Author Topic: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?  (Read 3631 times)

Offline starkwolf

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Re: Does it matter? Or do I look like I want to RP?
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2012, 10:16:20 pm »
All forms of child and animal mistreatment are cruel, illegal, and just downright disgusting. However, RPing as the victim, to me, is very different from RPing as the perpetrator. I see a number of people playing as abused characters, whether from other animals or from humans. Though far more violent, the dogs of dogfighting are also victims. Additionally, without humans present, it looks like it resemples boxing more than dogfighting, since the characters are not being forced (and usually not manipulated), and typically do not cause any debilitaing injury or else get called out on powerplaying. Additionally, when people do play villains, I think they might be worthy of admiration, depending on the circumstances. Certainly, we should never romanticise atrocity (though no one really seems to complain when Stephen King does it.) But I think we should value those who are willing to play roles that are far less than glamorous in order to fit a necassary role in a compelling (sometimes true) story. For example, I am sure Larry Hagman didn't have any problem with playing the role of JR Ewing, despite his almost unhumanly heartless way he treats others. Harder by a far greater degree, someone had to play the roles of Nazis in a number of movies dealing with German concentration camps in WWII. I don't know if I could make myself play that role cnvincingly, but I admire the capability of those who can to separate RP from RL.

The above pretty much sums up my view on Fightwolves and related.

Now, bullying is bullying. It is never acceptable. If you disagree with what someone is doing, wait to be asked for your opinion before you push it. Or if anyone tries to put you in a position to encorage that behavior without stating it explicitly. I hold a number of opinions tha might bother people, but I don't go around confronting everyone with it. Not unless they press the issue. However, if it bothers you that much, talk to the admins and hope it goes somewhere.

Now, you said if they are sitting there, not talking to anyone, leave them alone. Perhaps it is wise, I have yet to try it, but I will admit firstly that just going up to people and trying to RP with them can be fairly difficult and awkward, since so many people either don't RP, are AFK, or their RP is closed or not applicable. However, in all the good RPs I have had, I had to approach them. I can't think of an isolated incident where someone approached me. I tried once where I was broadcasting that I was available for RP, but for IC reasons wouldn't approach anyone. Problem is, broadcasting that became a nuissance, so I stopped.

Okay, I think that covers everything.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 10:19:46 pm by stark »
Been away for a while. When I come back, I have an ambitious RP in mind. PM me if interested.