Author Topic: || Ocean View High || PG-13 [Inactive since 16/11/2012]  (Read 9955 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: || Ocean View High || Open and accepting! || New! || PG-13
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2012, 02:07:07 am »

Kennedy O'Neal
Kennedy jumped from bed seconds before her alarm clock went off, she slammed her palm onto the snooze button just as the beeping sound was about to sound off, "Gotcha!" she thought of it as an accomplishment. She yawned as she walked into the clean white bathroom to do her morning business, before going to wake her always late brother. She left her bedroom and went down the short hallway of her parents house and arrived at the closed door of her brother's room. She burst through the door and tackled her brother with a large grin on her face "Get up Teegan! Don't want to be late! We get our dorms today!" Teegan began to stir under the plush white comforter "...Huh..?" He responded with his sleepy voice "Remember? We get out dorms today at Ocean View!" She bounced on her brother like a 3 year old on Christmas morning. "Okay, okay. I'm up." He laughed as he sat up. Kennedy jumped off his bed and darted into her room to get dressed and pack some of her things. Rushing around the medium sized room she found herself wearing a Skrillex T-shirt, gray skinnies with some rips down the legs and her old original black converse. She grinned at herself before walking into her bathroom and throwing her hair up in a truly messy bun and applying little makeup, she could really care less what others thought about her. She knocked on her brother's poster covered door to see if he was ready, he was her ride after all "Teegan! Almost ready?" she could hear him rustling around in his rather messy room "..Yeah!" A laughing Kennedy exited the hallway and into the kitchen where her foster mother was waiting along with the family dog , Bella. "Hey sweetie. Excited for today?" The older woman showed her a toothy grin "Yes and no. I'm just not looking forward to talking to all those people.." Kennedy looked down at her moving feet "But I'm pretty excited for getting a dorm." She looked back up with a smile. Andrea, her foster mother, (-WIP, gotta do something really quick)

Teegan O'Neil
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 05:48:30 am by Miki. »

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Offline Celeyan

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Re: || Ocean View High || Open and accepting! || New! || PG-13
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2012, 03:32:32 am »

Iieera Arctus

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm coming from her clock, jumped in the air as the time she had set last night had appeared on its screen. It jumped up and down, beeping furiously as the angry teenager in the bed shoved her pillow over her head. A tangle of blackish brown, purple, and blonder hair sprawled over the white and floral colored bed. The young girl in it was curled up, her covers that once covered the whole bed was now completely wrapped around her petite frame. Growing even more angry at the clock, Iieera reached over, slamming her fist atop it and shoving it over the edge of the side table it sat on. Finally, it was peaceful once again, and the girl gave a satisfied smirk at this. But, the war was not over yet. "Iieera! Get you're butt up now!" Oh no, her mother. Iieera gave a angry grunt and a fumbled groan, sighing a little as she swung her legs over her bed and pushed her body from the warmth and comfort of the blankets, but because she wasn't completely out of them, she was sent tumbling into her soft carpet floor. Even if it was soft, it still hurt, and it hurt bad.

 "Why!" She shouted to nothing in particular, only giving a small chuckle when she remembered 'mornings were evil.' Her mother came in, and looked at her; then quickly went into a fit of laughter. Iieera gave a huff at her, and got off the ground, rubbing her head. Her mother continued to snicker and chuckle, before finally speaking to her. "Good morning, guess what, its you're first day going to Ocean view High!" The teenager could only snort, and sigh. 'Yay.' "Get ready, because we are leaving soon." She spoke once again, before leaving the girl standing. With a slight toss of her messy hair, she disappeared into the bathroom; getting ready to go as she took a quick shower, brushed her hair up into its normal pony tail, and even give some slight makeup that was hardly noticeable. Iieera then walked back to her room, and swung on a gray tank top with a blue design and skinny jeans, and her black converse shoes.

 After that, she walked downstairs; her bags in her hands, and her mother carrying a few. She dropped them off in front of the door, before going over to the two food bowls that lay in the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she pulled out two mixtures of something soupy and meaty, it looked like dog food but was actually a mix of vegetables and meat, she dropped that into the bowls; and got some food herself. A omelette and some bacon. Munching her delicious breakfast, she watched her mother walk around; doing random pointless things and fixing the house as Iieera ate breakfast. The teenager laughed a little at how funny it looked, but quickly finished her food at put it in the sink. "Come on." Her mother replied anxiously; to which Iieera could only roll her eyes and shake her head as she grabbed her bags and opened the door. A quick scurry of paws, and two animals flew in, immediately digging into their breakfast. She smiled at them for a moment, before saying another goodbye and closing the door, going into the car with her mother and driving off towards the school. The drive for her, was far to quick; as her mother quickly parked and helped her get her bags out. "Bye mom." She sighed, holding her bags as she walked towards her new school, struggling with them as she did so.  

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Re: || Ocean View High || Open and accepting! || New! || PG-13
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2012, 02:32:19 am »

??? Landon J. Matthews ???

Rays of light gently blanketed the surface of a bronze slumbering face brining warmth to the body. Stirring under the mass of sheets and blankets, the body began to twitch and flutter out of its calm state of being. A small sound of protest escaped the pursed lips of the figure as he drew the blankets over his bare chest glinting in the rays. His muscular torso was outlined by the thin layers that did not seam to keep his body as warm as he wanted. Two arms emerged from the sea of covers bringing the hands closer to the face. With open palms the figure began to rub its eyes in attempt to rub away sleep that had not fully retreated from a night's rest. Dropping the hands to his waist the figure heaved himself over the side of the bed while sitting upright. Both almond tinted eyes squinted from the shaft of light that peaked behind the window shade that he swore the other night he would adjust. Of course he had never gotten around to fixing it, but his life had become a whole lot busier than it was a year ago.

