Tangle: DD8 Oh my! Please, don't worry about posting! I hope everything's alright for you and your family and community! D8

And... bump...?~))
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.