Author Topic: Land of Lynthia [Remake.] [Inactive since 04/05/2013]  (Read 44514 times)

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2012, 03:46:52 pm »
@Katsa- Rainbow's wolf can't see Amber her-self, but he can see her eyes. The rest of her body blends but her eyes stay the same, so the wolf can only see her eyes. And Thanks ^^")
(And I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna kinda throw a knife at John :3 After all he is Amber's target.)

The pair of eyes watched as one of the theifs ran off "Baby." she whisper with a spat. She drew her attention back to her target and saw he was holding the mage's ankle, looking like he was ready to strike. "Nows my move" Amber told her-self.

Amber left her power fade as her skin turned back to it's pale tan color and her hair turning back to it's flaming look. Quickly Amber stood to her feet, With her head just becoming visible. The assassin looked in her pouch for a wepon she would use. "Perfect." she told her-self with a smile as she found a small, but deadly dagger.

Amber looked at her target, she wouldn't be able to hit John from her state of position. Or atleast not without hitting the mage. Amber then saw that her bow and arrow had fallen on the dirt, "Even better." she said as she covered the dagger and picked up the bow and arrow. "John the Thief! I hear by sentance you to death." she said just loud enough to hear as she readied her bow for the kill.

As the assassin settled the bow she aimed for the thief. "Ready. Set. Fire." she told her-self as Amber let the arrow go. The arrow went twirling though the air, spinning faster and faster. As it arched it gained speed, falling down to Earth. Then it hit something, John. Amber jumped down to a lower platform, waiting her targets death. "Your wlecome." she wispered to her-self as if saying it to the mage.  The assassin watched waiting for John to die  so shecould take her evidence to her boss. And finally take that break she so needed.

(Sorry Writer's block -.-)

"I Believe I can Fly!"

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2012, 05:45:56 pm »
(Im sorry for confusing you. I confuse myself sometimes. =c)

Seeing the glowing eyes hiding behind bushes, the male wolf quickly retreated, his ears flat and his tail tucked between his shaking legs. The brute crouched low and dissapeared under a thick thorn bush were many wolves had dug through to get away from the hustle of strangers. The large male breathed in sharply as he pulled through the spikey foalige too the other side of the occarance. The floor underneath the Timber wolf thuded slightly. His paws tingled and he quickly moved them, bending his head down to sniff the grassy turf. The silent wolf looked behind him, his ears plasterd to his head as the smell of death tingled his scences. His thick fur shook and he stalked in the opposite direction of the smell. It was to painful for him to stay around the scent, since he had smelt it too often in his short life.

After a couple of minuets walking away from the four people and the unknown person hiding in the darkness, a wolf head rammed into his side, causing him to fall to the ground aswell as the unknown wolf, but the disorientated male quickly gained to his feet, his large teeth bared and snapping at the smaller wolf still lying on the floor. Its scent was quite familiar aswell as its looks, and he soon realised it was his mother. 'Silent' cocked his hea onto one side, barking in concern to her as she groaned. Her delicate head looked up. Her eyes seemed to be a little on the wonkey side as she was recovering from her collision with her son. Her head shook and her body raised, her eyes more dull than they should be. She spoke, but 'Silent' could not hear but he could scent there was somthing very wrong. Her head turned and she walked away from were she had come from. She paused and looked behind her at her quiet son. Her head turned back infront of her, and then to her son again. 'Silent' realised that she wanted him to follow her. He did so and it was not very long untill they were hidden beneath a spikey bush, hidden from view but still able to see what was happening from the outside. They had ended up meaters near a geldings hind with a rider, but soon, a rushing of feet passed inches away from the pair of wolves. The horse and rider gave chase and soon the hard beat of hooves was in the distance. 'Silent' breathed out. He was quite shaken, but continued to watch the mage in curiosity.


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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2012, 03:42:58 am »

"I Believe I can Fly!"

Offline RavenShai

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2012, 05:06:54 am »
((Sorry for the delay! The internet was giving me some loading trouble.

@Wolfy&Rainbow: -Facepalms- Pffft, epic fail on my part. I forgot about the eyes still being visible. My bad!))

