Author Topic: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)  (Read 4447 times)

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2012, 08:55:47 pm »
Well, it's a normal thing in life that happens to us all.

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2012, 11:26:19 am »
Well, it's a normal thing in life that happens to us all.

Agreed. I wish bullying never existed..
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Offline PrettyReckless

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2012, 02:37:59 pm »
I'm ashamed of myself for not finding this earlier, anyhow..

It's very true what you say, it's way too much bullying and name calling going on everywhere.
Even I have recently been spoken about behind my back, no surprise there, yet - I don't really take offence of it. Yes, I do question whether I need to change and what not - but I usually speak openly about it between friend or whatever to see if this person is right. I don't go around moping about it.
It's kind of a two sided situation here. Even if a person does call you names or whatever, you need to be strong in yourself and actually think 'are they right?' If they aren't, then they aren't and you will know that.
If they are right, well, perhaps it's a good thing they did say something - gives you insight and time to change.

Godmodding/powerplaying - Hm.. Yeah, a lot of people aren't fond of that, though.. Nobody says you NEED to RP with them.
Where does the line go?
A simple discussion/nice comment from you like "Hey, you know that wouldn't be realistic, right?" You could even 'teach' them how to RP properly if you had the time and patience, or simply point out what they need to change to make it better.
There's never need for name calling in this case. Some people might not be as educated/old/experienced in such matters and need to learn. Let's face the facts. We all started somewhere, didn't we? I mean, I remember when I was a husky pup in South Pole posting entry's like "*Shivers*" or "*Shives because of the cold.*"
Some people simply need to open their eyes and realize such things.

Feral Heart is for all of us to have fun, I've met a lot of people here who are/have been bullied in real life, they don't need internet bullying from all of us.

Though, sad to say, we'll never escape bullies or ignorant/selfish/arrogant people. Yet, we can learn how to handle the situations.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 02:39:33 pm by PrettyReckless »

Offline Kashii

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2012, 02:48:18 pm »
I'm ashamed of myself for not finding this earlier, anyhow..

It's very true what you say, it's way too much bullying and name calling going on everywhere.
Even I have recently been spoken about behind my back, no surprise there, yet - I don't really take offence of it. Yes, I do question whether I need to change and what not - but I usually speak openly about it between friend or whatever to see if this person is right. I don't go around moping about it.
It's kind of a two sided situation here. Even if a person does call you names or whatever, you need to be strong in yourself and actually think 'are they right?' If they aren't, then they aren't and you will know that.
If they are right, well, perhaps it's a good thing they did say something - gives you insight and time to change.

Godmodding/powerplaying - Hm.. Yeah, a lot of people aren't fond of that, though.. Nobody says you NEED to RP with them.
Where does the line go?
A simple discussion/nice comment from you like "Hey, you know that wouldn't be realistic, right?" You could even 'teach' them how to RP properly if you had the time and patience, or simply point out what they need to change to make it better.
There's never need for name calling in this case. Some people might not be as educated/old/experienced in such matters and need to learn. Let's face the facts. We all started somewhere, didn't we? I mean, I remember when I was a husky pup in South Pole posting entry's like "*Shivers*" or "*Shives because of the cold.*"
Some people simply need to open their eyes and realize such things.

Feral Heart is for all of us to have fun, I've met a lot of people here who are/have been bullied in real life, they don't need internet bullying from all of us.

Though, sad to say, we'll never escape bullies or ignorant/selfish/arrogant people. Yet, we can learn how to handle the situations.
You explained that very well, and I agree.
You said some things I've never even thought of before. ;3

Yes, though, people do need to be strong. Sometimes it can just go too far for some people, because I have a friend who suffers depression and tried to.. well, ya'know.. many times. It breaks my heart to see ANYONE with this problem. </3
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Thank you for the derpy avii, Kikiveto. ;3

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2012, 02:53:28 pm »
You explained that very well, and I agree.
You said some things I've never even thought of before. ;3

Yes, though, people do need to be strong. Sometimes it can just go too far for some people, because I have a friend who suffers depression and tried to.. well, ya'know.. many times. It breaks my heart to see ANYONE with this problem. </3

I shall probably not mention personal things on here, but feel free to PM me if you're curious.

