Author Topic: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ (Closed)  (Read 25738 times)

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #70 on: January 13, 2013, 03:07:53 pm »


EDIT!: ((Going to edit this, because I just read through Rainbows hole thing xD))

Dark growled, his teeth showing to the rival Alpha. Then Eclipse yelled something, "ATTACK!" Dark kept his gaze strong on the rival Alpha, growling, kind of saying through his growl, "If you hurt our Alpha, you will be in trouble." His hackles were raised, and his tail was held high, to show that he was a dog, not to be messed with. With out noticing, the other Beta, who was a Saint Bernard, was charging towards him... He felt large paws on his side, and he fell onto his back with a thump. He looked up at the Bernard, trying to snap at him, but boy was he tall. He latched his claw into the Bernard's ankle, and twisted him off. He clawed at his nose, and bit into the furry chest, growling. The Bernard threw him off, and knocked Dark of his paws again. "Agh..." He whimpered, but he stumbled up to his paws. Burney, (What Dark calls the Saint Bernard) tried to knock him down again, but Dark ducked to the side, making the dog trip over. Dark rolled on the lush green grass, and put his paws on the Beta's side, clawing at the belly. Burney tried to get up, wriggling, and struggling but Dark kept the hold. He looked towards Eclipse, a worried expression on his face, he didn't want the Alpha to get hurt. He then looked back at Burney biting his neck, a snarl coming through the thick white fur. "GET OFF FATSO." Burney yelled, but Dark ignored him. "Alright! Calm down!" Burney whined, the blood pouring from his neck. "I give up!" Burney sighed, Dark let go, only to get knocked over by the Saint Bernard. "Your nothing like a Saint." Dark growled, his side aching, he had been hit 3 times in the same side, and it was starting to hurt, but he didn't give up. Dark stumbled to his paws, and his eyes dark with anger. When he gets angry, he gets ANGRY. He charged at the Bernard, it looking surprised, he bowled it over, biting its neck... But while the Bernard was falling over, and he was biting his neck, he flipped over and landed on his back.. It hurt him alot, but he didn't show it.. Burney didn't seem to give up either, but he couldn't reach Dark with his small fat head, and his small legs. Dark was biting the back part of the neck, so it kind of gave him a advantage.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 07:13:58 pm by HuskyStar »

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #71 on: January 13, 2013, 03:23:15 pm »
Name: Gem
Gender: Female
Age: 5 weeks
Breed: Teacup Yorkie
Appearance: Like a Yorkie should xD

Personality: Gem is a bouncy, fun and hyper young lass. She loves to sneak up on older dogs for hilarious fun.
Past experiences: None, but her past parents hated her and abused her. ( :'()
Rank: Pup
Extra: Rainbow
Owner of the photo:
Sorry if I interrupted  :P))
I've moved to a new account: OneOfTheEpic (user in-game: epicone)


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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #72 on: January 13, 2013, 07:54:06 pm »

Bo grabbed some herbs in his mouth, and stumbled towards where the pack was going. "Oof, wait for me!" He whimpered, luckily, with a few large steps he was able to catch up. He stood  next to a large dog, that normally teased him, "Hey wrinkle." The dog laughed, a few other dogs laughed along with him. "That's Bo  to you." The Shar Pei angrily, snapped back, trotting onwards, he was quite proud knowing he had a rather high rank. The herbs were making his loud voice quite muffled, but Bo thought the other dog heard it, as he seemed quite surprised that Bo was standing up for himself. Normally, Bo would just hang his head in shame, and walk off.

As they reached the hill, Bo hung back a little, following the Beta's, orders. He saw that the rival healer, was preparing himself to fight, and Bo thought that was a bit stupid.
"Good luck..." A dog whispered, probably, wanting some healing if they got hurt. Bo shrugged, and nodded his head in appreciation, "Same to you.." He wished every dog in his pack luck, even the ones that teased him. He thought he would see Ace trot on, but he didn't see the Messenger anywhere.  He shrugged his floppy shoulders, and looked around, Hrmm... Bo wondered. He knew that Akane and Akadios were pack at the pack territory, so he was okay with that. He lay down on the lush green grass, and crawled further up, seeing the Alpha's chat and snarl to each other. The rival Alpha was the first one to attack, and Bo watched worryingly, pushing his herbs closer to him, and watched as Eclipse shooed away some Warriors who wanted to help.