Vaguely Raven could hear the sound of pounding hooves, and it was only because her head was near the ground. Her attention was on John and the fatal blow he was about to make, though she had partially hoped the hooves were coming toward her aid. But alas, to her disappointment they had run further away, possibly toward that second bandit though she couldn't see why they'd bother. Quickly Raven used her free foot to kick directly at John's throat, but while he lowered his weapon to make the blow his chin got in the way and it was hit instead. Well, it gave the mage an advantage nonetheless. Stunned momentarily, the axe missed it's mark by a couple of inches, throwing him backward slightly as the pain began to subside. But John was recovering quickly, the look of rage returning to his visage and ready to give another attack.

During the time the hold he had on Raven's leg was gone, the mage quickly pulling backward and to her knees before John made another attempt to grab her. He recovered just enough to see her making her retreat, and with a half-growl, half-roar, swung the axe downward for another blow. The blade hit nothing but dirt, Raven well out of reach now and back on her feet. In her hands was the precious staff she kept with her, and when she turned around her lips began moving in a silent chant for a spell.

"John the Thief! I hear by sentance you to death."

The words slipped away from her when concentration was shattered by surprise. Through her body she began to feel her muscles tighten painfully, bones aching. Flinching at the pain, her teeth gritted to bear through it as she fell on one knee, but even as she did she looked with one eye for the source of the hidden voice. Her answer was soon revealed when an arrow darted from the trees.

John was on his feet, ready to go after the female wizard when the call had come. Like Raven, he, too, became surprised, confusion glazing over the anger that masked him only seconds before while he looked about. And forever the look remained on him. The arrow pierced right though him, on his back. and he fell on the ground instantly dying before he touched it.

Raven, after canceling and undoing her previous spell (which was meant to paralyze the bandit), slowly stood back up while she watched the scene. When John's death was obvious, the deep purple shaded eyes went toward the woman who committed the deed, a hint of curiosity in them. But her curiosity also laid with the horsewoman. Did she say Lady Carina? Raven hadn't been paying much attention, and with the chaos around her she could of easily misheard. But still, that wasn't a name that could just be put aside. It wasn't quite too widely known in Lynthia, in fact most who did know it considered it only a rumor, but Raven did her research. For now, though, she said nothing on the manner. She was rather amused by the attention the scene had brought, and especially how curious the audience was, though she could no longer see the wolf.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline caiktin

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2012, 06:02:47 am »
Carina looked coldly at the bandit as he stared back at her, an expression somewhere between dumbfounded and remorseful upon his face. The cleric could tell that he wanted to flee, but with his newly-acquired injuries and a muscled gelding standing over him, he didn't dare. "Thieves like you need a real taste of what it's like to be a criminal, so I-" She was cut off when the sound of an arrow whistling through the air met her hearing, and she turned just in time to see the weapon plunge into the back of Christopher's mate. Carina's eyes widened, was killing him necessary? Her grip slackening on the reins, she stared at the limp body, a forlorn twinge filling her gut.

But Carina was brought back down to earth when Christopher suddenly moved, scrambling to his feet in an attempt to escape the new predicament he had found himself in. But because of the bruising to his body, he moved with a slowness that clearly frustrated him, and the cleric took the opportunity to have her gelding suddenly spring forward, bowling the bandit right over. "You will be spending three nights in the cells. You will walk beside my horse and one attempt to escape again will land you another two nights in the cells, followed by you being stripped of all your belongings, money and all. Don't think I'm joking." Carina's expression was hard and not in the least bit apologetic, he was getting what he deserved.

Using her foot to slip from the stirrup and give his shoulder a shove, Carina began to walk her gelding back towards the main attraction of the scenario. She hadn't seen where the arrow had come from up in the trees, and therefore did not take note of the person sitting up there. Her gaze lingered on the dead body, feeling sorrow once again as she looked over the blood saturating his shirt from the arrow wound, dripping down his side and creating a tiny pool beside his body. Returning her attention to Christopher, she noticed that he looked more pained than anyone else. She felt sympathy for him, but her placid expression didn't give it away.