Anyway. I know some people can have a difficult time being strong and dealing with such things. We're all different, I'll tell you that. Sometimes you simply need one or a few good friends to help you cope with things, but you should not always rely on others, you need to learn to be strong.
Build a wall and think "Why should I care what this person thinks? They don't know me." .. Which they usually don't. They assume and make stupid judgements for no specific reason.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, by the way, I suggest encouraging her into seeking help - if she hasn't already. Many do not think it'll actually help, just that it's just another person listening to their rant, but it really does help a great deal of people.

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2012, 03:03:16 pm »
''Shut up, you don't know me. Don't judge a book by it's cover.'' <- I love that quote. ;3

I agree with you, and err, I know how it feels. I've never really was bullied, but I have the ability to share someones' feelings, like, for instance, I know what it's like to be depressed and bullied, although it never really happens or happened to me.

I think I know what you're on about, but sometimes it just hurts so much that it feels like nothing can get better. </3
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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2012, 03:11:21 pm »
''Shut up, you don't know me. Don't judge a book by it's cover.'' <- I love that quote. ;3

I agree with you, and err, I know how it feels. I've never really was bullied, but I have the ability to share someones' feelings, like, for instance, I know what it's like to be depressed and bullied, although it never really happens or happened to me.

I think I know what you're on about, but sometimes it just hurts so much that it feels like nothing can get better. </3
I usually go by "Don't judge the wolf by it's fur.", but there are many other quotes, for example the one you mentioned. :3

I cannot say that I can understand how everyone feels in every situation, but I can to an extent.
I've gotten by quite nicely when it comes to bullying. I've been called names, I've been laughed at, and other things.. Yeah, it has all left its scars - but the thing with me is that I wouldn't want to change or prevent it all from happening, mostly because it's formed the person I am today.
I may not be the strongest, I do have my faults like everyone else. But I do see myself as a good friend most of the time, and hey, that's at least something, right?

What people need to understand when it comes to people with depression is that you can never 'forbid' them from harming themselves or whatever they are trying. You can only be there for the person, try to make them realize how much you care for them and how much you would miss them if you were gone. Forbidding them from doing these things will only make things worse. And yes, I do speak from experience.

Bullying can do so much to a person, it can ruin them completely, or it could make them stronger.
Sadly, a lot of people do get ruined because they cannot handle it.

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2012, 03:16:47 pm »
I agree with you there too.. xc

As I speak for myself right now, I usually don't give a flying ferret if someone hates me, bullies me, calls me a name, etc. I just get on with my life and not really care. x3 Have you ever had this feeling? So basically, if someone says ''I hate you, you deserve to die you motionless weirdo.'' I would be like ''LOL, so what's up?'' And not in sarcasm. Unless, of course, it starts to hurt.

I agree, it does make you stronger. There is also another thing my brother said to me when I felt sad or hurt myself: ''The more it hurts, the stronger you are.'' I usually agree with that, and I mean emotionally and physically.
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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2012, 03:19:50 pm »
Hmm. Well. To be honest, it all depends on WHO they would be. If they kinda knew me, I'd be offended. I'd not get sad, I'd get upset and eventually - after thinking about it, it'd turn into anger which I'd let run out as I wouldn't speak to them. ;P
If it was a friend of mine, if I knew they were joking - I wouldn't really care, depending on what they were saying. If they meant what they say, yes, I'd be upset - I mean, who wouldn't be upset if your friend thought such negative things about you?

That's a lovely saying. :3 I should remember that one.

Offline Kashii

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Re: Has anyone noticed this? (A bit of a rant, but yeah.. Tips included also!)
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2012, 03:32:17 pm »
Yes, yes, it happens many times. xc I suppose there is nothing we can really do about it other than try to sort it out and stay strong, though. c:

Agreed also.
Usually it's just a joke, but it can get a bit frightening. What if they meant it but didn't want to upset you and pretended it was a joke? I usually think about that, but that's just me and my stubborn personality. ;w;
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Thank you for the derpy avii, Kikiveto. ;3