Author Topic: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people  (Read 7939 times)

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Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:46:05 pm »
Nothing annoys me more than people being so unappreciative of what they are given. Makes me so angry! This afternoon, I sat in Fluorite Plains watching the conversations in the chatbox go by, as you do. When someone, I won't say any names, came out with,
Luckily for my own sake I held my tongue because I could have said something that probably will have hurt at that moment.

People who have these feelings towards the staff, just pause for a moment and think. You would not be able to play this game or use this forum without them! It is Razmirz who keeps the server up and running and fixes it when it has problems so that we, the users can play the game and use the FH forum. Without him, FH would most probably be non-existant.
Red and Delay work hard to help out, not only the users, but also the mods, and keep things running smoothly and 'structured', as it says in the mod FAQ thread.  Without them, I can't imagine what sort of a mess this place would be in.
Also, let's not forget the fact that these people are willingly taking time out of their own lives to do what they do, and for that, they deserve nuzzles from each and every one of us.

Maybe if you 'admin haters' out there, could take a moment to think about the things I just said above, perhaps you would grow to like and appreciate the staff here. I can only hope that you will have a change of heart.
Please, everyone be a little more respectful and appreciative of what we are given here, and of the staff. They certainly don't get the praise and appreciation they deserve.

And that's my rant over for now. Hopefully it has knocked some sense into some people...

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2012, 03:09:32 pm »
I agree with everything you stated here. I often see people bashing staff in game for various reasons but most especially when they get banned. It's rather ridiculous it's like a child having a tantrum after being scolded by their parents and then saying they hate them afterwards just because of the punishment. The mods & admins are the individuals who keep this community and game alive do these people not realize? But yet they sit there complaining yet still playing with the game that is being run by the people they claim to hate. Complaining about staff or bashing them is like biting the hand that feeds you... Best part is when I see the mods and admins get blamed for the random server crashes. It just seems to me that there will always be that small trend of rude and immature people getting on this game just to spread hate, troll, and generally ask for trouble. If I was you I would just ignore those people. I would like to see most of them handling the business of both the game and forum and see how well they handle it all and how much would they appreciate people complaining about it all the time.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2012, 07:17:21 pm »
Almost 80% of the time it's usually little kids that say these accusations out loud in the open. It's quite childish, but it's often a cry for attention which is why I kinda just ignore them. Also people who generally say this is probably in the heat of the moment of just getting banned and don't know how to release that anger.

The staff does try there hardest to make this game possible, and you have to at least respect that. Just try to imagine how it would be like if there was no staff here on FH...there would be chaos everywhere...and what happens when a person is cussing u out or just bullying you in game. Who would you go to...the staff. They are here for us, and take time out there busy lives to make sure everything is organized and balanced. So yea I 100% agree with this rant
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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2012, 08:08:48 pm »
nothing annoys me more than mindless sheep. often i sit in fluorite watching them graze on the toes that of our beloved staff, giving them all the praise their cocky arses could ever dream of getting. I've been itching to make a thread, but it seems I don't have to, I'll just reply to yours. So thank you for this chance, doctor.

I'll go ahead and get this out of the way, I'll give the staff some credit. Yes, Razmirz is an amazing and awesome individual for keeping the server up and running for all of us to play while the game maker is off with his foot up his rear. Yes Red overworks his butt into the ground to do as much to keep this up as possible. Yes the mods who are meant to be here to enforce the rules and keep this a safe and free escape environment for all of us devote /so/ much time to a game they got a position on ONLY because they were here in lots of their free time anyway. Yes without them, we'd have no Feral Heart.

Oh but wait guys. This isn't always the case. In fact, its only a surface act this whole charade

In response to this quote that you bring to the table. And then how you say "Luckily for my own sake I held my tongue because I could have said something that probably will have hurt at that moment." But I'm done holding my tongue. I'm tired of being a pawn. Or a peasant. Or some user, like others, that can be stepped on and ignored just because we don't have the power to say anything back. I'm tired of watching these guys you all hold as idols ABUSE the power they have and then cover it up with their backasswards and flip-flop rules.

You want me to think about my distaste for this staff team? You want me to consider all that is done for us and praise them and bask in the radiant waves that come off these guys? I think not. I wouldn't be able to play the game and use the forum? Well damn, that'd just be a big ol' great shame wouldn't it? I don't care. I'm on this game for one sole purpose right now and it'd be just as easy to uproot it some where else. These words and these testimonies will probably get me banned. But you know, I'm sure they will. And I'm more than ready to be.


