Author Topic: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)  (Read 54531 times)

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #50 on: November 25, 2012, 04:36:25 am »
(( Thanks Arkanis ^^ I appreciate it.

Yet another note: I edited Kaze's personality because the original was crap because I wrote it at 2 am. :B
Also, if anyone wants to RP Lady Izora, feel free to make an app for her; she's not mine unless no one else wants her. :3 ))

K a z e      

She's here. The scent of lunar flowers is in this town. But where is she?

A silver wolfess leaned against the short wall of the roof of an old abandoned building, the legs and arms of her human illusion crossed as she gazed sullenly from one of the taller buildings in the distance to the next. On the far side of the neighboring building, the authorities were obviously dealing with someone; the sirens of their vehicles blaring into the air of the dome and carrying to her sensitive ears. Apparently the guy they were arresting had committed the crime of theft.
Kaze huffed in annoyance, wishing the sirens would cease. If only she could find the flower maiden - then she could leave this stinking city and never look back.

Soon a small chirping sound came from beside her. The she-wolf looked to her left to find a young peregrine falcon standing there looking at her with its round, black eyes. When it determined that the wolf would not harm it, it's attention switched to the hot dog that lay on the ground beside her, then back to her warm amber eyes. Kaze had almost forgotten the disgusting object that the humans dare call food was there; she had taken one bite out of it and decided she'd rather go hungry if nothing else was available.
She picked up the frank and tore a piece of the "meat" and bun off, then reached over and placed it on the ground for the falcon. He eyed it for a bit, head turning, then snapped it up and swallowed it. He seemed to like it, so she continued the action until the food was out of sight. After that, the bird flew away.
The silver wolf stood, standing atop the building and inhaling the air to see if anything interesting was happening nearby. She hoped that perhaps the updraft would bring a stronger scent of flowers, but with no such luck.
What she did smell, however, was wolf's blood coming from some distance away. This worried her, because a gunshot had been fired just a little earlier - not that that was a rare noise in the city, but now there was a possibility that it caused a wolf to bleed, or worse.
The she-wolf began making her way toward the source of the scent, running on the roofs of other buildings for a while until she was closer. Then she leaped into an alleyway and began to walk around, keeping her sharp ears alert for the sounds. Perhaps her scent would ride the wind to their noses; would they howl for help? Kaze hoped they had not revealed their wolf forms; if the humans noticed many more "large dog sightings", things could get very dangerous for them. But at times it was unavoidable.
Now the human's scent came to her nose. A man - he had been attacked as well. Not good. If the human managed to escape, his story of the large dog attack along with his claw or tooth wounds would circulate in the city. She could imagine it - the nobles placing nice bounties on the dangerous "dogs". Then everyone would be on their cases. They wouldn't be safe stealing food as the "stray dogs" any longer; they'd have to live on sewage rats until the flower maiden was found or taken elsewhere.
The sounds of the fight were audible now. If the human escaped, she would take care of him herself.

"Somebody told me that my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, but I don't even have an elevator."

"I heard that too! We should go and buy one!"
~America and Italy - Hetalia

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #51 on: November 25, 2012, 05:10:52 am »
((I think it would make sense for Izara to be have Akarui, for now at least~ Let her be an NPC until she is really needed, I guess.
I have baaaad writers block, but I'll try anyway.))

Pain ripped through the girl's small form, her limbs twitching sporadically and straining against the tubes that held her in place. Her eyes, deep pupiless green, sprung open with shock and fear written in them. The woman at her desk nearly fell from her chair in surprise, scrambling to press the red button that alerted the rest of the building to this. She stumbled over to the chamber and gawked at the flower maiden through the glass, having never seen something like this before. Akarui had never moved a muscle all her life, impassive and utterly silent, and now she was struggling against her bonds with the ferocity of, well, a wolf.

The room was soon filled with awed scientists as they rushed in to investigate, jabbering away at eachother in a not so festive way. The words that were flung from person to person held panic and anticipation. What was going to happen now? Were the wolves near? They had to be. All speculation was interrupted by none other than the flower maiden herself.

She let herself go limp, suspended with bubbles floating around her from her earlier struggles. One man in the room slammed his hand on another button, receiving some questionable glares from the other scientists there. The green water started draining out of Akarui's chamber, and once the level was below her head she gasped, violent coughs wracking her body. Blinking the water out of her eyes, for she very well could not wipe them off, she scanned the room with a blank gaze. Her shoulders trembled, fingers curling into fists as she began to writhe and squirm again.

She threw her head back and screamed, a sound so ear-shattering and agonizing that it could be heard from miles off. Not just a scream, no, a howl for help.
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #52 on: November 25, 2012, 03:19:35 pm »
Accalia darted through the think pines outside of Freeze City dodging rock and logs as she went still hearing the heavy footsteps crunching behind her. She knew she it was time to use her illusion to fool the human, so she quickly darted behind the trunk of a rather large tree and sat hoping they wouldn't take notice of her, "Hey you!" a slender man with a rasp voice called "Did you see a wolf?" she smirked "A wolf? Didn't those things go extinct years ago?" she laughed "Old man, you need to stay off the liquor." She placed her gloved hands behind her head and walked away while whistling a little tune. Hearing him grumbling behind her she chuckled, then she smelled it..Lunar flowers.. She stopped dead in her tracks her nose lifting into the cold air, she sniffed the air, yeah, that's it alright. Smells like it's coming from the city? She took in another deep whiff, It's not strong but it's definitely coming from Freeze. As she walked across the frozen land, her illusion giving off the image of a blue-haired girl wearing a light coat and some jeans, she wondered if the humans thought she were mad wearing only light clothing. She yawned as she entered the entrance to Freeze "It's been awhile since I'v seen other's like me." she crossed her arms "I wonder where they went." She knew she couldn't be the only wolf left. then she heard an agonizing scream that drummed in her sensitive ears, he illusion knelt to the ground, rubbing her head "What the-? A cry for help?" she stood up and noticed people were looking at her. an awkward smile came to her face "Hiya! Just looking at the snow." she scooped some up "Yup that's snow alright. See ya!" She darted forward hoping to find the source of the scream and the scent of Lunar flowers.