After that, Eclipse yelled
"ATTACK!" That set everyone off. He watched Dark eye the Alpha, but then he noticed a Saint Bernard running up to him, "DA-!" He tried to yell to him, but it was to late he got bowled over. "Ouch..." Whined Bo, "Might need a few pain relives for that.." He sighed, sorting the herbs out a bit. He had almost all of the 'battle herbs' that he got, but he left some as he couldn't carry all of them, anyway he needed to save some. He wondered what the pups, and the mother, Lola, Zoey and Merldea, was up to, probably, heading away from the territory for some safer grounds. Bo's belly heaved up and down, and he shivered, he was very very scared, even though he wasn't the on fighting.

He thought about who would help him, if loads of dogs got hurt, and wondered if he should help some rival dogs after the surrender from the rival's. Even though he would keep his loyalty to his pack. He watched Dark pin the Saint Bernard down, and mutter something to him
. "You can do it.." He barked, he was mostly aiming for Dark, but really he was barking to all the other dogs, even though they probably, couldn't hear him. He wished, that they would win the battle, and have there hunting grounds once again.

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #73 on: January 13, 2013, 08:20:51 pm »
[[ Roffu, when and if you get accepted by Rainbow, you can just pretend you've been with the Group the whole time. ]]

[[ Oh and Rainbow? Is Akane going to be able to fend them both off or is help going to come? ]]


Akane stared at Merldae thoughtfully then bent down to her while Eclipse was still giving orders. "You ready to have an adventure? That's what we're going to have." Akane gave a quick smile and nudged the pup to Lola and Zoey. "Did I miss anybody?" Akane called over the noise of the pack.

Counting them all over she decided to head out, pushing them on towards the lake. Her mind wasn't on anything but the battle that was going on in the opposite direction. So bad she wanted to join her pack-mates, and either be victorious with them, or fall down. Now, Akane couldn't help thinking that what if her pack all failed in the battle, that there were no survivors ... No survivors but them ... No. Not possible. Eclipse and Dark both knew that they couldn't let that happen. So did Akadios. A few times the Delta looked back from where they came, fear pulsing through her veins. Then she'd turn away, her eyes shut closed tight, and keep the group going. "Keep going." Akane would call every few minutes or so. "We need to keep going. Someone will come get us after the battle's over." She wouldn't add anything else, the fright of her words being broken and shredded to pieces.

But Akane's heart stopped and almost leapt out of her in happiness. She could hear Eclipse's voice from here. "ATTACK." Her Alpha had howled moments ago. That gave her new spirit and she tried to speed the group up, nudging them all gently in the direction of Lake Silverpeak. Something else made her fur prickle up in nervousness though, and it wasn't the raging battle. Something was going to happen, and no one was going to like whatever it was. Her face expression was probably scaring the group if they saw her. It was ghostly, like she was about to die even though there wasn't anything there ... right now. Akane clenched her teeth together and kept going, but changing to the full back of the group, wanting to be the first thing that whatever was coming hits.



His Alpha's calling words rung in his head like bells. Akadios's relieved the running to Hilled Path with the Hunters and Warriors. Then it came to where the only sudden word might've been the last thing he ever heard Eclipse say. "ATTACK."

"FOR SILVERPEAK!" Akadios surged forward and charged at the one he had wanted to challenge earlier. The giant muscled Rottweiler charged for him as well, as if they could read each other's minds and wanted something the same. Teeth met fur and fur met teeth. Both dogs wrestled on the ground, trying to bite each other and pin the other down. They went like that for another minute before pulling apart and challenging each other again. This time, Akadios rushed at the Rottweiler and shoved him over, using two paws. The other brute went flailing, but he found his feet, and there wasn't a mark on him. In fact, he seemed more irritated than in pain. It made Akadios feel excited. There hadn't been a dog that matched him in strength since Akane was seriously pissed after she got mauled and almost drowned in the river while Akadios was trying to pull her out.