Because I don't like playing a game where I feel like I'm being fruckin' babysat. And not even for a good reason. But because these staff members are LOOKING for reasons to ban users, reasons to express the power they have. They're a bunch of power hungry idiots save a handful. They use trolling and spying accounts to follow users they KNOW to be troublesome and attempt to get them banned. Forcing these players to feel obligated to move to a private chat for casual conversation, because hell, who knows who could be listening?

I questioned using the names of the mods in questions who did these actions, however, I hardly see the point when they'll just be edited out or just end up more bashing. So I wont'. This isn't a point to call out individuals but as a WHOLE you guys need to really take an outside glance at YOURSELVES.

I once had a conversation with Red, about how the Feral Heart community could be viewed, while he asked mine, I never really got his. So Red, this is directed at you. From an outsiders standpoint, what does the staff team look like?

Well let's clear that up.

Suragaha stated that most users start bashing staff when they get banned. Yes. This is generally the case. Users get banned and they say "Ohman the mods suck!1!". Well as far as it goes, breaking rules WILL get you banned from the game, that's no big whoop. There shouldn't be any reason to stem from that.

However, there are cases where distaste can stem from nothing other than what Red described as "in-game drama". That put users in positions of being the flea bitten users who should be "watched".

Therefore you have the unjustified and justified distaste for the staff team from the inside.

Now, those who praise and believe the staff to be doing a good job..Obviously haven't had the problems of the "in-game drama".

The mods sit out in the plains, or wherever, with their followers of mini-modding cublets/puplets and keep the peace right? They're there to catch rule breakers, and chat and have fun with you. That's all well and good when they're actually doing that.

Which brings me off onto another tangent that may or may not upset the commonmini-modding user.

There has been countless countless posts of old about how the mods aren't doing their job, or how there aren't enough of them to do their job, or all this other crap that will be again and again recalled to defend points. But that isn't what this is about. Guys, if you want the mods to do their jobs, then by god LET them do their jobs.

It's gotten to a ridiculous point where in Fluorite, there are rule breakers, runnin' their yaps, and arguing with other users, because the mods are SITTING on the hill, afk or not, and there are USERS hammering into the offenders telling them to cease what they are doing.

There are entire spouts in general between certain unnamed users who take it upon themselves to DO the job of a mod they are sitting under. I'm all for tossing out a warning, but blatantly pushing yourself upon someone is idiotic, especially when you have no power to do so.

When we see rule breakers, what are we supposed to do? Screenshot, send to mod. Do you see hammer users into the ground with your mini-mod hammer ANYWHERE in the how-to section designated to this? I don't. But hell if it was in there I sure wouldn't be bringing this up.

I've been going to countless other games, just to see their take on these things. And guess what? Mini-modding. Frowned upon. Forbidden. It's not something the staff users encourage. In fact, they get pretty pissy when they see a user prancing about telling people to "stop talking in the general chat". I don't blame 'em. I think I'd be pretty pissed off too. This was heard through the great Feral-Heart vine of distastefulness, but a mod once told another user that one of the admins didn't like her. Why? Because she mini-modded out the butthole. And yet here we are with a user that mini-mods UP said butthole.

So why, why, why, is it even encouraged? Because the mods see it, as what can only been viewed from those who take notice, as a way to slack. They don't HAVE to get on to users, they don't HAVE to call people out. It's ridiculous. Only does it get to a point of where the mini-mods are getting their tails handed to them for BEING mini mods do the moderators step in and decide to put their pants on and tell everyone to shut their yaps.

That isn't to say all of them. But it's happened, and will continue to do so.

Hell, there are even moderators who don't agree with the way things are ran. Why? Because it's immature and unfair.

And not in the sense of "Oh we have to do it this way because we don't have Kov to help us improve the game". No, you know what, I'm so fruckin' tired of that excuse for things that dont apply.. Feral Heart, as it stands right now, could be handled. And it is being handled in the best of the ability to those who do so. Yes there are like five maps with over a 1000 users on at a given time. Yes the game isn't well enough to handle the traffic. But you know, I understand you guys are working with what you're given. I do, god knows I've heard it enough. I KNOW that users break rules and that theres really no way to traffic them. I KNOW that no additions can be made to the game.  But it comes a point where it's just like, "Okay, what does that have to do with this?"

