Author Topic: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]  (Read 62700 times)

Offline HeroOfCanton

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #50 on: November 29, 2012, 09:41:44 pm »
This calls for a glass of mushroom sake. One round, on the house :3

Offline Krimzen

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #51 on: November 29, 2012, 10:52:45 pm »


[Chastity Blackpaw]

[Platinum Cross Fox]




[Great-great grandson of Cassandra and Manic Blackpaw, brother of Mizuki Blackpaw]


[Kits N/A]

[Personality;] Chas is a rather introverted creature, often to be found on his lonesome glancing over the loch or at the edge of the isle, staring intently at the rolling grey waters. Despite his hobbit-like habits, Chastity can also be social, if only for the sake of the coven. He is slow to anger, though his fury is one to truly be feared. His typical mood can be compared to that of a pebble one may find in the loch, dull and miserable, most often, though sometimes a bit more exciting, similar to that of a despondent slug. He takes more of a leader's role among the other foxes when Mizuki isn't present, and isn't afraid to scold those who don't put in their share of effort. The todd is a very no-nonsense sort of beast, and isn't all that fond of jokers or comics. Though he does indeed have a sense of humor, it is dryer and crueler than a summer spent in the Serengeti. Though he's not exactly the friendliest of foxes, Chas can still manage himself in terms of public relations, and though he may feign a smile or chuckle, chances are he's not exactly pleased to see you.

The few things that he interacts with, aside from his fellow foxes, are the various fish that swim in the murk of the loch and along the shores of the isle. He doesn't hunt them, but rather he relaxes among them, letting their toothless maws nip at his soaked fur and sometimes watching them dance betwixt his paws in their grace.

[History;] Chastity was born and raised on St. Serf's, and doesn't exactly desire to leave, yet he also yearns for a new land to discover, that he may be there on his own and enjoy life in his lonesome. His life thus far hasn't been very eventful, though he certainly didn't enjoy his kithood. The todd was named poorly, and as such he suffered a great deal of scorn as a kit, as his pelt became mottled with dark splotches and golden streaks, marring the snow-white coat he'd been born with. His parents favored his sister, often leaving Chas on his own, tending only to his most basic of needs. He often tended to stray from the den for this reason, exploring the various tunnels until coming across a small spot which he could call his own to live in, keeping a small stash of food just for himself. He became an accomplished hunter in his youth, able to stalk down and slay a number of mice whenever he may need them.

The various other kits of the coven often picked on him for his strange coat, even more-so for his introverted personality. From this, he gained a streak of cruelty, which often led him to snap at others and disregard authority. He was a troubled child, but never the trouble-maker. As time progressed and he went through his training to become a warrior for the coven, he watched as his sister moved on and up the ranks ahead of him, earning the praises of others, despite her flaws. Why couldn't they treat him the same? What had he done to earn the ire and distrust of others? He had nary a friend in the coven, only the fish of the Isle's waters would stay near him and pluck brambles from his fur to eat when no other beast would care to bother. He'd often spend the days by the loch's shore, sometimes softly speaking his woes to his aquatic partners, their eyes unblinking in silent understanding.

Upon reaching maturity, when his sister became chief of the coven, he was named her first General, which he accepted, albeit silently, as Chas always is. He serves well in her absence, the main difference between them being his deeply buried compassion for others that no one can seem to uncover. Some wonder what exactly it is he speaks about while he lays in the waters of the loch, some even whisper rumors that he is a dissenter, others think he is up to no good. But how ever could something so Chaste be so Defiled?

[RP Sample;] Bright eyes scanned the crowds, searching for the trademark emerald and navy pattern that marked her friend's eyes. She pushed her way through the throngs of people, the brilliant gold of her irises flickering around in her constant search. Many of the persons would look at her, some stared, others looked quickly away. The young lady hardy minded, there wasn't much they could do if they found her secret anyways. It was a stretch to call her a lady in the first place, Her features were rather feral, unkempt ebony hair and predatory golden eyes that never seemed to calm. There was a reason for this that only the strays and pets could see as they milled about, only the eyes of another animal could see the monster lurking behind the human guise. She wasn't your average dog, that was certain. Her form was massive, weighing at least a good 150lbs, thick obsidian fur coated the beast, her eyes the same piercing gold. Her shoulders were marred by gruesome scars, her right bearing four slashes connected at their origins by a deep gouge, her left missing a chunk of flesh entirely. Her nose told her that Shai was somewhere nearby, but exactly where "nearby" was, she hadn't the slightest idea. How she would track down the other wolf through this mess was also a mystery. Aya never quite figured out how the humans had managed to cram so many stalls and wares into a single lane. Sure, it was pretty wide, but still, just one lane holding so much madness seemed pretty ridiculous. She kept her ears pricked for some sound that would tip her off, a scream or the sounds of battle, either one an almost guaranteed sign that Shai was lurking about.