The Rottweiler charged and they met each other again, both on their hind legs, trying to hit the other with their forepaws. Akadios's lips were drawn back in a snarl and he stuck his head forward, meeting the brute's neck. The Sentinel didn't expect it though. The best he could do was shove some air out of him before having to back away to catch his breath. Then stormed to him again. It went like that for awhile until the Rottweiler pinned him and tried to snap at his neck. Akadios gathered the only strength that was left, and heaved with his hind paws, throwing the Rottweiler off him. They backed away from each other, acknoledging the other's strength, and then left the little area to battle others.

There wasn't any point in going on with each other. They could've gone like that forever, they were equally matched and both knew it. They'd probably go back at it later if both were still standing. Akadios and the Rottweiler would be tired by then. "Good luck with your pack mutt!" The brute snarled after him. "Same for you, flea-bag!" Akadios returned the words and then turned to swipe a a forepaw at a new opponent. A female dalmation who just got done causing one of the smaller hunters to go running. "You next, little maggot?" The dalmation's voice was crackly and Akadios responded with something that sounded like a hiss. "Nope; but you are granny." Then, they challenged each other and started the battle, accidently breaking up a fight between two other dogs: A norwegian elkhound and an american akita. It went like that for awhile, and yes, the bombed a bunch of other fights, including one between two Dobermans, and one between and Brittany and a golden retriever.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #74 on: January 14, 2013, 04:40:17 pm »
(Gem is accepted!, just follow what 'Akane' is doing (Currently leading the mothers and pups to safer grounds). Also, if Bo could go and help Akane to make sure she is okay when she is being attacked, that would be great. c=)


Eclipse was pushing the Cane Corso back with the rest of her strength left which the male had drained. She pushed him back far enough to get a good bite at his lower jaw which he was snapping furiously at where his rival had found this sudden strength. Eclipse let the male fall and her teeth clenched onto his lower jaw, her neck straining and her body aching as her fell on top of her. His eyes where closed but not for long, for he barked roughly and a few of his pack mates turned their heads and came charging at the pair. Eclipse's jaw released the Male's out of shock. He was cheating. "You good for nothing bas***d!" She barked, battling her teeth with his as he tried to maul her. Her weight move and she finally released herself from the bone cracking pain of his weight. She pounced out of the way as large white spaniel with soft, floppy ears aimed his claws at her. Eclipse turned to her main target and once again they both locked their teeth too chunks of flesh, attempting to weaken each other.

The flesh piercing, teeth baring, fur tugging battle between both of the alpha's was lasting for much longer than Eclipse's rival had  intended. After he had shook her leg, pierced her shoulder flesh and scratched her raw, she was still battling with her hidden strengths. The Bluetick pushed him away and the dogs began to circle, both rapidly panting for breath, still managing to show their ferocious side. "Okay Eclipse, i no longer call you a pup for you are stronger than i thought," the Cane Corso said with surprise. He had obviously thought that no dog would stand a Chance against him. His head turned to the spaniel who was attempting to help, but the alpha signalled him off. "You see, if you look, you warriors are so slow. Look at that one." He barked, Eclipse quickly glanced to see one of her newest warriors who had just come out of being a apprentice lying on the floor, panting rapidly with blood surrounding his muzzle. Another was helping him get out of the way of the battle, but the dog who had attacked him was trying to stop him. Eclipse growled, her teeth clearly showing before sprinting, the male alpha aiming to stop her but she was much faster and was built of pure speed. The female hound bounded towards the attacking rival and grabbed the dog by his hind, dragging him away and shaking him to the floor. He begged her to stop and she only let go when the Cane Corso came charging at her, tripping over the dog she had pulled away. "Okay. Fine. If this is how you are now going to play it. To the death." He barked loudly, rising to his paws. He was clearly drowsy from the fight. Eclipse liped to him, tore the rest of his ear of with a sickening blood splatter and replied. "To the death."