The fact is this place IS a mess. It's what we'd like to call organized chaos. It's pure idiocy in a wrap. Entropy. Everything that comes together will eventually fall apart. And while it may seem like everything is well handled it isn't always the case. There's about as much structure to the entire endeavor as there is to a bean thread. And NO. that isn't the entire fault of the staff in any way shape or form. I'm not SAYING that.

I'm saying, myself, like others, have a reason to dislike the staff.

 I've been trolled by a staff member on a "spy" account. It was taken to a higher up. I didn't have enough proof. Understandable. To an extent. And then I get further trolled by a mod and a mini who come up demanding my side of the "in-game drama". I cursed. There were repercussions. Reprecussion wasn't what angered me. No, what angered me was this moderator exhibiting powers just to prove she could. Claiming she could kick us for no reason other than just because she could. Not only to myself, but to others. And I've seen the same mod give out a ban for no other reason than just because she could and because the user asked them to. As it goes. That is what is setting of this rant now. Not me. But other people. It'd be much mirrored to a police officer locking up your brother, and then you, in a fit of hysteria or anger, "Why don't you just lock me up too?" Well because that's against the law. There's no laws that say "Those who ask shall receive". And if there is, I sure as hell ain't seen it. So quit abusing what you're given. I hope no behavior goes unnoticed.

I've had a user who was friends with a staff member break a rule right in front of me, directed at me, while sitting right next to an admin and let it sit. And then this user has the apt to get on to someone about the same thing. Granted, this user is now a moderator.

But wait, wait, a second guys, where do I get off saying all this? What right do I have? What POINT am I trying to make? How am I in any way credible?

I don't know everything. I'm no saint. I don't have absolute knowledge of what goes on here. But I can make intelligent observations, I can say that I once held the staff in high regards as people who kept this game up for us. And to an extent, I still do. I do enjoy getting out and playing. But not to the point where I'm going to turn a blind eye to what's going on either.

I don't say this for ME. I am not posting this because I've been banned and I'm "angry". No, not in the least. I'm doing this for other people. Other people who feel the way things are being handled on the side of the staff users is not something that can be easily ignored or brushed under the rug. Other people who have been done wrong and are too scared to speak up because the staff wants to kick off anyone who disagrees or doesn't kiss their furry rumps.

So what does this mean coming from me? I have to apologize, I won't say names, but this is pretty much throwing you under the bus, pal. But you know what? You've pretty much threw me under one. Why should I any longer defend you with the knowledge I have now?

I was lined up as a "probable" moderator. Why? Because I was so "helpful", and knew about the rules, and liked about the community. As the little green thing over there shows. I was told that to be a mod, I'd have to be friends with all the other mods.

And then I just stopped and said, "So I have to kiss ass?" No thanks. I didn't want to go befriending people just for the point of doing so, to get a little power of a kicking or so. I still wouldn't and you couldn't pay me to, something of which isn't even offered here. You shouldn't HAVE to do that to get a position here. It shouldn't be that way. Trust or not, some things are just thrown out the window.

And by god, that's all I see people doing, and it makes me sick. Not because they want to be helpful and love this community that we're in, but because they're being friends with these guys who will only consider them if they're worth two bits.

So, I've thought and been over the reasons I dislike the staff users. And you know what? Not a damn thing has changed. I feel the exact same way. And It's something that I'm not only saying for myself, but for others who feel the same. We're not doing this because we hate ALL the staff, we're not doing this because we're all BAD. We're doing this and saying this through this, because we like the game. To an extent we like the community. And that's the basics of it. It needed to be said, and who better to say it then us.

things others wanted added:

The fact that mods use their personal lives as an excuse for being arseholes
 if they have a  "bad day", they shouldn't come on FeralHeart at all, let alone abuse their powers.
 Oh, and the fact that people are banned for being "self-centered", and yet we're still walking among mini-mods and godawful staff that think they're the reason the world goes around.
 Possibly how staff are picked by so-called friendships and sucking up to mods.
 The fact that people "friends" with mods are allowed to go around yelling "oh stop arguing before you make me angry.." "okay, let's change the subject now." in General whilst users grovel at their feet and mods sit back doing nothing.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 09:36:56 pm by CloudFish »

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EvilSock's rants - Kabloom.
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2012, 08:09:36 pm »
Obviously you'd ignore those types of people. They're probably young, they're probably angry at being banned. It's
normal, and till they grow a pair, you'll have to learn to deal with their 'bashing'.

Now, I'm going to express my own opinion here. My own thoughts, though not all of them because they'll be too much for
little eyes to see.

