Author Topic: ???? ???????  (Read 988 times)

Offline Zarorah

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    • the turmblrs
???? ???????
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:05:37 am »
     We used to be able to fly, you know.  We used to soar freely.  We used to call the skies our home. 

     It was nice, really.  The rush you get from being up so high is amazing.  Look down, and you can see every single feature of the Plains spread out below you.  You could see the plus-shaped landmark where creatures, both canine and feline alike, enjoy hanging out.  If you looked in the distance, you would see the L-shaped island where many lion prides coexisted peacefully.  You could see the Stone Bridge, always bustling with activity.  And finally, you could see what many refer to as the "N/Z," a large landmark that welcomed you into Fluorite Plains.

     Yes, living here was quite nice.  It felt wonderful to be able to be so high, where no one else could hurt you.  It was like you had your own safe haven among the clouds.  The best part about being up so high was the fact that you never had to worry about inclement weather.  You see, we were above those clouds that brought dangerous lightning and destructive winds.  Did we ever go down to help those affected by these storms?  Of course we did. 

     Some said that we caused these storms because we're the ones that were always in the air.  They began calling some of us "Malum Signiferis," or "Calamity Bearers."  Did we appreciate the name? Of course not.  From then on, we had decided to permanently reside in the skies, where none of the earth dwellers could bother us.  For a while, it worked out pretty well.  We spent most of our time up with the sun, and would only hunt at night, when other creatures slept.  And that worked for a decent amount of time.

     One night, though, a group of us went down to hunt.  We had expected most of the earth creatures to be sleeping.  As we walked through the darkness, we felt that there were eyes watching us.  And we were right. 

     One by one, shapes darted at us from the darkness.  Wolves, snarling and enraged, surrounded us, attacking our wings.  I managed to escape, returning to the skies.  I called to my packmates, who joined the fight.  When we returned to earth, though, we found that the attackers had dragged off our friends and more had come.

     We put up a good fight, but eventually, we were defeated.  Beaten, broken, and shattered, we were taken to a new territory, one that felt unwelcoming.  And unwelcoming it was.  Before we even knew what was happening, we were thrown into a large, underground hole, with bars separating us from the outside.  We were told that we'd never fly again, because we'd never escape this place.

     But I believe that we will one day, we'll escape.  It may be one of us. It may be all of us. 

     Dear gravity, you've held me down in this starless city...

So, yeah, this is a new story I'm trying out.  It may stay, it may not.  Only time will tell. <3
[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]