The next part happened in seconds, the pair rose into the air and clashed together for the final time. The rivals had stopped to look and as did most of her pack. Blood flew around the air, coating the grass in the liquid. Eclipse and the dog who's name she had not learnt was covered in each others blood as they shook each other in attempt of murder. The growls where loud and the snapping of jaws where awful to hear. Some of Eclipse's female warriors dug their heads into others pelts so they could not see the ending of which they did not know. A bone cracked and they looked past the pelts too dare see what had happened. Eclipse had grabbed her teeth on the males bone and twisted it rapidly. A deafening howl of pain echoed around the surrounding area. Eclipse shook the broken Bone of the Cane Corso as he winced in pain, his voice gone from growls and barking. The female finally let got and licked her maw, slowly panting as she looked at her rival in the eyes. "I am not as cruel as you intended." She said between breaths. "Let your healer try to help you with the short amount of time you have." At this, the male turned his head to her, closing his eyes and breathing in. "This is not over, Eclipse." He said weakly. "Oh i think it is. Now before you are going to be taken away to the shame of your pack members, Where-is-Ace." Eclipse growled. The Cane Corso pointed his nose towards (*insertplacehere*), but he started to talk, with a weak smile across his face. "But i don't think Ace is the only person you want. What  about all those little puppies and their mummies, eh? And the only dog that will be able to defend them if your Delta." Eclipse paused in her panting fit. She turned towards Akadios, her face fell of victory. "Find Akane!" She barked. She knew the rivals where cruel but she would have never though that they would put pups and mothers lives at risk.

Eclipse looked around at her pack, breathing in slowly. "I guess, victory is ours. For now. You two!" She barked, pointing her nose at two unharmed hunters. "Go to (*insertplacehere*). Try to find Ace! Follow me, my minions, victory is ours." She said, but ofcorse, for many like herself, it was not. Eclipse had puncture wounds and blood covering most of her body, but Eclipse had never asked for help involving attacks. Even when her brother died from a long walk up a mountain and he fell she still, never asked for help. She tried to herself, and her other brother pestered her to find someone, but she thought she could do it by herself, and he finally died. Eclipse ordered for the harmed to be picked up and carried back to camp as her rivals struggled to get their alpha back home. "Bo, you need to assist the injured. Thankfully, there are only a few hurt, and it looks like most have scratches and claw marks." She said. Eclipse did not care for her own welfare, she only cared for her pack mates, and even if she was near death and only one of her pack mates was harmed with a few scratches, she would always want them to get better, for Eclipse was loyal to her pack, and would never let them down.

Eclipse's worries where focused on Ace, Akane, Zoey, Lola, Gem and her injured pack. The alpha limped back to her pack, ordering them to follow her to safety. Even though she thought about Ace and that he was alone, and Akane and her fate, she still felt the need to help him, even when she was in such a dreadful state.

(Please read this all, since in includes the outcome of the battle and orders.)


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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #75 on: January 14, 2013, 05:41:35 pm »
Oh my! Alot of reading to do! ^^ I'll read your p[ost as fast as I can so that I can join! (I'll edit this when I finish)
Ace opened his eyes groggily, feeling suprisingly tired. Where.... where am I? he thought, but could not speak. The kooikerhondjes could feel a wet, warm, and gooey substance glued to his shoulder, and the tips of his paws were dyed crimson, and his vision was blurred. What happened?"ATTACK!!!!" The word rang through the air, and the birds abruptly stopped singing.

A thought burst into Ace's mind, and he remembered the two dogs attack him. Panicked, he jumped up, shivering. Are those two dogs coming after me? He looked around anxiously, but everything he saw was blurred and distorted. It looked unrealistic. "Oh God, whats happening?" he whispered weakly, and the grass beneath his paws felt warm and gooey. "Oh jeeze..." he moaned, and stared at the scarlett splotches staining the grass.

A distant howl broke the silent, and was followed by a chorus of barks, howls, and growls. The frightening noises rang in his ears, and Ace's muscles tensed up. Ace struggled to remember, but his mind was foggy. He must have gotten a concussion during the struggle with the two rival hounds, at least that should explain the lack of comprehension. Now, a smart dog would go and find water to clean the wounds, and then go help his pack. But you see, its hard to be smart when you've got a nasty laceration on your head. The kooikerhondjes staggered in the opposite direction of water and his pack, towards Dry Canyon.