I may go off topic a few times, so my apologies for that. There may be little to no constructive criticism in this post
directed toward the staff team or the overall community, it's just everything in my head, and it needs to come out
regardless of what anyone else thinks. Thank you.

I used to be appreciative of FeralHeart, back when it didn't feel like there were eyes everywhere watching my every
movement and sentence. Feels like there's a freaking CCTV camera everywhere nowadays. This 'game' was SUPPOSED
to be a haven, for everyone, where people's opinions ('long as they weren't causing an infringement of the rules) were
accepted. Now, if you don't behave in a certain way, i.e. shower the staff with waves of love and nuzzles and mini-
mod the hell out of FH because they're just too damn lazy to do it themselves; you'll be automatically ostracized and
dubbed a 'trouble-maker', when in actual fact, you're probably just a harmless creampuff.

This 'game' has changed. For me, for my friends, and for so many others that have yet to voice such. Just the overall feel
once I step in-game. E.g. In the first year of FH, I was rather carefree and always enjoyed it. Even sitting around doing
absolutely nothing and watching people chitchat, I was content. But now, whenever I go in, it just feels like I'm almost
forced into doing so for some reason or another.

And, so, I could care less about a 'game' where people are ridiculing and insulting each other for acting a certain way, or
typing a single sentence in capital characters and being received with a spammed flurry of 'Stop typing in caps plx or I'll
get a MOD to ban you, kfloofbye.' over and over and over again. There's no end to it. People don't even try to get along
with one-another anymore. There are little clique groups everywhere who attack others, yes, attack. The proof's in the
pudding, take one look at General for a few minutes and expect to come across a crossfire. Once, I saw a staff member
criticize a user in General simply because of their name when they were merely chatting, accusing them of attention
seeking and overall, showing them up in front of the whole map; of course, this would have been okayish if said staff
member was a regular member, but they weren't, they were a staff member, and they should be paving the
way for other members to follow suit and behave in a professional manner that's beneficial for all. and that doesn't
include bashing others just because they can and becoming a hypocrite; because once the shepherd decides to let the
wolves in, all hell breaks loose.

But of course, nowadays the staff might not openly be trolling people, but they always have their ALT accounts to spy on
others and troll whenever and however they see fit. ; D Yes, I'm talking to you.

Anyways, having been a long-term user here, it's pretty easy to tell that things have changed dramatically. And even
when these outbursts occur, sometimes I see the little group of staff members in Fluorite going, "General really annoys
me, floofs.". Oh, really? Then why don't YOU sort it out? Even something as simply as telling people to calm down, instead
of banning people left right and center without bothering to give warnings because it's just too hard for you, too much
effort and hard-work on your poor little souls. And that's another thing. Banning without giving warnings. Without
explaining to people or directing them to the rules. I can understand a zero-tolerance policy, but I don't see one
ANYWHERE. It's not even been written down. I'm sorry, but it's just lazy work on the staff's part. You're just members
with a kicky button now. So, I'm not pleased with the situation in-game. And the forums? Eh, not that hard. The contests
are mediocre and repetitive, and some different ones could be added alongside the typical preset ones, because, not
everyone is apt at making presets. The theater event thing is a nice touch; updates could be made a little more
interesting by involving the community more instead of being entirely informative, maybe ask for feedback on something
or have a little question to ask everyone instead of the same old yata yata snoredrool.

In conclusion, I appreciate CERTAIN staff members. You know, the ones that do their job and ban people who deserve to
be banned with a good and justified reason behind it. I also appreciate those who try to make the experience for
members a little bit more... well, more. Especially Razmirz, because the game wouldn't be here without him, and Tigg,
because she's just so much more open minded and responsible. I do not appreciate those who ban members for little to
no reason at all, other than the fact that they do not like that member. That's professional moderation there. No flaws
whatsoever. lolol. Heck, some staff members have even left because they didn't like how things are run... ran... ran.

So, with my incomplete rambling done, I'll be taking my leave along with the continuously growing number of people that
already have done and will be following suit in the future. I loved it, it was fun, but it's not anymore, and that's just it; it
won't get any better, because the same issues have been brought up again and again and again and some of the
staff(and users) are just far too egotistical to wrap their head around any of it or even bother to read at all. M'sorry if any
of you are now suffering from potential butthurt, but I know you'll just wipe that away by locking or deleting this thread
because of it. Diddums.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2012, 08:32:24 pm »

Well. Here comes my post, now, and my opinion. I am not saying that my opinion is fact, yet I am not going to prod someone that closer to misery.