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #53 on: November 25, 2012, 04:39:51 pm »
Yume let go of the mans hand, the scream ripping apart her senses. She remembered the man underneath her, she snarled, lowering her head down so she was just a hair length away from the mans face. Quickly she moved down to his throat, latching on. You could hear his struggle, the gurgling of his blood coming from his throat, until he stopped moving, breathing. Once she knew he was dead she moved off of him, the mans blood on her jowls. A pain shot through her body, remembering she had been shot. "Thanks.." She mumbled, sitting down, beginning to lick the wound.

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #54 on: November 25, 2012, 05:12:05 pm »
Taossul went back to human form and pulled the gun from the dead man's hand, turning the safety on so it wouldn't fire and sticking the barrel between his jeans and his belt. Maybe it could be useful later. "Where are you hurt?" he asked Yume. He had heard her yelp, but he didn't know for sure that she had been shot, that was just a very probably suspicion. "I can take you somewhere to get your wound taken care of, maybe."

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #55 on: November 25, 2012, 05:34:06 pm »
  Kira raised his head his bit, watching as the man fell. His ears angled to listen to the conversation as he scoffed to himself, " Hmph. What are those idiots doing? Leaving a man's body in the open covered in fur, perfect way for our kind to be caught." A glint of anger lusted in his golden eyes as he shook his head.

   As he stood back up to search around the city more, he froze in his tracks. The red tracking light from his collar shone brightly through the darkness. The collar began to beep loudly, echoing through the alley. The young wolf let out a low growl in frustration," Crap. I thought he said he was going to bed!" His golden gaze narrowed. Kira peered around to see if the wolves or anyone else had noticed and quickly tried to rip the collar off. He was stubborn to find what was alluring him, even if it meant going against his master.


Offline kangaroux

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2012, 07:11:40 pm »
(( Alright, Lady Izora is in possession of Akarui as of now. :3 ))

K a z e        

Kaze had been walking in the back alleys when the scream was loosed; it was a good thing, too, because she had involuntarily, violently cringed when it pierced every one of her senses. She had covered her ears with her hands, giving a pained groan, sagging against the wall of the nearest building, and slumping to the ground until it was finished. Her eyes opened slowly, eyelids covering them as she squinted with a lingering ache in her head. What was that? Such a terrible sound... She shook her head. Somehow her instincts told her to follow it. It was loud enough that she could easily determine the direction of the source. What about the wolves that were nearby?
Kaze didn't hear any more struggle. Now she could tell that there was more than just the one wolf who was bleeding. Maybe they had already killed him. She continued going in their direction, not hoping that they would tag along with her to find the flower maiden or to find out what they thought of the scream. Just to confirm their safety with the quick disposal of the body. She wouldn't jeopardize herself by placing her trust in other wolves.
Murmuring voices were picked up by her strong sense of hearing. One of them was stronger than the others, it was closer to where she was.

"You ought to hide him in the basement of an abandoned building, or throw it in the nearest manhole when no humans are around," she suggested casually before she was even in their sight, her smooth voice carrying well in the cool air.
She continued down the alley, the boot heels of her illusion clicking against the pavement between the buildings, until she rounded the corner. There, near the entrance of the next alleyway, stood a male wolf, struggling against something shining and beeping around his neck. Knowing no humans were in this run-down area of the town, she dropped her illusion, her true image of a silver she-wolf exposed. She raised a brow at the russet wolf as the beeping continued, then she looked down the alley, observing the two wolves in the shadows near the human corpse.
Kaze then noticed that the second male wolf had a gun between his illusion's jeans and belt. She put two and two together, noticing the other female licking a wound.
"Will you be alright?" She wanted to make sure all was well and taken care of before she heeded the scream. The longer she was idle about it, the more her instincts spurred her to move on. Hold on, flower maiden...
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 12:06:43 am by Azara »
"Somebody told me that my elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, but I don't even have an elevator."

"I heard that too! We should go and buy one!"
~America and Italy - Hetalia

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #57 on: November 25, 2012, 11:14:11 pm »
Yumi looked up, going into human form. "My side." She muttered standing up, her hand immediately covered the wound, blood flowed more heavily. "I'm used to it." She half smiled, "You never told me your name."

Offline KnifeKnut

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #58 on: November 25, 2012, 11:21:40 pm »
"My name is Taossul. Used to getting shot at, huh?" Taossul asked. "Nothing new for most of us." He saw Kaze and raised both eyebrows. "Look's like there's a pack of us. We'd better get rid of this idiot somehow," he suggested, nudging the man's body with the tip of his shoe.

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Re: Ever Stray - Wolf's Rain (Remade Again!) Accepting (PG-13)
« Reply #59 on: November 25, 2012, 11:30:57 pm »
"No.. well yeah. I'm just used to blood and pain is all." She shrugged. She nodded in agreement, she grabbed the man and threw him over her shoulder, wincing. Her head began to feel light, dropping the man on the ground, and leaning against the alley wall. "Can't we just leave him?" She mumbled.