Ace seemed oblivious of the landmarks telling him to go back. He stumbled on, often tripping on a tree root or log. He felt something wonderful and cold beneath his blood-soaken paws, and made a raspy squeak of exitment from his dry throat. The kooikerhondjes galloped into the gurgling stream, and launched himself into it, landing in it with a most disgraceful splash. Ace soaked his body in the clear water, and drank as much water as he could. By the time most of the blood had washed away, the howls and screams of pain had died down - mostly because of the splashing sounds Ace was making. His mind was a bit clearer, but his judgment of direction was still clouded. He staggered aimlessly through the forest, eventually ending up in Dry Canyon. The terrain hardened beneath his paws, yet Ace seemed completely oblivious that he was literally walking into a death trap.

Hours passed, and Ace's sense of judgement finally cleared up. "Where am I?" he whined, and stared at the clay towers surrounding him, creating sort of a maze. A normal dog would have imediatly recognised it as a canyon, but Ace had lived most of his life in the forest. He was one of the few "feral" dogs in his pack - although he wasn't really that tough. The sky was growing dark, and Ace thought about the soft bedding in his den - much more comfortable in contrast to the dry, compact clay beneath his paws. Ace sighed, and looked for a place to rest.

 The canyon was spooky at night, every pawstep echoed, giving you the feeling somebody was following you. Ace whimpered, and quickened his pace. A large crack in the canyon wall finally revealed itself, and Ace managed to squeeze through. The compact tunnel opened up to a large cave, with stalagtites dripping from the roof. If they're dripping, there must be water... Ace would have looked for water roght away, except it was pitch black in the cave. The air was thick and musty, but it was safe. Relluctantly, Ace flopped down on the cold stone "floor" and lay hid head on his paws. "Tomorrow," he promised himself,"tomorrow... I will go home"

But he was wrong.

Oooooh suspense X3 Plz read the whole thing :) Oh, and sorry about the mistakes. I was typing REALLY fast :]))
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 09:05:44 am by ~*Gamma*~ »

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #76 on: January 14, 2013, 05:47:36 pm »
Akane bent down to Merldae's level  "You ready to have an adventure? That's what we're going to have." Akane gave her a quick smile before nudging her to Lola and Zoey, Merldae looked at her and nodded. "Did I miss anybody?" Akane called out, but Merldae could hardly hear her over the noise that the pack was making, Merldae's ears perked up as the pack ran into the forest, she wanted to know what was going on. Merldae wondered what would happen on their adventure, "Where are we going?" she peeped, her voice quiet and calm, well she tried to stay calm but something was telling her to run and hide, something deep down was telling her something was wrong. A small whine escaped her maw as they began their journey, to where? She didn't know, but she trusted Akane dearly and would do anything she asked. Every once in a while Akane would tell them to keep going and slightly nudge them forward "We need to keep going. Someone will come get us after the battle's over." Akane told them, "Why are they fighting?" she questioned, her mother had told her stories of great battles, some were for causes and others were for greed. Merldae watched a butterfly flutter past her nose, it's wing were so delicate, both were a deep green with a hint of blue. Merldae looked down at the dusty ground and bumped a pebble with her paw every so often to 'entertain' herself, a sigh left her mouth as she looked at Akane "Are we there yet?" Merldae heard a ruffling of leaves off to the side of the trail, she perked her ears and saw a cricket pass by. She huffed and kept her slow pace behind Zoey and Lola.
(Maybe when they get there Merldae will walk into the woods and find a rival or just a loner and begin talking to him/her, since she is very sociable. If it were a rival maybe he/she would ask her where her group was?)