I actually have no dislike for any of the staff. I actually respect the judgment of the staff. As I said above, my opinion is not fact. Although.
You see some players in general, who act like they know everything, and, well, sometimes they do know quite a bit about feralheart, and we are all supposed to read the rules. It irritates me however how you find some players who correct other's slightest mistake, and even though they are *obviously* not MOD's, they act like they are. They howl like a hunting dog, until they get their own way. You can't go to the staff for that, and that annoys me, as, technically, reporting a problem is not rule-breaking. I'm not mentioning names, I am just saying. Also, you get 'mate beggars' advertising for a mate/ There IS a board here for advertising for mates, but it was only recently I got into the whole 'forum' thing. It annoys me how players abuse others for this, screaming things such as ''Mate beggar!'' at eachother. Sometimes, when you need a MOD around, there is not one there for you.

When I joined feralheart, in the earlier stages of being a member, I was abused by another player. I blocked them, but had no idea how to report them, as I never invested an interest in the forums. It really upset me the words they said to me, and it still nags me intensely thinking about not knowing.

I wish there was a way to make sure people have really read the rules, and make a type of questionairre at the end of the signup when they agree to the terms and conditions etc.

Rant over. I just really had to express how I felt. The staff are there for us as much as they can be, and I respect that. I  do hope everyone else respects that as well, as the staff put time they could be spending with others, into this game, to make it a world as safe as possible.

I find it partly upsetting that some people dislike mods and admins so much
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 09:45:45 pm by Forests »
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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 08:37:47 pm »
I can't say I disagree with anything Cloudly and Sockly wrote. While I haven't been on in quite a while due to life situations, I know exactly where they are coming from. While there are some staff members I adore and would fly to the moon for, I know too many who are exactly as Sock and Cloud described: lazy, self-absorbed, egotistical, and plain hateful.
I don't know if it's because they hate themselves so much or they just need an excuse to feel powerful, but I've seen the banning that happens for no reason. I've seen the hunting down in search of members who can run off at the mouth a little too much. I for one think it is not only wrong, but incredibly childish.
If the staff really wanted to improve on relations, I'd suggest taking a really close look at those currently trusted with the job. Because kissing someone's bum isn't flattery. It's sugar-coated fear and desperately sought attention.
So to whoever said that they hated the admins here, I completely understand. I know not all of them are bad. As I said, I know quite a few I'd do a lot for. But there are too many who took the job just for the glory and the fame that went along with it.
Now I ask them: Are you still happy with that seat on the throne? How many devoted, loving subjects do you truly have now?

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2012, 08:44:45 pm »
Now, along with the people above, such as Cloud and Evil, I also see what has become of the Staff. I respect a few, and understand that they have 'other lives' and yet, that does not give the mods and Admin with the ban-hammer to strike down with out a warning. I know I am just repeating what Sock had said, but its the truth. I remember when Fh was a hand full of people, and the game was good. Back when people of Fh were quiet, and nearly all friends with each other.

Yes, with an old account that I have well forgotten the name of, I have been around for that long. Currently, I have been watching good people be perma-banned, and even others banned without a full reason. No longer do I see the red words of warning, but the missing friends off of my list.

And like what Cloud had said, many of my friends are targeted as 'trouble-makers', and myself, I am a target. Some not even staff members, but the friends of such, who believe they hold a high rank because of it. No longer can I Rp with some good people, because they are afraid of the chain-holders.

Please understand, that I am only speaking my beliefs, and speaking up for what I am seeing on a daily basis.

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2012, 08:54:41 pm »
...... Well...... what I think is that I've never actually seen anyone post something bad about the admins, but some sad people might get a little angry with the staff because of how..... "messed up" the game server is in-game at the mo.
And I've figured out that the staff are in-charge of the banning and stuff, but to be honest, I don't know why people who have been banned make a big deal out of it.
They should know what they've done to deserve it.
~RIGHT, I'm over and out   B)

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Re: Dr. Flob Rants - Unappreciative people
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2012, 09:41:36 pm »
^ I Agreed with all of the above.

I hate people who are like that. People like that probably don't even appreciate the fact that the admins here, work their butts off for all this hard work they do for us all. Also, hate is a strong word, you can't "hate" people, if you've never had any problems with them. Dislike? sure, you may not like the admins but to "hate" them is too far. If they don't like them, they should say that to the admins themselves, because not everybody wants to hear that stuff.

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