Passing the mage, Carina hadn't seen her momentarily fall to the ground, but felt complied to stop anyway. "Are you all right?" the Lady questioned, tucking a strand of vibrant ginger hair behind her ear before silently dismounting her gelding, sparing a warning glace in Christopher's direction.

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2012, 02:47:38 pm »
(@Katsa- It's ok)

Amber noticed as John fell to the ground. The assassin lept down from her vantage point. 'I'll let you keep the arrow...' she thought to her-self as she examined how hard it would be to remove it. Amber looked at both the mage and the other lady. Amber dipped her head as she bent down towards John.

"Here's what I need!" she said to her-self as Amber reached into the theif's pocket like holder. Once she had grabbed her item she opened the sack to examine it, just what she needed. Amber rose from her kneeing position and turned towards the two ladies. "Well ladies, thank you ever so much for distracting John for me, but I'm off!" she said to them.

Amber then turned to her bag and bow. She opened her bag, there were many thing; Her cloak, daggers, and some extra arrow. Amber took out a arrow and put it on her bow, just incase she needed it on her jouney to deliver the bag to her boss. The Amber threw the small bag she had taken from her now dead target. The assassin stood up, tieing the bag closed and throwing it over her neck. She then reached for her bow and arrow towards the ground.

Amber looked up and turned to the ladies, moving some of her red hair out of her face. "Do one of you ladies now the way to Larth? Or prehaps Zale?" Amber asked them as she started to walk closer to get her directions from the two ladies.

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2012, 03:30:22 pm »
(Not exactly knowing what to write here...I do not have any...ideas?)


Offline caiktin

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2012, 09:07:52 pm »
((You could emerge from the vegetation to make yourself part of the scene instead of just sticking to the sidelines, and perhaps announce that you're going to Larth or Zale and would like to accompany Amber? You could easily do that just by coming out from the greenery and nodding your head vigourously when Amber asks if anyone is going to either of those places. Hope I was of some help, that's all I can think of right now.))

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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2012, 04:07:53 pm »
(Thanks ^^")

Carefuly flaring his nostrils as he sniffed towards the dead body and the surrounding humans, the silent wolf crawled out of the sharp bush, thorns raking down his head as he did so. His mother seemed to have moved away since he turned his head to were she had layed but she was no longer there.

The humans looked to be talking, and the woman who had killed John was now speaking to the mage. The soft, warm eyes of the large wolf glared at the two humans, and he made quick progress off trotting towards them, his head low and his body tense. Drawing his tounge over his maw, the male rose his head and puffed out his chest, his long tail flicking side to side as he approched.

Silent had attempted to read Ambers lips, and the only clear words that he could see coming out of her mouth was 'Ladies, Larth and Zale.' The males ears flicked backwards and layed onto his head, his snout rising in the air.

Larth and Zale were well known to the large Brute since he had been born in Zale, and Larth was a place he had once visited in order of a unwanted occurrence which had happend. Larth was a easy few miles to walk. Zale was a further distance and much harder to get too, since Lynthia forest surrounded it with thousands of trees and foalige to pass through on the way. He had only once made that trip from when he was young, and it was in the opposite direction, but still, he knew which way he would go.

Pouncing over the dead body, he stood a foot away from Amber, His head looking upwards at her face. Her eyes looked soft, like his and her apperance was very comforting. He sat down, Lifting a paw and handing it to her for her to shake. His paws were big as Amber hands with no fingers.

Licking his maw, Silent saw a stray piece of paper flying around the floor. It was hand painted with large letters on. It flipped and the wolf could clearly see the words 'Zale' printed on it. There seemed to be a festival of some sort, since there was a picture of people gatherd amongst the stars with some entertainers putting on a show. It seemed like fun, but the wolf was more intrested in the paper itself. As Amber took his paws, he jerked it out of her hand and bounded towards the paper. He took it towards Amber, laying it onto the ground and placing a paw over the name 'Zale'. He looked back upto her and shifted his weight, hoping for her to understand what he was directing to her.


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Re: Land of Lynthia [Remake. Accepting Now!]
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2012, 08:02:44 pm »
(I'll post a bit later, tired.)

"I Believe I can Fly!"