The room in which the male figure was contained in consisted of a grayscale coloring and modern furniture. His bed lay in the middel with a wall separating him from his own bathroom and the rest of his furniture seemed to fill up the rest of the against the wall space. Large modular pictures hung on the walls to cover past furniture moving streaks and past nail holes for pictures. It wasn't what one would call bare, but in some places you could say that it needed some love. His favorite part of the room was a small lounge chair in the corner of his room that had a floor lamp swaying over it. This section always made him feel warm and confortable and on more than one occasion he had actually fallen asleep there, sinking into it's leathery softness. Though, one thing did not belong in his room. Under the foot of his door lay a neatly folded piece of parchment adressed to him. A large sigh escaped the lungs of the male had he dragged himself from the bed to the door. He bent down placing his lithe fingers under the note lifting higher to his line of sight. Slipping a hand throw the open fold the male delicately separated the adjoining pieces of paper and began to read silently to himself.

Went to your Aunt Diana's house for an early breakfast and tea. She's having a rough time dealing with the passing of her beloved friend. This was the only time I could go, and I am sorry I couldn't see you off to school.
Your school forms should be on the kitchen counter. They are very important and must get to the school immediatley.
Have a wonderful day at school and make sure you remember to go to work after school! Dr. Smith told me to remind you just incase you have forgotten.
Love always,

Landon raised his eyebrows in alarm at the last sentence his mother had inscribed. His boss hadn't called him in the past three days so he had thought that his assistance wasn't needed for the week, and apparently he had been proven wrong. The paper crumpled within his palms as he hurled it across the room targeting a small trash bin that was resting at the side of his desk. A clang rang out in the silence of the room brining a smile to the teen's face as he listened to the sound of his success. He immediately rushed to his phone finding 'Mom' under his contacts in his phone. Long fingers moved like a parade through the screen tapping on letters. When he was satisfied he hit 'send' and reviewed his text that read, 'Mum, I got the letter. Thanks for the heads up. Oh and by the way, we live in the 21st century. I'm pretty sure letters are becoming outdated'. Grazing his hand through his hair placed the rectangular phone on his bedside table before he made his way to the bathroom to continue with morning routines.

So far, Landon could say he was having an easy morning. No one bothered him. Not even his rascal of a cat Otto, or his crazy fur ball Hunter. His father wasn't home either which suggested that he probability took the dog out for a morning relief or was well on his way to work. He had shoved the school forms into his bag, and hoped that he had taken the right ones. It was common for him to mistake his mother's work letters with school forms as he had did it several times in his younger grades. By the time he exited his house to his car, he found himself wearing dark denim slim jeans, a pair of grey converse high tops, and a fitted white v-neck shirt that had 'KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON' printed in black on the front that hugged his torso nicely, showing off a summer's workout. Prying his car door open he inserted his keys into the key slot and pulled his car into 'drive', pulling out of the driveway and into the street. His car had been a birthday present from his parents when he reached the legal driving age. Sure, he had gotten silver Camaro Cabriolet for his first car, but there was still some ups and downs to the situation. He swore that on more than one occasion cops had followed him around just waiting for a chance to charge him with a ticket. The drive to school was always a blur. Trees, shops and people all whiz by his side windows as he turns corners to get to the school. Finally, a familiar modular building meets his eyes as he pulls into the student parking. Putting the car into park he grabbed his belongings and headed to the offices. First things first, school forms.

"Good morning." A small squeak of a voice echoes behind the front desk where a rather small plump woman sits flashing a warm smile to Landon. Clearing his throat he unzips his messengers bag to hand her the school forms. "I have, um, school forms that my mum had given me this morning. She says there important, so I guess you'd know what their purpose is." Once his finger wrap around the familiar packet of papers he gently hands her the packet watching her flip through giving a nod of approval. "Ah, yes. I was wondering where these were ...Mr.Matthews. Well it seams you have requested dorm 209, so here is your key." The woman swivels her chair around to face a large wall with keys to each student dorm. She rises from the chair to unhook key 209 from it's place and then delicately places it in Landon's palm. "Don't loose it. Remember, we only have one back-up for each dorm." Landon shared a brief nod before heading down the school corridor. Nothing had changed. It was still that silky beige with tints of blue, and the linoleum tiles were polished so smooth that Landon almost lost his footing on more than one occasion. He tracks stopped infront of the boys locker room, as he yanked the heavy door back. The locker rooms were a casual short cut to the gym, and today Landon wasn't in for a school tour because he knew senior council members would be standing in the hall pleading for students to know more about were each class was. Once he made his way through he tossed his bad on the bleachers that made a deep thud filling in the emptiness of the gym. Griping a stray basketball that was rolling around on the wooden floor, he began to shoot some hoops. It had been awhile since he had played, as he had had a busy summer and had little room for practice. One by one, the balls were nothing but net making the net swoosh and sway after a ball's entry. With exhaustion, he leaned over to regain his breath as a side smile spread across his face. The year had finally begun, and Landon already liked the looks of it.