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #77 on: January 14, 2013, 10:18:23 pm »


The sound of Merldae's voice snapped Akane back to full reality. "No, we're close. Not there yet. If you want, I could probably carry you and then--" The fae was cut off by one of the most heart-wrenching things she'd ever heard in her life. "Hey look! I found the little brave Delta." A laugh mixed with snarl came from the dense undergrowth. Spinning around, Akane snarled back, stating her dominance. A skinny male greyhound stepped out, and before the next one could, she was already shooting out on single order to Lola. "Get them out of here!" With a hind paw, she shoved Merldae back with a hind paw, harder than intended. Instantly, she wanted to apologize if Merldae got hurt from that and then thought herself as an idiot. Death or a little bruise from the Delta? Akane would probably pick a bruise. Out next came a clumsy bloodhound, who was wheezing; probably from running. "Yeah ... A little tiny ... Delta and ... her little group ... of puppies..." The bloodhound sneezed violently for a few seconds and then stopped. "Now, I'd like to say that I'm not as cruel as my other pack-mates. So I'll let you meet your death sentence. I'm Orbit, and this Unnan. Now time to die." The greyhound smirked and Akane returned with a grin. "And I'm Akane. Nice to meet you, fleabag!" The last words turned into a rippling snarl and both dogs returned the gratitude.

The next things that happened went by pretty quickly. Both Orbit and Unnan launched themselves at the Delta simultaneously. Normally, Akane wouldn't have done so, but she shot herself forward aswell, for self-defense ... or what she called self-defense. Both attempts were fails. All three dogs got nothing but ruffled fur, but then spun around, ready for another attack. "Delta first. Wimpy pups and mothers next." Orbit snorted gladly. Akane didn't reply, just shot at the bloodhound after considering her options.

Orbit, the greyhound was, well, a greyhound. Greyhounds were the fastest dogs in the world; nimble and swift. Bloodhounds? They had good noses. Attacking Unnan meant that she was turning her back and the quickest of the two, but Orbit didn't seem as strong as Unnan either way. If she attacked Orbit, even though the bloodhound was slower, he had more strength than her. He could rip her off easily. Jeez, none of the options had a very good ending.

Akane hit Unnan head on, face-to-face, her jaws opened and teeth bared ready to rip flesh. And it hit flesh alright. Akane bit down her his muzzle, keeping his mouth shut and letting blood slowly drip into her mouth. The male bloodhound tried to whip around, trying to fling her off, but she kept stuck to him until teeth met her flank. Instinctively, she let go whirled around to see Orbit, his teeth stuck on her hip. She whirled around like Unnan and growled out her pain. No blood dripped yet, but it felt like it. Turning around as best as possible, she snapped at his ear, catching one between her teeth and giving a tug. Orbit let go with an angry snarl and backed away before charging after Akane again. Akane charged at him too and they hit. It felt like gravity was torn, because she flew backwards about a meter straight into Unnan and barreled him over. He was still recovering from the bite, because blood was dripping into his eyes. No chance he could see with scarlet in his way. It took again a few seconds to adjust to where she was, but she regretted it immediately. Teeth snatched her hind leg and dragged her across the ground like a toy ragdoll and shaking her to the ground. The Delta couldn't help but let out a slight whimper. "Haha! I've got the beautiful little Delta to submit to me." Orbit's voice was muffled as he spoke because he was still holding her leg. "GET OFF ME." She let out a caterwauling growl and pulled her leg away leaving a large mark with pure scarlet dripped down. Akane got up with a huff and backed up, not letting her leg touch the ground.

Akane had no idea what to do. She couldn't take them both. And she also had to get the mothers and pups to safety. This really wasn't helping. So she did the only thing she could think of. Raising her maw to the sky, she let out a howl. Sadly, it was cut short. A bloodhound had decided to join the party again and slammed into her, ramming her over to the ground. She let out a whimper and winced as she was rolled over. Her hind legs lashed around wildly, trying to get the attacker off. Orbit was suddenly at Unnan's side, making some strange noise that sounded something between laughter and a dramatic squirrel's final breath. "Such a pretty little fae. Orbit sighed and continued. "So sad Alpha ordered us to slaughter you and the others. I think I would've enjoyed a pretty fae like you in our pack." Akane laughed. She actually had the nerve to laugh. "Good. Good for you. Now, I'd like you to let me up now. It really almost worked. Orbit looked confused, and even a bit tempted to do so. Stupid Unnan. Unnan spoke for him. "No you idiot. Now you die." His words apparently made Orbit remember his job again. Orbit started to rip into her underbelly, giving no mercy. All of Akane's paws flailed again. She howled in pain. She tried to snap at their ears, until she got an idea.

