Author Topic: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]  (Read 62723 times)

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #270 on: January 08, 2013, 04:57:33 pm »
Hero, I have a question! *fails arms*
Where'd you get the meshes for the trees on the Isle St. Serf? I quite like them and and maybe use them in a map I'm making. :)

Preset (Updated 3/1/17)

(Formerly SpiritSilverWolf)


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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #271 on: January 11, 2013, 11:10:58 pm »
Oh man, I didn't get a notice for replies and got swamped, I'm sorry I sorta disappeared!

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #272 on: January 13, 2013, 02:13:01 pm »
Everytime I'm on it seems nobody's there with me. owo

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #273 on: January 13, 2013, 07:34:55 pm »
I'm sorry I've been busy going back to school . .. XP


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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #274 on: January 13, 2013, 09:45:49 pm »
I think maybe we should post here before we get on, to let people know if we will be in game.

Offline Lunar Rush

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #275 on: January 13, 2013, 10:17:14 pm »
Okay. You caught me in a snare trap with the fox pictures on the first page. How dare you use my one and only weakness against me. :O

But anyways, I'll probably join sometime today or late tomorrow. So don't be surprised if I randomly pop in with an application.

????????-??do?d pu? ????n? ???? ??n?

Offline Lunar Rush

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #276 on: January 15, 2013, 02:27:56 am »

Ah, here. Finally finished...
Sorry for the double post, but for some reason I can't modify my above post. o_O
I'm also swapping the history and personality questions, as her personality makes much more sense if you read the history first.

There are TWO forms on this one post. Be sure to read them both. ;D


Click the picture to download the preset. :D

(Pronounced: Vee-en-ah-ca)

Darwin's Fox


Late teenage years, getting closer to adulthood.

I'm not sure...
I'll decide (and ask some opinions) after I RP with her a bit.

Vienica's entire family comes from an illegal breeder of rare canines, located somewhere in France, her home country. She has never met any of them, and suspects most to be spread out all over the world.

None currently.

Also none.

Vienica started off where everyone else in her family did, a small, dark room padded with a false fur-like material that reeked of human and fake flowers. The only other creature in the room was her own mother. She stayed in that room for the longest time, the only outside contact being a small bowl of food put in the room daily. Long after Vienica had opened her eyes and began scampering around like a normal fox pup, she noticed her mother acting oddly. The strangeness hit it's peak when she woke up one morning to find her mother breathing heavily and on her side. Vienica wandered over to her, and curled up next to her mother as she slowly died. Soon after a gloved hand reached in and took the limp body looming over Vienica.
"Celui-ci vient de mourir. Oh, c'est dommage. Mauvais petit chiot."
That was the end of her mother, the only family she had every known.
After that, Vienica was quickly transferred to a new room, this one surrounded by concrete on three sides and glass in the front. She spent most of her time curled up on the blanket in the corner, sleeping. The only time she got up was for food. This routine kept going for most of her time in the odd place she had come to know, until one day she was lifted out by another gloved hand and put into a small cardboard box, light filtering in through small holes in the sides.
"Garder son cachée jusqu'à ce que vous reveniez à votre maison. Nous ne voulons pas d'obtenir emmenée, serions-nous?"
A long needle came down through the top of the box, slowly poking her and then vanishing up into the air like it had never existed. She fell asleep as the box flaps closed and left her in a cloak of darkness.
"Bienvenue à la maison, petit renard."
She woke up to bright lights and a field of white grass as far as she could see. Her limbs didn't feel right, too heavy for her body. Against her better judgment, she collapsed in a heap in the 'grass' until a pair of gentle hands picked her up.
That was when she first met Mistress.
That was her life for the rest of her life, spent loved by a human. She was hidden from society in Mistress' mansion, until one day when spring was turning to autumn and the leaves were beginning to fall.
A fire spread across the west half of the mansion, and began creeping to the east. That last day was blurry was Vienica, all she can remember is the smell of smoke and the heat until she managed to make it outside and collapse in the grass outside. She was found unconscious by firefighters, who took her to a wildlife rehabilitation center for several days. From there she was loaded onto a ship heading to South America so she could begin her life as a wild Darwin's fox.
Though, as all thing in Vienica's life had, that ended in another tragedy.
The ship sank.
Vienica woke up several days later on a lifeboat with a dead captain. She had arrived at Loch Leven, not knowing what to expect...

(This will be updated after I RP with her a little bit, if I get accepted. ;P)
Vienica is a quiet fox who has not yet displayed her true colors. She normally keeps to herself, wary of all the other, larger foxes. If it hadn't been for her past, she would've had the potential to be an amazing part of the group. Her current home (if this is okay...) is the medic's den, as she is considered too 'mentally ill' to dwell with the other foxes. As for her sickness, she can't remove herself from her old life at the Mansion, and looks at the world as if Mistress is still alive, waiting for her back home. She's constantly saying something about how she must get back home so she doesn't worry Mistress, and tells everyone that she lives back in France. Nothing has gotten her to leave her past behind yet, no matter what the other foxes try.
One final detail, Vienica has a slight French accent, and speaks French as well as English. (English more frequently, though she will start talking in French when angry.)