As she walked, she soon felt something tugging at her heels and shoelaces. The wolf ignored it, figuring it would grow bored and go on its way. But it didn't. Eventually, she looked down, and was met by a scraggly mutt's face. It was a pup, but a mutt none the less. It was darting around her feet, nipping and letting out pathetic excuses for barks and snarls. The little creature's antics brought a smile to the wolf's lips. She bent down and lifted him up, holding it at just eye level, smirking at its feeble attempts to break from her grasp and lick her face. "Hold your horses you little um...boy." She tucked him into her jacket, much to the pup's dismay, and made her way towards the smell of a meat vendor. She waited in a little blerb of shadows until the vendor was preoccupied with another customer before she snatched several links of sausage from a hook. Aya walked off with the loot, dissipating back into the crowds. She took the little pup out of her jacket then, holding the seasoned meat in front of his nose, which he promptly latched onto and devoured. She fed him the remaining links, knowing he probably hadn't eaten in days. She scouted out a toy store as she went on, still holding the rambunctious little monster. She hoped that if she set him out front, some child would drag him off to keep him, much to their parents' dismay. Finding a good spot for him, she set him down, just by the open door. She was proven right not but a few moments later when she heard an excited squeal and sigh as she just left earshot of the shop.

A sound that she'd been waiting for soon reached her ears, a heavy thud and splintering wood. Exactly what she'd wanted to hear. She bolted off towards the source, shoving and sometimes trampling the unfortunate souls that were unable to move from her path. She ignored the outraged yells and profanities as groceries hit the cobblestones, just concentrating on how to get to wherever she was going before Shai left. The noises of an anxious group of spectators waiting to be pleased was growing louder, and soon enough she saw a wall of people forming. Aya barged through, ignoring the cries of outrage coming from those who had just lost their ideal seat to see the action. She cared not, her main concern was just getting to her friend before her victim became a red puddle on the ground. She finally shoved the last pedestrian from her way and was at the front of the ring, smiling in amusement at the man being held up by his collar, Shai hissing something angrily into his ear. She saw her figure waver, brown locks shifting to a bristling black scruff, face shifting to a vicious snarl. The wolfish features disappeared as fast as they'd come, though the man had definitely seen them, judging from the sheer terror radiating from him. She was waiting for her to deal the last blow to his face, though something managed to stop her before her fist had even swung.

She spotted the little boy that was now clinging to Shai's leg, foolish little thing. It was comical, how the massive fae was stopped by a midget attaching himself to her. Aya watched her drop the man and send him scurrying in her direction. it may have been unintentional, but she made sure the message really had gotten across. He was getting to his feet by the time he was a meter away, and she glared at him. She let out a deep growl, letting her own illusion falter enough for him to see her fangs. That was enough to send him off screaming. A few people backed away from her, the others already dispersing now that the spectacle had come to an end. The boy had left with his mother, leaving Shai to sulk near the ruined cart.

The wolf made sure everyone had returned to their business before she approached. She crouched in front of her friend, waiting a moment to see if there was any response. There wasn't. "Hey now, why so gloomy all of a sudden? That's not much like the Shai I know." She said with a smile, tapping her friend's shoulder lightly. She heard another man grumbling nearby, most likely the owner of the deceased cart, mourning his decimated fruits. One thing was for sure, no matter how hard either of them tried, they'd always know how to make a scene. It wasn't always their fault, you can take a wolf out of the wild, but it's damn impossible to take the wild out of the wolf.

(Taken from a thread on Twisted Reality with Shai. "No Longer the Same")

[Forum/In-game Krimzen]

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« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 03:33:26 am by Krimzen »

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Offline HeroOfCanton

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #52 on: November 29, 2012, 11:08:12 pm »
Accepted of course.

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #53 on: November 29, 2012, 11:12:40 pm »
YAY! Cassie joined! I can't wait to rp again!
And you know what I noticed, we have a pair of siblings. Which, was actually quite rare in our rps. ;p But this is awesome. So happy like ligit.

Lol, Cassie you used Twisted Reality <3

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

Offline Krimzen

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #54 on: November 29, 2012, 11:19:35 pm »
x3 I can't wait to make a preset for him lol. Wanna do some new things with it and maybe my own fur texture :3

Adorable icon by Outputt on FA <3

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2012, 02:47:53 am »
Woot! this will be fun! :D


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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2012, 08:17:31 pm »
Hi thar, Cassie.

Hero, do we need a forum yet? If so I could probably make one. I've learned a bit about the coding and such.

Offline HeroOfCanton

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2012, 08:25:56 pm »
I -have- the old-old forum that would work but I'm not too sure if we are going to use it. I kinda went to waste last time around :/

I do have a Chatango linked on the front page for now >.<

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #58 on: November 30, 2012, 09:33:18 pm »
Well I found some screenies of fuhen from a long time ago! Wanted to share them with the group :P

with preset

with preset

Since nobody could see the preset on her  just stayed with her  orignal form :P

with preset

Then I found some of lyoko, her design was a silver platinum fox

And who could this be with her?? ;)

WELL, Im done spamming you with photos! ;D hope it wasnt too bad!

Offline HeroOfCanton

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Re: The Foxes of Loch Leven Reborn [Semi-Lit][Accepting][Maps]
« Reply #59 on: November 30, 2012, 09:45:01 pm »
-cries- So many memories. I should have allowed original characters. -hugs all the foxes-

Happy pre-weekend everyfoxy.

In case you didn't catch it there is a Chatango linked on the front page. I'm continuing to be hesitant on setting a set date and time for roleplays because not everyone is going to make it everytime so I say that at least for the time being we continue with the general rule that when you're in the map and want to rp then go for it so long as you update the rest of us when you're done.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 09:47:00 pm by The Hero Of Canton »