Everything stopped moving. Breathing stopped. The whole world seemed to stop spinning. Akane laid there. Bloodied and basically mauled. Fur bits hung off of her. Orbit stopped and Unnan relaxed. They both thought she was dead. Turning around panting, both dogs turned into the direction of the mothers and pups. They started to step toward them. "I guess its time for you to--" A fae interrupted Orbit's sentence. Another dog bulldozed into Unnan knocking him over. This time, Akane wasn't going to let go. While he was still shocked and sprawling out on the ground. The Delta ripped into his belly fur, the same ferocity that Orbit had showed her. Surprising to her, teeth didn't immediately meet her hind like they normally would. Orbit was a slow reactor. Akane snapped down onto his paws and yanked and twisted while she still worked down at his stomach, blood starting to flow out. Unnan was howling out in pain and that's when teeth yet again met her flank. Only this time did nothing happen. Akane wasn't dragged away, she kept slashing and trying to murder him. No mercy. Not this time. Orbit was pulling harder and harder as each moment went by, and Akane snapped down for the last time and snapped at Unnan muzzle. "Don't. Ever. Cross. My. Territory. Again." With that said, Akane let go and felt teeth against her throat as soon as she turned. The fae was thrown to the floor with a huff and Orbit looming over her, obviously recovered from his shock. Now, he said no words, just let his head up and then down again to make the final death bite to her windpipe. Akane gaped for air, but nothing came in. Blood followed as Orbit let go, his red-stained teeth showed as he stared down at her. "Weakling Delta."

More things surprised Akane and them too. More fur stormed out of the undergrowth, snarling, howling, growling. He barreled down the greyhound and didn't give Orbit a chance. He snapped down on his windpipe and shook violently until the dog didn't move anymore. That was the last thing Akane saw. More death. Her eyes closed and she went into more nightmares she'd ever had before.



The battle between him and the Dalmatian didn't last long as the fight between the two Alphas begun. After it ended and they both said the last words to each other, Akadios needed no order whatsoever. "But i don't think Ace is the only person you want. What  about all those little puppies and their mummies, eh? And the only dog that will be able to defend them if your Delta." At that, he sprinted off. Eclipse's order to him followed, but he barely heard it. No ... No, no, no. That was the only thing he heard. He ran as fast as he ever had before. Faster than when he and Akane were running from puma, or the bear. Logs and boulders rushed through his view and his worst fear came true. Akane's howl came. It wasn't normal, it was strained and, actually, fearful. And so somehow, he got faster. His muscles pumped and he felt as if he was a greyhound, but in a rush. It was a matter of life and death for innocent dogs. And so it seemed like it was only minutes, though it seemed like eternity. He was in time. Maybe.

Akadios hurled himself out of the undergrowth and at the nearest dog as soon as he heard the commotion, he slammed into a greyhound who yelped in surprise. The tumbled away from Akane -- Oh, Akane. Blood everywhere around her. Rage filled inside of the Sentinel as he saw his friend. Luckily, he was left on the top and he reached down and bit. Bit like never before. Until he stopped moving. Until the light in his eyes went out. Then he got up, and sprinted to her howling. "No! Akane come on! Get up!" He nudged his friend, a bit hard and then he looked around for once. Another bloodhound, alive, was writhing on the ground wailing. He couldn't exactly see the others, but he expected them to be safe. Akane was protecting them after all. Akane. The dog that watched his back forever. He stuck his nose in her fur, and thank god it was deathly cold. He raised his snout to the sky and howled urgently, hoping his pack would come to help. Bo especially. Akadios sat himself down next to his friend, worried. Akane was still alive, but what if they were busy? What if they didn't hear the howl? What if the rival pack also heard the howl and came running at it too? Jeez, too many ifs. Again.

He just waited, staring at her bloodied fur and with anger realizing that not all of the blood was hers. It was that filthy mutt's and the other filthy mutt. He wished they'd come to life again so he could kill him again. That's when he realized the bloodhound was in fact still alive. Should I? Akadios debated this with himself and then shook his head. Too much death ... Wow. Did I really just say that? Akadios shook his head again in confusion and then forgot the thought. He'd leave the brute to die on his own.