RP Sample:
(This scene is from when Vienica was in the lifeboat with the captain, before he died. She begins her past spazz-attack when she arrives on shore, so she's sane in this.)
  Vienica couldn't take anymore.
  She had lost count of the days since she had been thrown into the lifeboat. Nothing was organized like it used to be.
  But that was before the fi--
  No. She wasn't going back there now.
She flicked her tail in and out of the ocean, catching small drops of water on the tip. She watched with a simple amusement as they slowly dropped back into the endless expanse of saltwater, quickly rippling and then settling back into place as if nothing had ever happened. It felt like she was in a craze-driven trance, hunger gnawing at her stomach. Her last meal had been what felt like ages ago on the ship.
 Vienica leapt down from the side of the lifeboat and into the shallow pool of rainwater that had settled at the bottom. She began lapping up as much as she could drink to try and fill the empty pit she felt inside. It was more than just hunger now, she could feel the earlier-suppressed guilt creeping back up on her. Weakness was not a thing to want out here in a lifeboat. Any little flaw could mean certain death by at least a dozen different ways.
 The captain stirred and Vienica turned her head to him, laying on the edge of the boat. His eyes were slowly losing that last sliver of life that they had contained for so long. Death was now a normal thing for Vienica.
  But she felt she couldn't just turn her head this time.
  Slinking up onto the edge of the lifeboat like any fox would, she slowly settled down next to the captain, tail winding over him. After peering over the rim one last time, she put her head down and let sleep take her.
  Was that... green? What an odd color to see out in the ocean.
  Vienica shook it off and drifted off as the winds carried them farther away from the place she called home.

In-Game Username:
Lunar Rush

Time Zone:
Central American

Extra Side Notes:
Vienica will come to her senses eventually, and have another spazz attack as she realizes she's not at home anymore. She won't be like this forever, just until something big enough happens to break her. >:D
EDIT: Here's another note. If I do get accepted, I'll start RPing with the lifeboat washing up on shore, and go from there.


Click on the picture to download the preset.

Mech hasn't told anyone his real name. When he was taken in by the Coven, the other foxes took to calling him "Mechanical". After a fox kit began calling him "Mech", the name just stuck and he's went with it ever since.

Andean Fox


Young Adult


All of his family... well... they're gone.



Mech was your everyday Andean fox, living among the rocky coast of South America. Him, his siblings, and his mother all shared a den on the edge of the forest. It was a nice life, for the short time it lasted.
One summer evening, several years ago, they came.
In jeeps packed full of man after man.
And they shot every last one.
Mech, the smallest, was witness to the death of his brothers, sisters, and mother until they were all fallen, limp on the ground. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye as he limped into the forest, dragging his shot and now useless leg behind him. A small bush was his shelter for an incredibly rainy week spent making up his own fantasies and lapping rainwater from shallow holes in the ground.
After that, he was found by a scientist studying rare species in the forest, who then brought him to an American wildlife conservation park. The people there took a liking to the curious fox, who was now bigger than all of his family was. He looked to have a good fox-life ahead of him...
Except for the fact they had to amputate his leg.
The gunshot had hit him in a place that had rendered his entire leg useless.
But the people there had a new idea they had been meaning to test out, and this was the perfect time to do so. It was a new kind of robotic leg, but for animals. Much like the special arms put on amputees to replace removed arms and legs.
They attached it quickly, and sent him back off to the wild to release him. He was dropped off in an island they assumed was empty enough to keep Mech's robotic leg out of a large ecosystem...
Little did they know about the foxes that lived there.
Mech joined them soon after, becoming a guard.

Mech is seen as a hollow shell to most foxes, and that's where his name comes from. He's nothing more than a mechanical robot, taking orders and following them without saying anything. The other foxes have taken to spreading rumors about him, but the biggest one is that he doesn't have a real heart, just a bunch of wires and gears.
Mech does have one unique trait, his storytelling. He is popular among the fox kits of the coven, and can be found spinning tales to foxes of all ages. Many don't see the creative side of him, as he doesn't open up to many.

Extra Side Notes:
Mech's robotic paw doesn't give him any superpowers or anything of the sort. In fact, it's more of a problem than it's worth. He can't use that paw to fight, and the only thing it's really good for is walking. Like I said earlier, it's similar to an amputee's fake arm, though he can use it to dig and paw stuff around.
It's also really, really loud. It clangs on the rock of the cave. :P

Picture and preset will be uploaded in a bit...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 11:57:43 pm by Lunar »

????????-??do?d pu? ????n? ???? ??n?


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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #277 on: January 15, 2013, 04:55:18 am »
woah. . .this is brilliant!

Offline Lunar Rush

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #278 on: January 16, 2013, 01:51:21 am »
Alright, finished the preset and added a picture.

woah. . .this is brilliant!

If you were talking to me, thank you. :D
If you weren't...
Please excuse me so I can go sit in the corner and feel stupid.

Anyways, let me go upload the preset to mediafire and add it to my application.

????????-??do?d pu? ????n? ???? ??n?


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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #279 on: January 16, 2013, 01:53:08 am »
Alright, finished the preset and added a picture.

woah. . .this is brilliant!

If you were talking to me, thank you. :D
If you weren't...
Please excuse me so I can go sit in the corner and feel stupid.

Anyways, let me go upload the preset to mediafire and add it to my application.
I was referring to you love no worries XD