[[ Eeeeek. Akane's post was so long. That's why I didn't make Akadios's any bigger. xD ]]

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline IlLupoItaliano

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #78 on: January 14, 2013, 11:51:48 pm »
((--Peep ^_^
I've been wanting to join this RP for awhile, but I just didn't have time at the time. Now it's really progressed, so would joining now seem like I'm barging in?))

(EDIT: Very well Rainbow ^^ I just finished reading them all. Now to finish the application~)

Name: Otto
Gender: Male
Age: 9 Months Old
Breed: Belgian Malinois

Personality: Energetic & Curious: This young male could chase his tail for hours, not giving a hoot about what's going on around him. His stamina is similar to that of a shaken soda can ready to explode. Otto is one to often seek more about something, hitting him with a 'curious' persona. Learning new things is a must for him especially when it has to is with his training or anything about the island's nature.

Adventurous & Brave: Even if its a short hike in the woods or a stroll on the shores, count this dog in! He loves to experience life and see what's out there. The surroundings of nature put him in a peaceful mood, but mainly in the moments of solitude. Then their are the moments where tremendous bravery is needed in order to get something done. Otto will often to volunteer for these things, as he always viewed heroic actions as doing something 'good', even if he is too young for the task at hand.

Loyal & Honest: Remaining loyal to his pack is something Otto promises to do. He looks up to his alpha, who he sees to be one of the most loyal dogs he knows. Otto always lives up to his promises, and if he doesn't, he feels as if he is swimming in a pond of regret. With his honest attitude, it makes it easier for one to trust him, even with the littlest things.

Past Experiences: Otto's history is mysterious in it's own twisted way. He was born to a loner mother deep within the forest of truth, being the only pup of the litter. His father however, was the beta of Silverpeak's rival pack at the time, who loved his mother dearly but could not tell others of his mate or he would have his loyalty questioned. When his mother had finally given birth to him, his father visited his mother every evening supplying her with food and herbs to stay strong. This lasted for almost a month, but one night Otto's mother had come down with a sickness that she had picked up from the hare she had eaten. She died a painless death, while Otto's father grieved for days. He could not bring his pup into the pack because it would risk his loyalty, nor could he bare to take his pup's life. Later in the week he brought Otto to the outskirts of the Hilled Path, hopping that the Silverpeak pack would take Otto in and provide a better life for him. With that, he left Otto at the border, turned his back, and never looked back even though it killed him to do so.

The following day he was discovered by a patrol and brought into the camp to be nursed back to good health, while many of the dogs gave him the label 'Lost Pup'. It wasn't until 2 weeks of living in the pack when he was finally given the name Otto by the female who watched over him. His father on the other hand had heard of the new arrival pup to his rival pack and could only smile to himself. His pup was safe and that was all that mattered, but he prayed that he wouldn't have to face him in battle.

Months passed and eventually Otto grew strong. It was time for him to become an apprentice and take his place in the pack, even though he has no knowledge of where his true bloodlines are. He was told growing up that he was found in the forest and brought into the pack, which is true, but it is unknown if any other dog discovered his true past.
Rank: Apprentice
Extra: Taste the Rainbow
Owner of the photo: Mordecai83 on deviantART

(Question: Do the apprentices have to specialize in a certain rank? Or do they all receive the same training?)
(Also, where shall he jump in? On the hunt for Ace, or with the group that went to find Akane? This is kind off a counter question to the first one because depending on if he trains in a certain rank than I guessing his post-war actions will depend.)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 03:51:51 am by IlLupoItaliano »

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Re: ~=Lake Silverpeak=~ \Canine roleplay/ ~*Open! Postaway!*~
« Reply #79 on: January 15, 2013, 04:51:30 pm »
(Thanks for joining (Half joining) IlLupoItaliano  =D You should read a few of the post's on this page to find out whats going on. Also, i will be awaiting the post's of our newest members and awaiting for Zoey and Luna to catch up, aswell as everyone else. I don't want to leave anyone behind c=)
